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View Full Version : Study Shows Testosterone Levels Can Be Raised By Acting Aggressively

November 5th, 2015, 12:58 PM
We already know this of course, but I saw this today and wanted to share this new study because it reinforces the Maternal Dominance theory. The study isn't the best. It was conducted by PhD's in Women's Studies and Psychology, not Natural Sciences and they seem to be unclear about why men have higher testosterone than women in the first place. For those and a couple of other reasons, I wouldn't take it as gospel, but it is interesting. It demonstrates that when engaging in competitive power wielding behavior, testosterone levels rise in women. One interesting note, this increase was independent of Cortisol, showing the behavior doesn't have to induce stress to raise testosterone. In fact, repeating the competitive behavior enough might dampen the testosterone response.
In other words, if you're an Attorney/EMT/Police Officer/CEO (not an exhaustive list) worried regularly engaging in power wielding behavior might prevent you from conceiving a girl, this study says that it probably won't. They seem to be suggesting that testosterone can be lowered through engaging in stereotypical feminine behavior. Their examples were engaging in nurturing behaviors, taking a more submissive posture, upending sentences, physically taking up less space (this has been proven in other studies to affect your hormone levels), and making less eye contact. I don't think means that you have to be a pushover to lower your testosterone levels, but just not staring people down, dominating over them or trying to win every argument (guilty as charged.) Most of this kills my feminist soul, but it is science. I'm going to go work on my vocal fry now.

Effects of gendered behavior on testosterone in women and men (http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2015/10/21/1509591112.abstract)

The Anchor
November 5th, 2015, 01:08 PM
I'm a lawyer, and would classify myself as a type A personality. LOL. My first was a girl, but I realized after the fact that I was unknowingly swaying for her! Lost 20 lbs, competed with Jane Fonda on becoming aerobics instructor of the year. Swaying boy - easy peasy for me!!!

atomic sagebrush
November 5th, 2015, 01:53 PM
Yes very, thanks for sharing!! One of the downsides of working on the site is I have less time for pure research so I really appreciate all the new studies you can get your mitts on. :)

I do think there are definite personality traits associated with conceiving boys vs. girls but some newer data has come to light that makes me question if it's T levels in and of themselves or if there is something else coming into play. We honestly do not even really know that high maternal T levels equal more boys conceived anyway - it's all based on studies involving self-reported answers on personality quizzes and not blood tests. Personality factors equaling higher testosterone in women is problematic to me because other studies (not this one obviously, but several others) found no effect with a woman's testosterone level on her personality.

Agree also that that is a nutty explanation about why males have higher T than females do. Truly bizarre. I am also concerned because they used actors and not people actually engaged in activities - this seems to me to be adding possible variables, not controlling for them. They appear to be trying to prove some point, unfortunately.

November 5th, 2015, 11:03 PM
Yeah, the study definitely isn't one I'm holding onto but I thought it was interesting because I remember a study a few years ago that showed your posture could make you release dopamine or serotonin (can't remember which) because it made you feel powerful, if even subconsciously. So, the idea that engaging in certain behaviors can make release hormones doesn't sound out of the realm of possibility. This study is certainly not definitive proof though.

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atomic sagebrush
November 6th, 2015, 12:53 PM
I certainly agree but I am just not even convinced that testosterone in women is swaying. I really really appreciate you posting - please don't stop posting! I'm just tossing out my impressions and I really enjoy reading new studies. :)