View Full Version : Hormones..why ones sway pink?

August 15th, 2016, 11:23 AM
I was just wondering how important low testosterone / estrogen etc is for conceiving a girl? I got my hormones tested last month & testosterone came out at 0.4 which I think is really low...but I've got 2 boys?! So is it actually important or do you think it doesn't matter that much?
I'd actually bought saw palmetto to lower my T but after getting that result I won't bother taking it!
What about the other hormeones, estrogen, progesterone etc?? What levels are we aiming for in girl sway?

I hope that makes sense..I think i'm even confusing myself now haha :)

August 15th, 2016, 12:57 PM
We don't even know how hormones sway or if they sway at all. I had my hormone levels tested while swaying (not for sway purposes) and my estrogen was on the lower side of normal. Progesterone was a tad low. I'm having my third boy so I don't think it mattered that much. Don't worry about hormone levels because it's just one more thing to obsess over when it may not even be relevant.

atomic sagebrush
August 17th, 2016, 04:42 PM
I no longer put very much stock at all into the testosterone levels for swaying. Not only because I've seen several people tested and their numbers did not match the theory, but also because some things that raise testosterone, like Clomid and steroids (when taken by men) raise testosterone and still are being strongly associated with more girls.

All these things are just theories. We have next to no information on them and all the sites and books that report this as "the science is settled" are blowing smoke because it has never even been TESTED.

I do think there are personality similarities between a lot of the girl moms and a lot of the boy moms but the thing is, in studies done into testosterone and women's personalities, they could not find ANY link to behavior and testosterone in women. None. Men, yes, but not women.

I do not buy into the idea that prog = pink. It's nonsensical and has zero support. The theory originally was that women who had high prog and low T and estrogen had more daughters, but at NO point in time was that ever meant to be interpreted as "get your progesterone really high to TTC a girl". It's actually impossible to do that. The same raw materials go into all three sex hormones and it is impossible to raise prog without also raising T and E levels. I suspect that this ties into "the fertility factor" and people whose hormones and fertility are lower overall are more likely to conceive girls.

Estrogen is the most likely to me but even that doesn't add up. So, PLEASE don't get focused on testing your hormone levels since no one even knows if they matter at ALL to begin with, and what they'd need to be.

Please just do what is working for most people, most of the time, and not get too focused on the "theories" none of which have tons of data backing them up anyway.

I am using the SP less and less. It's had poor results (better than 50-50, but lower than the overall results of the site) and it's seeming to mess up people's cycles badly and even preventing conception.