View Full Version : LE diet...protein questions...

September 27th, 2016, 06:12 PM
I've been following a low fat diet (slimming world) since July & have lost almost 14 lbs, I'm quite slim anyway so that's quite an achievement! Anyway, I know the diet is very low fat intake but I feel that my protein intake is still quite high as a lot of the meals include lean meat.
I was just wondering how crucial protein is if I've been having v.low fat & have lost weight? I'm also drinking lots of coffee & at least 1 glass of wine per night.
Not having our attempt until Nov so got another 7/8 weeks to change my protein intake if necessary.
Just wanted to get a bit of advice...I hope my strict dieting efforts haven't been ruining by eating too much protein!

Thanks :)

atomic sagebrush
September 29th, 2016, 04:15 PM
We honestly just don't know. The data is just not pinned down to that level of detail (and very well may vary by person anyway with some doing better with more protein, and others doing better on more carbs) and we just don't have the info to say.

What I would suggest is possibly doing just what you are doing, but cutting the protein serving by 1/3 or 1/2.

My largest concern is that you have lost that much weight and were thin to start with?? Why are you doing that??? If it is for swaying, be aware that too much weight loss will stop your ovulation and make it hard for you to get and stay pregnant. I would also be wary of cutting out too much fat, as you need about 30 g to continue ovulating.

I don't want anyone dropping below BMI 18.5 under any circumstances and if you're below BMI 21, it is time to stop losing and hold stead where you are at. :)

October 3rd, 2016, 09:23 AM
Thanks Atomic! I didn't mean to lose so much weight it's just dropped off me since doing the LE diet! I've been eating lots of carbs & decent sized meals just keeping fat very low, I've been watching protein but not as much. Not doing any exercise, I haven't really got time anyway but I don't think there would be anything left of me if I did the hour a day cardio too!
Our attempt is next month so i'll follow your advice & keep my fingers crossed :)
So far cycles/ov are unaffected, always like clockwork...lets hope that stays the same!

atomic sagebrush
October 4th, 2016, 06:01 PM
You need at least 30 g of fat to keep ovulating so if you're doing less than that I think you need to add in a serving of full fat dairy a day to be sure you continue ovulating.

December 28th, 2017, 05:56 PM
Hi atomic which beans can I eat on the LE diet? And how do I get my protein for the day? It’s so hard

atomic sagebrush
December 29th, 2017, 11:10 AM
All beans are fine within limits.

Dairy, eggs, beans, nuts, grains, and even small amounts of meat if you need them.