View Full Version : Laying down after dtd question

June 20th, 2016, 11:56 AM
Does how long you lay down for after dtd matter? Like I know that jump and dump can sway a girl, but can laying down for a couple hours/all night increase your chances of baby being a boy even though you are only having the one shot in fertile window? Could keeping them all in increase the sperm count enough for one shot to sway boy?

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June 20th, 2016, 12:01 PM

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June 20th, 2016, 02:28 PM
Bump for anyone with a good answer to this question. Have wondered about this too.

DS1 (9) ❤️ DS2 (8) [emoji173] DS3 (5) ❤️ DW (41) [emoji1326] DH (38) [emoji144] TTC'ing pink from May 2016

June 20th, 2016, 05:48 PM
I did jump and dump after my one attempt when I got my girl, however my hubby and I are super fertile. I think atomic said when she got her girl she just laid down and went to sleep all night after DTD. When swaying it never comes down to one thing: diet, exercise, alcohol are not going to be outdone all because you didn't jump and dump. For less fertile couples, jump and dump too soon could drastically reduce conception chances. I don't know if it's quite black and white, KWIM?

atomic sagebrush
June 21st, 2016, 03:16 PM
We do not have the data to know for sure.

We did see in our stats a slight improvement in success rates with J and D either immediate or after 5 min. But that does not therefore mean you can't get a girl if you lay down longer. I got my daughter laying down all night with one attempt.

June 21st, 2016, 03:27 PM
Thanks Atomic. My last attempt was last Thursday so 4 days ago. At least I've roughly had one attempt in that case. Looks like I'm due to ovulate tomorrow x

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atomic sagebrush
June 21st, 2016, 03:29 PM
I did jump and dump after my one attempt when I got my girl, however my hubby and I are super fertile. I think atomic said when she got her girl she just laid down and went to sleep all night after DTD. When swaying it never comes down to one thing: diet, exercise, alcohol are not going to be outdone all because you didn't jump and dump. For less fertile couples, jump and dump too soon could drastically reduce conception chances. I don't know if it's quite black and white, KWIM?

:agree: exactly. So much of this is individual, and what works for one person may not for another. Furthermore, what DOESN'T work for one, may work for another, if that makes sense...say a really superhumanly fertile couple gets preggo with J and D, well, they may be coming into it more "set" for blue in ways that are not visible to us looking in from the outside, and so another couple may do J and D and it helps them get their girl.

Some people may be coming in to swaying as much as 80% likely to have a boy (since this seems like the upper limits we get with blue sways) and if swaying takes them to 60% likely to have a boy, that's still a HUGE sway, even though they're still more likely to have a boy at the end of it. So no one can really single out a tactic in isolation like that because we are all coming into this in a different place on the fertility continuum.

atomic sagebrush
June 21st, 2016, 03:29 PM
Thanks Atomic. My last attempt was last Thursday so 4 days ago. At least I've roughly had one attempt in that case. Looks like I'm due to ovulate tomorrow x

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Are you going to add in an attempt though?? Thursday is so far out?

June 21st, 2016, 03:35 PM
Are you going to add in an attempt though?? Thursday is so far out?

Oh sorry I meant my last attempt before this one was last Thursday. I then had another attempt 4 days later (yesterday - Monday morning) and then got my positive Opk tonight xx

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June 21st, 2016, 03:48 PM
I got a girl and two boys laying down after sex, this attempt idid the same. I think if your not in a rush to get pregnant you can play around with these ideas try j and d and see if it works, I needed to get pregnant quick as am old and was worried diet. And exercise might go out the window, the longer I was on it, testing tomorrow, nervoouuuusssss x

June 21st, 2016, 04:02 PM
Aww, good luck for tomorrow Girlieplease! :)
How long did you lay down for with your girl? X

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June 21st, 2016, 04:16 PM
I think I just went to sleep, so all night! With this one I decided after 10 minutes to get up but nothing came out, sorry for too much info!

June 21st, 2016, 04:22 PM
I think I just went to sleep, so all night! With this one I decided after 10 minutes to get up but nothing came out, sorry for too much info!

With my attempt 5 days ago I got up after 5-10 mins and a load came out, yesterday I lay down for 1.5 hours and when I got up a very minimal amount came out. It definitely got all sucked up I think. Lol!

