View Full Version : Checking back in after boy #4 was born :)

February 7th, 2017, 06:05 AM
I haven't posted on here in a long time since i found out baby #4 was also boy #4. He arrived a month early and i had a fair few complications this time around, which really made me feel a bit silly for being upset over not getting my girl. I still have intense gender desire though Well now baby #4 is 1 month old and i am absolutely besotted with this beautiful little baby! I still have intense gender desire though. Me and my partner has spoken about it and I don't want to get pregnant again if I couldn't guarantee a girl, so we're over here praying that they legalise Gender Selection in Australia because otherwise we won't be having anymore. I couldn't cope with the GD. I was so upset when i found out we were having our 4th boy. Time helped but there were times of intense jealousy, tears and just plain despair. I am comfortable with our decision though. Just thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing and update! Hope everyone's sway is going well

February 7th, 2017, 08:36 AM
mum, congratulations! One of my closest friends (in the US) had 4 boys and then did GS in Dallas to get their DD (#5). Fingers crossed for you....

atomic sagebrush
February 7th, 2017, 02:18 PM
Hi and congrats on your 4th boy!!