View Full Version : How much to try with husband below 35 years old?

January 2nd, 2017, 10:48 PM
I'm confused with the age of your husband to direct amount of times to try. It says on the plan to only try once after he has abstained for 7-10 days prior to the attempt if he is under 35. But if he is over to try release everyday for 7-10 days prior. Why is this? I feel like even though my husband is below 35 it would help us to have him release more before the attempt? He is one of 5 boys and all his brothers have had boys! I just don't want to risk all the boy sperm building up and then swimming all at once. Any advice?

January 3rd, 2017, 10:55 AM
Hello, I don't have an answer to your question I'm afraid, but I'm very interested in the answer too! My husbands parents had all boys and we have 5 so I share your concern!!

atomic sagebrush
January 3rd, 2017, 02:06 PM
The reason why I have men under 35 do abstain is because most "old school" traditional sway advice claims that abstain= more girls conceived, and it's harder to "mess up" than FR (daily release) is.

Abstain is not safe for guys over 35 hence I don't advise that they do it.

Abstain is pretty easy to get it right for most guys. The thing with FR is that if a guy is tired or sick or a kid shows up in the bed at 10:30 at night, you end up starting to miss days (intermittent FR skipping a day here and there may end up inadvertently swaying blue) and additionally, quite a few guys have had "nothing left" (very low sperm numbers) and/or trouble "completing the transaction" when it comes time to actually do the attempt. This has led to low odds of conceiving with FR and also having people occasionally missing months when their husbands cannot do the one attempt.

If your husband is under 35 you can do either one. Totally up to you. just be aware of the downsides of FR - easy to mess up, low sperm numbers, can't get pregnant with one attempt (which is by far the best sway tactic - leagues better than abstain or FR), and/or your husband is so drained that he cannot even finish THE attempt!

All that having been said, neither abstain nor FR has gotten the kinds of results that I'd want to see to justify their existence. Most people want to start off using them but they should be among the first things you drop if you don't get pregnant.

atomic sagebrush
January 3rd, 2017, 02:07 PM
Hello, I don't have an answer to your question I'm afraid, but I'm very interested in the answer too! My husbands parents had all boys and we have 5 so I share your concern!!

I know it's hard to believe when you come from a boy heavy family like that but gender doesn't work in a genetic way the way you're thinking of it. It's lifestyle stuff and all easy to change.

January 6th, 2017, 06:28 PM
And it's posts like these that keep me motivated!!