View Full Version : Captain we're going down, the ship is sinking fast... or is it?!

September 15th, 2017, 10:07 AM
Hello gender dreamers... this is my first post. I found myself here after a surprise pregnancy/loss at 5 weeks. Prior to this I was on the "I am done" train however; I have realized that train has detoured and I want to try this time and with that being said I may as well try for the girl we've been dreaming for. *Yeah yeah a girl can dream* My concern is that I am now 39 years old and I have been a sticky fertile myrtle so this loss has me a bit concerned. I did find out that I had a UTI and I had my thyroid removed in March of this year so I don't know if these were contributing factors or maybe I am just too old and this is it for me. Our youngest child is 15 months. I had been nursing him and my menstrual returned in June and we were pregnant in August. I really would like to try again but one known hiccup and a possible one. Hiccup #1... My husband and I are renewing our vows in July of next year and I don't want to be 8/9 months pregnant so that leaves me this month and next month to become pregnant. Is this even possible with our most recent loss and if I begin to sway now would it would even help? Possible hiccup #2... err I am 39. If we wait until afterwards I will be 40 and I've read a lot about issues in older women. I don't know ... I feel like I am all over the place. I can't believe I actually hopped on that I'm done train... we may actually miss our chance at the possibility of spreading some pink in this testosterone driven household.
