View Full Version : What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

October 7th, 2016, 07:26 AM
I've been back on the LE diet for five weeks and I just had a couple of cheat days for a friend's wedding, so I want to try to stick to LE limits if possible this weekend (Canadian Thanksgiving). My mom is in town to visit so I want to do a big meal, though. So far I'm thinking:
Corn bread stuffing for everyone
Mashed potatoes for everyone
Stuffed chicken (not turkey) because only my mom and two sons will be eating it. DH has gone veggie with me.
Cranberry sauce.
Pumpkin pie (I'll make it with milk instead of cream, and I won't eat whipped cream on mine)

When I think about it, nothing is really LE incompatible as long as I don't heap a bunch of butter or gravy on my food.

What are your Thanksgiving plans for those of you on the LE diet? (Edit: to my fellow Canadians, or those Americans thinking of it very far in advance, lol)

October 7th, 2016, 10:42 AM
Hi Erin, Thanksgiving here in United States is still 7 weeks away so my first plan is to be pregnant by then. [emoji2]. BUT if not, I would go for a total cheat day and eat everything including meat. If you really don't want to cheat much, then just lower portions and be mindful of the heavy hitter items.

Yummy, can't wait.

October 7th, 2016, 11:20 AM
I'm in the US but I've been worried about the holidays coming up. On thanksgiving I go to my parents and my husbands parents houses so I'm eating huge meals all day long. I think the best I can do is just make smaller portions and still enjoy myself.

October 7th, 2016, 11:30 AM
I've decided to just have a cheat day. Take a double dose of fibre and a cup of coffee before meals, and just have a good time. I'm not big on turkey to begin with, so I probably won't have much meat. But I sure am looking forward to my MIL's stuffing.

October 7th, 2016, 02:33 PM
I've been doing LE diet full vegetarian for 3 months now.
I fully intend to eat turkey dinner this weekend! I figure one cheat won't kill me!
But having said that my stomach has shrunk so much from 2 small meals a day that I'll prob just eat a small amount

Edit to say.. I'm still on fence about eating the actual turkey meat since I've been vegetarian for so long now

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October 7th, 2016, 03:13 PM
Starving. That's what I'll be doing. [emoji38]

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atomic sagebrush
October 8th, 2016, 05:39 PM
I have a Thanksgiving recipe thread on here somewhere, let me look it up.

atomic sagebrush
October 8th, 2016, 05:40 PM

atomic sagebrush
October 8th, 2016, 05:42 PM
Thanksgiving thread above^^^

Remember girls, cheating is not only allowed but encouraged. This gives your body a chance at nutrients it was lacking but more than that, it enables you to be around friends/relatives without them asking a bunch of questions and also avoiding the detail oriented stress that comes up when we are worried about making a secret plan on how to stick to diets in a crowd of people. Just eat normally that day! Maybe you mainly fill up on sides, have some turkey though!

October 11th, 2016, 05:52 PM
So I ate as much as I wanted at two different Thanksgiving dinners and managed to come up a pound lighter today than on Friday. :)

atomic sagebrush
October 13th, 2016, 01:58 PM
There is something to that!! I find that happens all the time when I'm dieting. I'm good, good, good for weeks and lose nothing, then I have a bad day and I'm like "eh, eff it" and eat a huge dinner and then the next day I lost 3 lbs. :)