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atomic sagebrush
June 21st, 2016, 05:14 PM
With my attempt 5 days ago I got up after 5-10 mins and a load came out, yesterday I lay down for 1.5 hours and when I got up a very minimal amount came out. It definitely got all sucked up I think. Lol!

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That's not how it works, the semen is not sucked up into your cervix or uterus and it's meant to liquefy and come back out carrying with it any dead/dying sperm and possible pathogens with it. What most likely happened was that your hubs had a bigger batch one time vs. the other - it does happen! :)

June 21st, 2016, 05:42 PM
That's not how it works, the semen is not sucked up into your cervix or uterus and it's meant to liquefy and come back out carrying with it any dead/dying sperm and possible pathogens with it. What most likely happened was that your hubs had a bigger batch one time vs. the other - it does happen! :)

Oh I see! So even if I had got up after 5-10 minutes, would the same amount have come back out as when I lay down for 1 and 1/2 hours? I thought it must have all got pulled up there from laying down so long. *clueless* lol.

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atomic sagebrush
June 21st, 2016, 06:05 PM
Well, it does take the sperm 15-30 minutes to exit the semen and go into your EWCM up inside your cervix so technically no a bit more would have come out during that following bit of time - but it isn't semen, it's not the stuff that comes out, it's the microscopic sperm cells. the "stuff" that comes out is just semen (and believe it or not, if your husband had had a vasectomy, that "stuff" would still be there, it would not have sperm in it any more, but he would still ejaculate that same amount of "stuff")

Semen doesn't go up inside your cervix or uterus. IT's like a little life raft that keeps the sperm alive till they can swim out of the semen into the EWCM. At that point, your body doesn't "want" the semen there any more so God/Mother Nature designed this ability of it to liquefy and come back out and get rid of anything yukky or bad like dead sperm and possibly any germs that may have come along for the ride. But the tiny little sperm Elvises have already left the building at that point. :)

June 21st, 2016, 06:49 PM
Well, it does take the sperm 15-30 minutes to exit the semen and go into your EWCM up inside your cervix so technically no a bit more would have come out during that following bit of time - but it isn't semen, it's not the stuff that comes out, it's the microscopic sperm cells. the "stuff" that comes out is just semen (and believe it or not, if your husband had had a vasectomy, that "stuff" would still be there, it would not have sperm in it any more, but he would still ejaculate that same amount of "stuff")

Semen doesn't go up inside your cervix or uterus. IT's like a little life raft that keeps the sperm alive till they can swim out of the semen into the EWCM. At that point, your body doesn't "want" the semen there any more so God/Mother Nature designed this ability of it to liquefy and come back out and get rid of anything yukky or bad like dead sperm and possibly any germs that may have come along for the ride. But the tiny little sperm Elvises have already left the building at that point. :)

Really interesting - thanks atomic.

Last question from me on this one - Ultimately, do you think it doesn't make THAT much difference how long you lay down for then, as long as you are sticking with one attempt?

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atomic sagebrush
June 22nd, 2016, 01:02 PM
In our statistics we DID see improved results with j and d (and I believe most people did this after 5 minutes since that is what I suggest most people do LOL) so I do think it may be adding something. But I don't have the data to tell you a difference between 5 and 10 and 15 and 60 etc.

June 22nd, 2016, 01:10 PM
In our statistics we DID see improved results with j and d (and I believe most people did this after 5 minutes since that is what I suggest most people do LOL) so I do think it may be adding something. But I don't have the data to tell you a difference between 5 and 10 and 15 and 60 etc.

Oh well, you got your little girl with laying down all night, so I will just try and focus on that lol x

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atomic sagebrush
June 22nd, 2016, 01:22 PM
I think you need to take a step back from this and not worry so much about the details. With swaying, the more you focus in on these little namby-pamby details that make no difference at all really (like laying down 5 vs. 10 minutes or whatever) the worse it goes. Don't sweat the small stuff, if you've done the things that really seem to sway and then get "swaycessed" about 5 vs. 10 minutes that not only makes you worry over things that don't need worrying over, but may even undermine your sway.

I just went into this concept in a bit more detail here http://genderdreaming.com/forum/trying-to-conceive-a-girl/55402-better-dtd-am-pm-when-ttc-pink-2.html