View Full Version : Any advice on my sway plan?

January 27th, 2017, 01:11 PM
I think I'm going with a simple sway. I don't want to add in any unnecessary things that may sway only a small amount but will cut odds of conception. I've started the diet many times in the last year only to give it up because I still hadn't had a post partum cycle. I'm currently still breastfeeding my two year old 2-3 times a day and just ovulated finally four days ago (opk, cm, and temperature charting confirmed). So here's my sway plan:

LE diet with first attempt at around 7-8 weeks on diet. I'm doing mostly vegetarian with delayed breakfast and sticking to around 1700-1800 calories a day. Around 50g of protein and 50g of fat. 2-3 cups of coffee a day and an alcoholic drink or two with dinner every night. No snacking and only three meals per day. Are meatless lean cuisines okay for lunch?

I want to add in exercise around 5-6 weeks before. I plan on doing 60 min of cardio about 5 days a week. Is that going to be enough? I think I'll up my calories a bit at that point because my bmi is only around 18 and I can't afford to lose any weight.

I started vitex again a couple weeks ago and I think that's why I finally ovulated. Should I continue with it from af-o or just stop now?

The only thing I'll be taking if I stop vitex is folic acid and maybe fiber if I eat a high fat meal.

Am I missing anything? I know it's better to do 12 weeks on diet but since I'm so small already I don't want to be on it too long and there's a good chance I won't get pregnant the first month anyway.

atomic sagebrush
January 28th, 2017, 03:51 PM
Everything is looking great, I'd have you come off the vitex now. YOu can take it from AF -O only in future cycles if you want to, and then the rest of the month off.

January 28th, 2017, 09:31 PM
Okay, no more vitex. Are the lean cuisine's okay? Will the 5-6 weeks of exercise be enough? Thank you for responding!

atomic sagebrush
January 29th, 2017, 05:09 PM
Everything is ok as long as you're in the limits (except things that are super highly fortified like cereal or power bars). They can be lifesaver because they are easy and have very little protein/fat in them.

I can't totally say if X amount of exercise is ok for any given person, but overall exercise has gotten great results so I think it's a great addition at any point. :)