View Full Version : Has anyone conceived after saying I am experiencing OVUM BLIGHT?

April 14th, 2016, 03:29 AM
I thought I was over 8 weeks, my last period was February 12th. I went in for my first ultrasound and they didn't see a baby , but saw a nice strong sac. I looked it up and saw it was called ovum blite. They had to do a second ultrasound and it measured 5 weeks 6 days.

My dr said she wants to see me next Thursday and will look for a yolk sac, look for growth , if there is no growth , then it is bad news. The good news is the sac looked nice and round and not shriveled up. What your opinion about this? I have never experienced anything like this .

atomic sagebrush
April 15th, 2016, 01:28 PM
It is something that happens fairly frequently and the odds are very high it would never happen again. Everything with the pregnancy develops except the baby because something went wrong very early in development. It would not prohibit you from getting pregnant again, many of us have had one and then gone on to have normal pregnancies afterwards. ((((hugs))))