View Full Version : Girl diet, too much starch?

May 15th, 2017, 01:34 PM
Hello, could i have advice please on my diet, been doing npw for 12 weeks and about 6 weeks with no meat at all. Im worried i am eating too much white bread and cheese , naking it actually sway blue), typical day looks like so

Morning- diet coke

12pm lunch
- rivitas with cucumber and medium fat cream cheese ( very lightly spread) grapes or cranberries and lpw fat yoghurt sometimes

Diet coke throughout day
Snack on few fruit pastels

Dinner 5 or 6pm
Either vegetable soup with bagel
Thin slices of gouda cheese toastie x2
Mushroom pasta in sweet chill sauce

8pm-berries and low fat yoghurt or handful of fruit pastels
Or Sometimes spoonful of icecream
Would also have glass of wine in evening which i never dis before, then wouldn't eat a meal until 12pm next day

Basically im eating low nutrient food, no meat, mainly al carbs or sweets or fat free stuff, my only worry is am ineating too much bread and cheese? I dont ever feel full but not hungry to point where im close to passing out. Advice or suggestions on how to improve would be good or if it looks like a good girl sway diet would be goos to hear to put my mind at ease. Never ate carbs or sweets before rarely, allot of salads and chicken but none of that this time
Probably got 4 more weeks on diet till my af due but hoping for bfp! Since only got this month on clomid. Thanks

atomic sagebrush
May 15th, 2017, 02:52 PM
What are your totals for fat, protein, and calories?

Do you have PCOS, are over 38, have more than 30 lbs to spare, have a history of gestational diabetes during pregnancy?

May 16th, 2017, 07:45 AM
Its hardley ever higher rhan recommended on the sway diet , some days allot lower amd odd day a biy higher and i am 27 years old , not got pcos amd neo pregnancy complications. My weight is pretty average of around 58kg

May 16th, 2017, 07:58 AM
Also i use to do a lot of weighgs amd gym frequently but now i have stopped and lost muscle, legs thinner and stomach less toned

atomic sagebrush
May 16th, 2017, 01:24 PM
Its hardley ever higher rhan recommended on the sway diet , some days allot lower amd odd day a biy higher and i am 27 years old , not got pcos amd neo pregnancy complications. My weight is pretty average of around 58kg

The problem is you aren't supposed to go lower. It's actually better to go higher than lower. Lower is dangerous to your health, the health of your unborn baby, and your sway too (because you will end up stopping ovulation and end up having to practically sway blue to restore your fertility and it would have been way better if you'd just eaten more reasonably and prevented O from stopping to begin with.)

I would feel much better about sounding off on your diet if you give me the ballpark average of your cals, protein, and fat intake for your normal day.

May 16th, 2017, 03:07 PM
I understand, i would say roughly most days is around 1500 cals, 10 -15g fat and 50g protein, try to reduce sodium with no added salt to foods etc but ive not been struct eith tbis aspect as i will end up with little foods to eat. Also i avoid potatoes, tomatoes, no meat and no bananas.. use to take cal and mag suppl bit atoped that 4 weeks ago. Just take folic acid amd soon to be clomid for month, thanks

May 17th, 2017, 12:36 PM
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I understand, i would say roughly most days is around 1500 cals, 10 -15g fat and 50g protein, try to reduce sodium with no added salt to foods etc but ive not been struct eith tbis aspect as i will end up with little foods to eat. Also i avoid potatoes, tomatoes, no meat and no bananas.. use to take cal and mag suppl bit atoped that 4 weeks ago. Just take folic acid amd soon to be clomid for month, thanks

atomic sagebrush
May 17th, 2017, 05:17 PM
I understand, i would say roughly most days is around 1500 cals, 10 -15g fat and 50g protein, try to reduce sodium with no added salt to foods etc but ive not been struct eith tbis aspect as i will end up with little foods to eat. Also i avoid potatoes, tomatoes, no meat and no bananas.. use to take cal and mag suppl bit atoped that 4 weeks ago. Just take folic acid amd soon to be clomid for month, thanks

Nope, that is not ok. You need at minimum 30 g fat and since you've been eating so little I'd like you to increase that to more like 40-60.

RE dropping potassium foods, that is NOT PART of LE Diet. The mineral diets did that because they also drank tons of dairy which has tons of potassium. ON LE Diet we are not drinking the massive amounts of dairy, and we actually have trouble getting enough potassium. You can kill yourself dropping all potassium foods and I urge you to resume eating them right away. It doesn't work for swaying to restrict them anyway!

May 18th, 2017, 03:58 AM
Ok thankyou for your feedback, ill definitely take up what you reccomended. Many thanks

May 18th, 2017, 04:01 AM
And just to clarify does results show sodium content sways because i started to monitor that yet i ended up npt bein able to eat much so alsonh as i dont add salt etc i shpuld be fine? Or would you say i need to avoid sodium ? Which foods in particular? Thanks

atomic sagebrush
May 18th, 2017, 11:23 AM
Most of us on here totally gave up on the sodium idea and our results ahve only gone up and up since we did. I doubt sodium does anything since everyone around the world eats it and get about 50-50 b and g (and at least some of the claims in the FGD book otherwise, are almost certainly based on gender abortions that altered the sex ratio, only they did not know that at the time)

I got my 4th boy limiting it and my girl eating tons of it.

May 18th, 2017, 12:44 PM
Thanks so much atomic, all the best