View Full Version : Skipping breakfast = BDing in the morning (help with pink sway)

September 30th, 2017, 01:20 PM

For my sway I wil be skipping breakfast and lunch (not difficult for me as I already do that - I just carb up in the evening!) Surely me and my DH should be getting sexy (!) in the morning as opposed to the evening when my blood sugars will at their lowest?! To me it makes sense however I haven’t seen a mention of this in any of the threads...

Many thanks!

September 30th, 2017, 03:36 PM
It doesn't matter when you BD. Sperm can take minutes to several hours to capacitate before being able to fertilize the egg. It really doesn't matter anyway because it's your overall diet and lifestyle that matter. You said you're only eating dinner and nothing else? You probably aren't getting enough to eat. Not to be nosy, it's just that I've seen so many ladies here barely eat then have difficulty getting/staying pregnant.

October 1st, 2017, 10:58 AM
Thanks for the response! It seems I was becoming a little confused!

I understand your concern regarding my eating however I eat all my days calories in one meal - it normally totals out to about 1300 ish, don’t know why but I’ve akways done it like that! I’ll make sure not to go under 1200 though!

Thanks for the response!


atomic sagebrush
October 2nd, 2017, 01:29 PM
Do not skip both breakfast and lunch. This is not a starvation diet, it's a swaying diet that is meant to be healthy prepregnancy diet and enable you to get and stay pregnant. Starving is not allowed.

It doesn't matter what time of day you BD. The blood sugar thing is NOT immediate (otherwise we'd just starve ourselves for 12 hours and have sex while our blood sugar levels are at their lowest). We see best results with 12 weeks or longer on diet even when people were not that strict, and disappointing results with people on diet for 2-4 weeks even when they were super strict the whole time. This indicates that nothing you do for one day can make any dramatic difference and I think it best to just BD when it is easy to do so.

atomic sagebrush
October 2nd, 2017, 01:30 PM
Thanks for the response! It seems I was becoming a little confused!

I understand your concern regarding my eating however I eat all my days calories in one meal - it normally totals out to about 1300 ish, don’t know why but I’ve akways done it like that! I’ll make sure not to go under 1200 though!

Thanks for the response!


If you're used to it then that is different, although I do often find that once people start swaying, either they were eating more than they thought to begin with or they cut back more than they realize and then they stop ovulating. Please be very very careful because I prefer, and we have seen by far best results with, 1500-1800 cals. Only about 3-5% of people should be eating 1200-1500.