View Full Version : TTC a girl - thoughts on vitamin supplements, apple cider vinegar & msm sulfur?

November 2nd, 2016, 10:48 AM
Hello everyone,

Planning on trying for baby number 3 in January. I am lucky to have two beautiful and healthy boys, and I love them with all my heart, but I would really like to try to make my third a girl if possible. If I end up with another boy then I will be just as happy, but I figure I may as well try to balance out all the testosterone in my home!

I am planning on TTC in Jan as that is when the Chinese Gender Chart says I will have a girl. I have compared ten different calendars, and although they are inconsistent with many other dates, they all say that Jan for a 33 year old is definitely a girl! It may be a load of hogwash, but it has been right for my boys and for lots of my friends, and those Chinese do seem to know a thing or two.

I'm in the process of trying to tailor my diet. I already eat a lot of girl things already (full fat milk and yoghurt, cheese, nuts, leafy greens) but I do seem to have a penchant for the old sodium and potassium as well as lots of boy foods (salmon, potatoes, avocados, bananas, takeaways, coffee...) so I'm trying to cut them out.

My question is regarding the supplements I regularly take. Evening Primrose Oil, Omega 3, Zinc, Calcium and Magnesium. Do these sway girl? I've heard that calc and mag sway girl, but a lot of people seem to say that taking the supplements (rather than a calc/mag diet) sways boy. Also, I take apple cider vinegar every day as I find it is a magic cure for so many things (not to mention heartburn during pregnancy - lifesaver). Will ACV make my vaginal PH acidic? It helps keep dandruff at bay, and unfortunately I suffer in that dept. And finally, I take a spoonful of MSM Sulfur crystals every day. My research so far has thrown up zilch - anyone know how this might affect things?

Thanks so much in advance!

November 2nd, 2016, 11:47 AM
Just a quick reply as I have an appt. Am sure some other ladies will chip, most on this site are doing the le ( low everything diet, keeping protein at 50 g and fat at 60 g and over all calories at 1500- 1800. No pre natals bar folic acid or foliate. Vegetarian diet or at least limiting meat. Alcohol and coffee ( three cups per day black) 2- 3 meals no snacking and having first meal after 11:30am. Cardio for at least one hour 5-7 days per week. Attempt wise one attempt at positive OPK is most pink friendly or e4d's every four days or e3d's if you want to get pregnant quicker! Good luck and pink dust

atomic sagebrush
November 3rd, 2016, 05:42 PM
Hi and welcome!!

Can you please give this a bump for me as there is a lot to cover and it's getting late in the day for me here!!