View Full Version : Fiber and Asprin questions

September 12th, 2016, 03:08 AM
I'm waiting for my personalized plan and doing research in the meantime. I am having trouble finding what the purpose and benefits of using fiber and Asprin to sway pink. I know these are two very different things but I want to add them ASAP if I need to! I would like to TTC at least by two cycles from now which is about 8 weeks away. I know that's not the ideal 12 weeks but I have been doing weight watchers since June which is similar to the LE diet as far as protein fat and calorie limits. Is fiber supplements a huge part of this? I have already lost 12lbs and I could definitely lose more weight but I have already completely changed my diet since June. Before that it was definitely a boy friendly diet!! And then the aspirin- do people take that during the LE diet or just closer to conception? What's the benefit for swaying pink?

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September 12th, 2016, 06:18 PM
I haven't done any reading on aspirin (gives me bad heartburn!), but fibre does seem to be helping. Take it with meals, especially fatty meals. :)

September 12th, 2016, 07:05 PM
I haven't done any reading on aspirin (gives me bad heartburn!), but fibre does seem to be helping. Take it with meals, especially fatty meals. :)

I'm just wondering the purpose of fiber for swaying?

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September 12th, 2016, 07:41 PM
I believe fiber helps absorb some of the nutrients so your body doesn't absorb them. Also might be because it keeps you regular and less time your wastes sits in your bowels, less time your body has to absorb nutrients.
Less nutrients is what sways girl and higher nutrient sways boy.

September 13th, 2016, 01:16 AM
I believe fiber helps absorb some of the nutrients so your body doesn't absorb them. Also might be because it keeps you regular and less time your wastes sits in your bowels, less time your body has to absorb nutrients.
Less nutrients is what sways girl and higher nutrient sways boy.

Wow!! The things you guys figured out! Brilliant!

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atomic sagebrush
September 17th, 2016, 11:23 AM
Please just wait for your plan, Deb. A day or two on these things makes no difference.

To answer your questions, fiber absorbs fat and some nutrients from your diet in effect allowing you to eat more but you can't use all that you eat. It's just an easy way of lowering nutrients further.

Aspirin, I no longer am recommending that except for the people who absolutely insist upon it or who are told to use it by their doctors for certain health conditions. It did nothing for swaying, and the risks and side effects both to you and to a baby are higher than I realized when we were first starting to use it (based on new studies that have come out since that time, not things that I missed - this is all new information that indicates aspirin is a lot less safe than we believed even just a couple years ago.)