View Full Version : My sway, would love feedback!

September 8th, 2016, 10:47 AM
I posted this in another thread, but I want to cross post. Here’s my typical sway that I'm going to try for TTC in October:

10 AM: breakfast – dannon light ‘n fit smoothie + 1 pkt. Instant coffee w/2 pkts. swiss miss hot cocoa; meds/supps: Zoloft, BC (gotta finish pack), 1600 mcg folic acid, 5 psyllium fiber capsules

12:30 PM: lunch – cucumber/tomato salad w/turkey pepperoni, shredded mozz. and balsamic vinaigrette dressing

5- 6 PM: exercise

6-6:30 PM: dinner – piece of salmon with mixed veggies and cous cous

8-9 PM: dessert – 1 scoop of ice cream with 2 tbsp. chocolate sauce (can’t resist)

How is that so far? Should I make any modifications?

Also, since aspartame has kind of gone by the wayside, sucralose is what’s in my dannon smoothie. Is that an okay alternative? What about stevia?

Thanks ladies!

September 8th, 2016, 11:14 AM
Your diet sounds pretty good. If you could push breakfast back a bit I probably would, especially with the late dessert. I also would pull dessert in to be with dinner so that it's one meal without adding an extra "snack", but that's just my feeling without any evidence behind it.

Are you doing any exercise? Planning anything specific for attempts yet?

September 8th, 2016, 11:51 AM
Thanks foxtrotmama! Okay, noted on the dessert. Do you think chewing gum for the remainder of the night instead of having dessert is a good idea?

Also, should I push back breakfast until 11? How does that affect other meal timing?

I’ve been walking on a trail for an hour with my son for exercise, who is a toddler, lol. It’s been really hard for me to get motivated, especially for an hour!

I’m not sure about attempts yet, but atomic had suggested either using OPK or DTD every 4 days after AF. I’m open for either. What do you think?

Thanks!! :)

September 9th, 2016, 12:54 PM
Ive heard that chewing gum can make you hungry! Apparently it stimulates the gastric juices, producing saliva which goes down to the stomach and fools the stomach into thinking there is food to be digested, making you hungrier. But in saying that i did it during the day now and again. I would also brush my teeth - because i cant mix food and a nice freshly brushed mouth! Lol.. I also sipped on Diet coke if i had any hunger pains. I did have a treat if i wanted it, but i had it with my meal (straight after).
You dont necessarily have to skip breakfast and Atomic has elaborated on that here http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/56202-skipping-breakfast-quick-rant.html?highlight=skipping+breakfast - but i had my first meal of the day between 12 and 1pm, i would have only a coffee in the morning.

I tried to brisk walk for an hour a day for 5 days pushing my 2.5 year old in his stroller and it worked for the first week until thereafter he always interrupted me for something, either a wee or he wanted to walk or he wanted juice or snacks or he wanted to go home.. it just became impossible to walk him non stop for 60 minutes.. I even tried changing the route and i would do a park stop when i had walked 60 minutes but that incentive soon became boring.. So i stopped and went couch potatoe. Im not encouraging you to stop just saying it doesn't work 100% for all of us! But deffo worth it if you can keep it up!

As for attempts i would say try for one attempt in fertile window at a positive opk - if you are not in a big rush and you dont mind testing with opk's for a few days. See how you go and you can always add or change things up if you dont get a bfp first cycle.

Good luck xx

September 9th, 2016, 03:02 PM
My exercise is walking with my kiddos too. If they are feeling resistant I load a movie on my ipod and toss them both into the stroller. :)

September 9th, 2016, 03:52 PM
My exercise is walking with my kiddos too. If they are feeling resistant I load a movie on my ipod and toss them both into the stroller. :)

Ditto the movie on the iPad! That's saved me TONS! I don't do it all of the time, but bribery only works so far, haha!

[emoji170]DS1[emoji1379], DS2 [emoji602], & DS3 [emoji577][emoji170]
[emoji166]One last pink sway 2016[emoji166]
My Ovulation Chart (http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/579920)

September 9th, 2016, 04:20 PM
Haha! Luckily for me, my guy loves going out on the stroller, but I have to drive to the next town to walk him anywhere because there aren't sidewalks and I don't feel comfortable walking him in the road. So in that respect, it's tough! I'm hoping to either do that or go out in the morning myself around my neighborhood, if I can stand to get up early enough!

Thanks for the great feedback ladies! I'm going to keep at it!