View Full Version : Just to make things complicated!

December 29th, 2016, 03:16 PM
Hello Dr Potter.

We have decided on HRC when we go for GS PGD near the end of 2017.

I have a couple of questions which maybe makes our situation different from others.

Firstly I can't enter the US (misspent youth, nothing major), I'm assuming I can freeze my sperm. Otherwise this poses a very big hurdle!!!

Next we need to use a surrogate. How does this affect things? I assume it costs more as there will be double a lot of things.

We also want to try for twins. Again what extra things should we consider?

You offer multi cycle upfront discounts. Is this available with using a surrogate?

Look forward to your response. Understand there is a lot of questions so happy to speak to a coordinator if necessary.

Thanks Karl

Dr. Potter
January 12th, 2017, 08:17 PM
Hi Karl,

Thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry I wouldn't be able to meet you in person but yes of course frozen sperm is just fine. We have plenty of patients that use surrogates so this is not a problem at all, the cost will be a little extra as we have to screen the surrogate and get testing etc on her as well. As far as medications it's about the same, your wife will take only stimulation medications and the surrogate will take only transfer medications. My suggestion would be to do a fresh cycle with PGD. I'd be happy to help you get twins, nothing really more to consider there besides that you will need your surrogate to be fine with carrying twins, otherwise the process is the same. As far as pricing and discounts, you would need to speak with my financial coordinator as I truly don't know the exact pricing and would not want to misquote. I'd be happy to set up a Skype or telephone consult with you, simply fill out the form for a free consults and we can put you in touch with our international treatment coordinator to get the process started. I look forward to speaking with you.

Dr. P