View Full Version : Cheating on the holidays?

October 10th, 2011, 09:56 PM
So my diet starts Nov 1 with attempt #1 around Jan 17 O date.

How bad do you think it would be to cheat on thanksgiving day and Christmas eve? (both fall in the 2ww although we wouldnt be attempting yet)

Would you cheat? Would you wait? Would it be better for first attempt to be delayed until Feb - about Feb 14? Or should I just skip dinner and munch on rice? :rolleyes:


October 10th, 2011, 11:00 PM
I'll tell you, NeedAGirl, that the holidays played into my decision as to when my official sway would start. Even if I had the willpower to resist all the holiday yummies, I'm not sharing my sway with most people. My DH, parents and brother know -- that's it. So it would be a huge red flag to my inlaws if I wasn't partaking in turkey and sweet potatoes and all the goodies. It's very important to me that, if we have a third son, no one thinks of him as any kind of a "failure." I would love him loads and wouldn't want to give people reason to think otherwise. Hence the secret(ish) sway. :)

I'm using this time period to start charting my cycles, go vegetarian and make sure I'm at a healthy weight (so that I have some to lose come Dec. 26 and onward). I'm waiting until my February ovulation to officially TTC. I'm not sure that cheating on two occasions would hurt your sway -- the question is more, if you ended up with an opposite, would the knowledge that you indulged on two holidays "haunt" you as possibly affecting the sway (even though it probably won't have steered it a direction it wasn't already destined to go)?

Here's hoping I'm making sense. My sons were particularly ornery tonight, so bedtime was quickly followed by a glass and a half of wine. ;)

October 10th, 2011, 11:21 PM
Agreed. That is the Q - would I blame 2 stupid meals if my sway didnt work? Probably. Pretty much everyone knows about my sway plans. I will just have to take the sympathetic looks if I get another DS. I also agree about the weight - I had been working out a lot and basically reached my goal weight last year. I stopped working out completely in May and have been enjoying my pre-sway goodies! I have not even weighed myself in a couple months but I think I probably gained about 4 or 5 pounds. Hopefully just enough to lose some with my sway!

October 11th, 2011, 07:31 AM
I've decided to stop swaying over Christmas and will restart after Christmas if we're not pregnant by then. If we were to sway over Christmas, I'd have only a small amount of meat/turkey, unsalted potatoes (but not too many), use low sodium gravy, and eat some of the more boring veg. I'd also go easy on the puddings! Saying that I don't believe one bad day can truly ruin a diet, but I'd err on the side of caution too rather than risk ruining all my previous hard work.

atomic sagebrush
October 15th, 2011, 09:29 AM
I do not think cheating twice is bad at all and in fact it will help you to stick to the diet overall if you know that every once in a while you can splurge a bit (don't go TOO nuts LOL!!)

That having been said, do know that the people who believe in the mineral ratios (I don't) DO think that one cheat ruins everything because it messes up the mineral ratio in your body.

There is one additional advantage to waiting until after the holidays though - you will be TTC in the "girl peak" months for the Northern Hemisphere, if that is important to you.http://genderdreaming.com/forum/showthread.php?1693-the-seasons-and-swaying

October 16th, 2011, 09:13 AM
thanks Atomic. Yeah, I am not sure about all the season/ion stuff. DS #1 was conceived in Sept but on a full moon. DS #2 was conceived in July in a waxing 1rst quarter moon BUT he was conceived in the middle of a week of tent camping with tons of fresh air next to a rushing river! My cycles are so regular that I have ended up O'ing on a full moon cycle always!

I am going to try for the "doing the opposite" strategy. My Feb O is FINALLY going to be in a waning moon. Plus, it is a different time of year. Going for abstinence rather than frequent BD. Going for a 3 day cut off since both were conceived with bd through O. Plus, I was on a dairy free diet back then and ate breakfast daily and in the summer I always eat tons of grilled meat and tons of K filled veggies. I think diet is more important anyway.

Based on seasons/daylight - since I live in very North US and the days get pretty cold and short here by November.
