View Full Version : Weight Loss = Doing the diet well enough?

June 29th, 2016, 12:34 PM
When I conceived back in November of 2015 I was still being pretty obsessive and not laid back, I knew I was doing good on my fat and protein because I was counting every little thing on My Fitness Pal, Atomic had mentioned on our customized talks this was a little obsessive and I didn't have to count it like that. But after 4 boys this is for sure my last shot so I want everything to be "perfect". Well needless to say we lost that little one and I had a D&C the end of January. I've gone back on the diet and exercise, mid break on the exercise for about 3ish weeks when my summer classes started until I got into a routine but I'm back at it daily. I am trying to no longer "count" my foods and my PCP started my on 0.5 mg of Xanax to help my anxiety/obsessions. Does significant weight loss mean I'm doing well enough on the diet for it to be girl friendly or is this not an accurate way to measure? I was 183 lbs after my D&C in January and am 169 lbs today. Little fluctuation over the months but obviously a steady decrease. Is this good enough you think?

atomic sagebrush
June 29th, 2016, 04:43 PM

Length of time on diet has seemed to outweigh weight loss as a sway tactic but yes when you've lost that level of weight it simply has to help a pink sway. :)

Now that having been said, you are in a good position because you did have some to spare, this is not a strategy I'd recommend for someone who weighed 98 lbs of course. The primary reason I have people track is so we can be sure they're getting enough, and since you do have the weight to play with, this can work for you as long as you take care to slow the weight loss when you need to and stop and try to hold steady once you get to BMI 21.

I think that if you're focusing on eating mostly vegetarian with more of your protein and fat coming from vegetable sources then it's all good for you in this case. Again, not something I recommend for anyone else reading this (otehr than people in similar circumstances, of course) but yes doable for you

June 29th, 2016, 05:57 PM
Yes I completely understand it's individualized, even with my first I was barely 113 so I know "skinny/getting skinny" doesn't equal girl by any means. But with him I was also constantly eating out with my ex-husband as we were 18 with high metabolism and not many responsibilities. So diet wise I can totally see why he was a boy. Even at my current weight I still have a BMI of 27.3 so it'll be awhile before I need to hold steady. There have for sure been weeks where I just said forget it since I've been on and off the diet since April of 2015 when we started trying to conceive, but by now I have for sure had my "time" on the diet. My PCP starting me on Metformin last month has really seemed to boost the weight-loss as I was 175 then and have already dropped down to 169 in 32 days time. (Side note: I know we discussed on another post of mine that you thought I should do the spironolactone for 6-8 weeks and then drop it, but after reading the side affects if I were to get pregnant during that time from a slip up or misjudging ovulation I just was not comfortable taking it so I only took it for maybe 5 days and the other days have been strictly the Metformin by itself, plus my Xanax, folic acid and fiber gummies) I know I've read on other posts that you do agree that Metformin sways girl, do I need to be on it for 12 weeks like anything else to benefit from it or does it sway sooner/longer since it's medication?

June 29th, 2016, 06:19 PM
Also is there a way to renew the personalized plan I had since its expired since my loss or do I just need to order a new one?

atomic sagebrush
June 29th, 2016, 06:31 PM
I would not take spiro either personally for that very reason. Just if there was an oopsie I'd feel so nervous the whole time.. Metformin will help. We unfortunately don't know how long you need to be on it - I doubt it takes 12 weeks though!!

Just do the custom coaching renewal service, it's much cheaper and then that reopens our forum again. :)