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View Full Version : 3boys n counting

January 8th, 2016, 01:22 PM
First of all thank you genderdreaming for helping me find this site, not because I get what I want but because their are so many ladies out there just like me. You see I always dreamed of having a girl of my own just like all of you. 1st 👦 conceived yah, 2nd 👦 I just new this was my girl😭but God had other plans I tried hard to be happy so no one sees how I really feel, by the 3rd 👦we were done! My hopes and dreams were crushed.husband got vasectomy done. Well believe me after almost4years baby fever kicks in. Husband finally after lots of prayers agreed to do reversal😍 what I love so much about this site is we understand each other, all my friends and circle all have mixed families or the older generation who have all same will say they are so thankful they didn't have gd. No one really understands how you feel unless they've been there. So finally you get the picture theirs something wrong with me for having gd. Believe me my boys are special to me.Long story short I'm pregnant again with what I believe is another boy simply because 1st. try and it stuck. This time I tried swaying but think I'm doomed forever. So just want to say congrats to all you ladies who's dreams came true, as for the rest of us Lord have mercy on these frail mothers hearts.😭 Good Luck

January 8th, 2016, 01:24 PM
So you are pregnant first try after reversal?? Wow! Congrats and welcome!

atomic sagebrush
January 8th, 2016, 01:54 PM
You always have a chance of a girl! Sending you a ton of pink dust and congrats on your pregnancy! No matter what pregnancy first month after reversal is a huge blessing! :)

January 8th, 2016, 01:54 PM
Congrats! Please post your sway!

January 8th, 2016, 02:53 PM
I did post my sway in the girl sway forums don't know how to attach it here�� sorry , actually his reversal was 6 months ago but first time trying : atomic did you feel like it was a girl before they said girl? Just curious , also maidentomother sending you some pink dust April is in a few months

atomic sagebrush
January 10th, 2016, 12:40 PM
I did, but I also felt my 3rd son was a girl so I don't put any stock into that at all. I had "intuition" with 3 of my 5 kids, was right 2 times and wrong once. I don't think intuition works in any reliable way to predict gender.

Foreign Chick
August 11th, 2016, 03:30 AM
Any update on gender ?

Hope it's a Girlxx