View Full Version : IVF/PGD for a first pregnancy?

October 8th, 2017, 08:16 AM
Hi Everyone,

I've been doing some research and it appears that many places who are willing to do IVF/PGD are mostly in favour of it for 'family balancing' purposes. However, my husband and I want to IVF/PGD for a girl for our first pregnancy. I'm already 36 and we are very aware that we don't exactly have a lot of time to 'keep trying' for the little girl we both dreamed of having even before we met each other, and are willing to pay to ensure that if we can only have one child before the sand runs out on my biological clock (I point blank refuse to be pregnant after 40 due to the risks) that we have a little girl. If we go naturally and have a boy, we might run out of time to go back and try again and never be girl parents, which is our dream.

Males in my family are very prone to autism while none of the girls have it, so this is also a risk I want to reduce since hubby and I are both over 35 (he is also 36).

Does anyone know if Dr Potter or any of the other well reputed clinics in the states allow gender selection for a first pregnancy?

(If this changes anything: Husband and I live in Germany (Frankfurt) where you can't even get the harmony test for gender until it is too late for an abortion. I'm an Australian citizen born in Australia, and he is a dual citizen of Brazil and Germany - born in Munich).

Thank you to anyone who can help!

October 9th, 2017, 01:40 AM
Hello :)

I 35 and wanting to try for a boy as I already have a 6 mo girl. I'm in the formative stages of my searching.

From what I have read about Dr Potter, I haven't come across anything that mentions 'first pregnancies excluded.' They seem very open and willing to chat so it might be worthwhile giving them a call once you've made a list of questions.

I'm trying to write a list of questions to ask for a phone consult and I must admit, it's pretty overwhelming knowing where to start.

There is a link in the forum lists to Dr Potter...perhaps you may get a few answers in that forum thread?
All the best!

atomic sagebrush
October 10th, 2017, 01:48 PM
Yes I am all but 100% sure that many clinics in the US will do gender selection with a first pregnancy! Good luck!