View Full Version : 0+12 method?!

November 27th, 2016, 03:31 PM
New here! :)

Ttc a girl and found conflicting studies.

We tried the Shettles method (low ph, diet, supplements, Dtd before OD - pregnancy tests negative) I'm wondering if it's because apparently both male and female sperm can only live up to 2 hours in an acidic environment. My ph is 4.5, so perhaps doing it days before OD means none are surviving??

Tempted to try the 0+12 method. Dtd 12 hours after OD using the ovulation sticks. Hoping that way I won't miss ovulation completely if the egg is still there? But then doesn't that mean boy sperm will still swim there faster?

Any help greatly appreciated!

atomic sagebrush
November 28th, 2016, 02:18 PM
Well, a lot of those studies have been investigated using modern technology and largely debunked. I allow people to use timing if that is their preference but the data is not in support of Shettles. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/7691-trouble-timing.html

I really, really do not recommend O+12. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/trying-to-conceive-a-girl/35539-no-12-a.html If you must do it, I would just BD 48 hours after first positive OPK and expect to get a lot of BFN doing that.

Can you tell me exactly what all you guys are doing?? If you're doing pH stuff and timing that can really cut odds of conception, and we may be able to tweak some of those things to boost odds of conception without totally throwing it all away if you believe in them. :) THere is a lot of wiggle room between doing very very strict sways, and dropping everything all at once.

November 29th, 2016, 04:48 PM
Hello! Thank you for replying!!

So far I have been doing the girl diet (low salt and potassium etc etc) I'm taking Cranberry tablets and folic acid, as well as calcium and magnesium tablets. I drink Cranberry juice and milk mainly.

Been testing ph every day. Usually between 4.6 and 5.1

Been using ovulation tests to see when I ovulate as I don't usually get any signs - sometimes mild cramps at either side

Last few months we've tried dtd regularly up until 2 days before OD. But pregnancy tests negative.

I'm due to ovulate this week and unsure on how to try this month. I have a feeling the sperm due before I actually OD.

I usually have a 24 day cycle approx give or take a day.

What would you recommend? Stuck whether to do it before or after OD and I'm still on girl diet and taking supplements

Any recommendation greatly appreciated! I'm not sure which method I entirely believe in yet but willing to try to tweak to avoid bfn! Thank you!

atomic sagebrush
November 30th, 2016, 02:20 PM
I personally don't believe in the minerals and cranberry supps but those things are not going to be inhibiting conception.

Are you doing any douching or jellies??

I think that DTD regularly up to a cutoff is a very, very risky approach for your sway. We have found that one attempt (regardless of day of attempt) is getting girls for us about 70% of the time. I think your cutoff is just too far before your egg shows up and nothing is left to fertilize it. So I would have you BD at your first positive OPK instead, and just ONCE, do not have bunches of attempts up to that point. I got 3 of my 4 boys doing exactly what you are doing!!!

Prior to this, I want your husband to release regularly every 2-4 days so he has a decent amount of sperm. Do not use anything like abstain or FR because it may cut odds of conception too far.

OR, if that feels like you're moving too fast, then just have hubby release every 2-4 days, but only have the one attempt 2 days before you expect to O. It may be that having numerous attempts coming into this cutoff is making him shoot only dust and there are too few sperm by the time of the cutoff attempt to make it till the egg shows up.