View Full Version : Wild yam for ?low progesterone

October 2nd, 2015, 08:38 PM
Hello.. Ive had my tsh bloods done recently as I was sure my tsh had gone up as I have felt constantly nackered, my hair has been falling out etc however it came back very low 0.11 so they have therefore reduced my thyroxine to 100mcg. I asked why I would be feeling like I did when my tsh was elevated and was literally told "I don't know".

The more im reading the more im sure I have low progesterone.. My temps are consistently low and although they rise after ovulation they drop again at 8dpo til AF, tired, irritable, migraines, hot flushes, vaginal dryness. All these things I had passed off as 'one of those things'.

Anyway.. Docs have agreed to do CD 3 bloods but I am going to badger them for 7dpo progesterone bloods now too as im really confident it is going to come back as low.

I have read that wild yam supplements can naturally boost progesterone without actually taking hormone replacements/supplements. Is this ok when ttc a girl?

Like it wasn't complicated enough as it was!! I can feel something isn't right with me hormonally, I don't want to jeopardise my sway by taking something as opposed to waiting for medical intervention; I just know that referrals to fertility specialists (as I had prior to DS2) take months and I really don't want as big a gap this time.


DS #1 [emoji170]DS #2 [emoji170] ttc #3 using a girl sway [emoji175][emoji170]

atomic sagebrush
October 3rd, 2015, 03:18 PM
No. And also not ok when NOT TTC a girl. :)

I want to explain to you a little about the luteal phase. if your luteal phase is 10-14 days that is just dandy for getting pregnant. You don't have low progesterone that needs treatment if your LP is at least 10 days and if it's 12-14, that is perfectly normal.

Low temps at 8 DPO is NORMAL. This is due to the secondary estrogen surge. Your body releases a big burst of estrogen at this point of the cycle and it helps to maintain your cycle, because the corpus luteum that makes progesterone starts to break down if you aren't pregnant. Many people's rebound after that but some people's temps will stay low when they haven't conceived. This isn't bad or abnormal, it just is due to the fact that you aren't pregnant and your CL breaks down in order for AF to arrive and start a new cycle.

Those symptoms of low progesterone are in postmenopausal women who basically stop making progesterone. A lot of the herb peddlers will scare people into believiing that they have low progesterone when they have sympotms like that but in women in their childbearing years they are caused by hormonal fluctuation and not being low in hormones. Most of us have symptoms like that in the LP, it's just how it goes (just got a migraine this morning!! AA)

Have your prog tested if you like but if your LP is 12-14 days long I woudln't worry about it personally.

Now, to answer your question, let's say for the sake of argument you did have low progesterone. Progesterone has been shown very clearly in very good studies that it does nothing to help you get or stay pregnant, even when it's prescribed by a doctor. It's actually a placebo, and while a lot of doctors will still prescribe it to their patients, it really doesn't help. the OTC creams made from wild yam are even WORSE because they are not designed for pregnant women, they're designed for women in menopause, and while it's enough to mess with your cycle, it's not enough to sustain a pregnancy (if progesterone even DID that, which it doesn't) Plus, even for women in menopause the prog. cream seemed to be a placebo and didn't help them, iether. And finally, Wild Yam taken orally is useless because your body can't use the diosgenin and turn it into progesterone. That has to be done in a lab using a complicated process. So it's not going to do a darn thing for your prog. to take it orally anyway.

October 4th, 2015, 08:37 AM
Ok thanks.. Looks like I'll be sending that back then! Thought I had a right bargain buy one get one free in Holland and Barrett [emoji23] there is Def something up though ive felt completely different since the birth of my son when I was diagnosed with this thyroid issue! Such a pain always feel 'off' in one way or another.

DS #1 [emoji170]DS #2 [emoji170] ttc #3 using a girl sway [emoji175][emoji170]

My Ovulation Chart (http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/40b78c)

atomic sagebrush
October 4th, 2015, 10:41 AM
Absolutely have the bloodwork done but there are a LOT of things that can make you feel off too. After my 4th son was born I felt just weird and wrong for ages after that. I would mention to the doc that the reason you want this testing is because you haven't been well and they can add in a set of additional tests that look for other things. There are tons of systems in the body that can act up and need to be checked out!