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View Full Version : Oops, pregnant, no sway...or, not much anyway...

October 19th, 2011, 05:37 PM
I have 3 boys & found out (on my birthday) that I'm pregnant. :pinksperm: I'm really torn. I want to enjoy this pregnancy. I want to love this little baby. Part of me can't help but hope it might finally be my little girl.

The tough part is that nothing much changed...
-My husband has a pH of 9-10 & we hadn't started our swaying diet yet.
-It did end up being a -1 or O+12...but I'm not sure which. (My other boys were from up to 5 days before.)
-I did use lime tampons after it happened because I knew it was too close...
-I did drink Crystal light & take a benadryl immediately...

But I can't really believe that those things are enough.:nails:

I'm going to try and hide the pregnancy until after Christmas. I just don't need all the smart things people have to say.:mad:

Thanks for listening...I don't have anyone to talk to about this. I could just use some support... And ideas on how to hide a 4th pregnancy (when my muscles are already relaxing!!)


October 19th, 2011, 05:54 PM
I hope it is winter where you are so you can wear some jackets! Even though you did not sway, you still have a chance. There is always a chance. Good luck and KUP!

October 19th, 2011, 06:04 PM
Hugs Applesoup!!! I do agree with NBP, you absolutely still have a chance! FWIW I swayed HARD for a boy, I'm not sure I could have done anything more than I did, and still ended up with our DD3, so ... even the best laid plans don't yield the desired result. Even if you had gotten to fully sway there's no promise you would have gotten your DD. FX this sweet little accident happens to be a girl! You'll have to stick around and keep us posted :)

Re: hiding it, I think those long billowy cardigans and drapey (but not empire!!!) tops help a ton. Wear low-cut jeans so that you don't cut into your .. umm, widening waist. Carrying a cross-body purse instead of over-the-shoulder also can help if you're just out walking around and worried you'll run into someone.

October 19th, 2011, 06:08 PM
Thanks everyone. By the way, how do I create one of those...thingies @ the end or your message?

October 19th, 2011, 06:08 PM
You do have a chance!!! And congrats!!

November 18th, 2011, 07:48 AM
applesoup, do you know already???
I'm a mum of 3 boys and yeah.....oops....I got pregnant. Needles to say I'm praying my hands of for a girl. I'm 8 weeks now. We did 'it' on saterday and my ovutest was positive on wednsday.....That's all. No lime, no checking PH, no diet, nothing of that.....God do I hope this time it was a pink one who came in!!!!!!

November 18th, 2011, 09:01 AM
LOTS of women don't sway and have a girl after 3 boys! Praying this is your girl! No doubt I'll be in teh same boat soon :) You're not alone!!!

November 18th, 2011, 02:46 PM
hope you get what you want ladies do keep posting

November 18th, 2011, 03:01 PM
Congrats! I hope it's your girl! How to hide it I don't know I could not hide my #4 anymore I guess the more we are pregnant the earlier it show?

November 19th, 2011, 03:40 PM
how do I create one of those...thingies @ the end or your message?Congratulations!!!! The more kids you have, statistically you have greater chance for opposite gender :)
About smileys if you were referring to them? Click on 'Go Advanced" right next to Post Quick Reply and that's it! HTH!

November 19th, 2011, 08:53 PM
OMG the same thing happened to me!!!
i joined here , hoping to sway for a girl, I have 4 boys already.
done the research, got my plan sorted out, was going to put it into action when my next cycle started in October.

September 26th after a few days of dizzy spells and smells making me gag i took a test at 12DPO and BFP!!
totally unexpected, we had been using condoms , but this particular time, 5 days before ovulation we didnt use anything.

i have already convinced myself its another boy.

good luck, fingers crossed you get some pink....:)

November 19th, 2011, 09:18 PM
[QUOTE=juffertje2;103260]applesoup, do you know already???=QUOTE]

Jufferteje2, no I'll be 9 weeks on Monday. (Due June 25th) Sounds like we're really close!

Thanks for the encouragement, ladies. I KNOW that OTHER people end up having the opposite gender without "trying," I just feel like I'm playing with a weighted coin. It's really hard not to focus on it, especially since it's #4 & I'd love for this to be my last...and if it's another boy, I don't think I can gamble for 5 boys!

November 20th, 2011, 01:25 AM
Congrats on your pregnancy! For what it's worth, I have had 2 "oops" babies and both were girls. Good luck and I hope you have a pink bean in there!

November 20th, 2011, 01:45 AM
I had an oops too!!! My "sway" is in the sway section here...its pretty much nonexistent. We weren't going to try until Fall 2011... Oh well. I was taking vitex and hubs was taking SP but other than that...pretty much nothing else. Diet was the same, no gels, no frequent release, lots of ewcm...I'm pretty sure that this one's a girl....I find out in 3 days:) I was also told that "oops" babies tend to be girls:) I'm crossing everything for you, both!!! xoxo

November 23rd, 2011, 09:30 PM
My friend had her oops baby after 3 boys and she's all girl! Good luck!!!!