February 6th, 2017, 05:18 PM
Hoping someone can please help me, back story is TTC girl sway almost a year, BFP on month 5 m/c at 6 weeks. Got another BFP next month without af arriving mmc at 11 weeks baby stopped at 6 weeks. Stopped all swaying waited 2 cycles got BFP m/c again 6 weeks.
I seen a fertility specialist but as already diagnosed with pcos and endo said no point in retesting wants to put me on clomid, baby aspirin and progesterone.
I have 4 boys all concieved easily no help so was hesitant about clomid so full blood tests ordered but because only just miscarried and cycles long/irregular it could be 3 months untill results back. The only thing keeping me sane is ttc so feel 3 months wait would destroy me - can i still ttc in this time?
When i was at hospital docs/midwifes said as m/c natural no need to wait, fertility specialist said 2nd m/c could be as no cycle in between but that doesnt explain 3rd.
Progesterone was 4 on last pregnancy so very low i believe this is issue
Also just to add specialist is very nice and i know all doctors have individual opinions but i was also told when i get pregnant it would have to be csec. I said i wanted try VBAC unless medical reason not to, was told not safe would risk uterine rupture and all other risks etc. i had 3 natural births the last csec was baby related and in my opinion completely not needed so do disagree there
im not trying to argue or ignore medical advice my gp is wonderful who has similar opinions to me but cant test / prescribe progesterone so have to go through specialist
I seen a fertility specialist but as already diagnosed with pcos and endo said no point in retesting wants to put me on clomid, baby aspirin and progesterone.
I have 4 boys all concieved easily no help so was hesitant about clomid so full blood tests ordered but because only just miscarried and cycles long/irregular it could be 3 months untill results back. The only thing keeping me sane is ttc so feel 3 months wait would destroy me - can i still ttc in this time?
When i was at hospital docs/midwifes said as m/c natural no need to wait, fertility specialist said 2nd m/c could be as no cycle in between but that doesnt explain 3rd.
Progesterone was 4 on last pregnancy so very low i believe this is issue
Also just to add specialist is very nice and i know all doctors have individual opinions but i was also told when i get pregnant it would have to be csec. I said i wanted try VBAC unless medical reason not to, was told not safe would risk uterine rupture and all other risks etc. i had 3 natural births the last csec was baby related and in my opinion completely not needed so do disagree there
im not trying to argue or ignore medical advice my gp is wonderful who has similar opinions to me but cant test / prescribe progesterone so have to go through specialist