View Full Version : Gender and growth correlation?

October 26th, 2017, 11:59 AM
Hi everyone!

I am having fun driving myself crazy before my ultrasound and came across a couple of articles that said that baby boys tend to develop more quickly than baby girls during pregnancy. I'm not sure how credible this article is, but it made me think. At an early 7 week ultrasound, baby was right on target. By my 12 week ultrasound, baby was measuring 5 days ahead. Now, I am positive that there are tons of instances where baby girls were measuring ahead, but I am just wondering if this is a recurring theme with boys. Any insight?

Thanks so much!

The Womb Makes It Easy Being A Girl: How The Placenta Protects Girls More Than Boys (http://www.medicaldaily.com/womb-makes-it-easy-being-girl-how-placenta-protects-girls-more-boys-285690)

October 26th, 2017, 12:10 PM
Gender may play a role in growth but I think genetics in general is a huge factor. Some babies, regardless of gender, are going to grow a little faster or slower than they're "supposed" to. DS1 measured on target at his 10 week scan but then at 12 weeks jumped ahead to 13. With DS2, he measured small most of my pregnancy but he's (to this day) just a small guy. Also, the further along you are, the less accurate baby's measurements are. Usually by 12 weeks, it decreases in accuracy because babies grow at their own rate. This all has to do with placenta function, the mother's diet, genetics, etc. I agree with the article's findings, I just want to point out it's not a hard and fast rule of "all baby boys grow fast, girls grow slow."

October 26th, 2017, 12:34 PM
That makes total sense, ksmom! You have a great point that the dating accuracy decreases around 12 weeks also. The more I read here, the more I am convinced that there really isn't anything that can predict what we are having other than the blood tests/ultrasounds!

October 26th, 2017, 12:53 PM
All of my boys measured 1-2 weeks early on and stayed that way through out the pregnancy. My DD measured ahead 3-5 days early on and then from 18 weeks on she measured 2 weeks ahead. She ended up being my biggest baby despite me not gaining as much with her as with my boys!

This is not a hard and fast rule by any means!

[emoji170]8/2010 [emoji170]6/2013 [emoji170]11/2015 [emoji170]

[emoji254]Thank you Gender Dreaming for our precious little girl![emoji254]

October 26th, 2017, 01:32 PM
Thank you, XX! It is so helpful to hear your experience!

atomic sagebrush
October 27th, 2017, 01:07 PM
That's not what that study means...it doesn't mean that you can have a baby boy or girl actually developing visibly faster due to gender. If that was the case they'd totally know that by now and would use it as a way to determine gender earlier.

The most likely cause of variations like that is mistakes (and I am using that term loosely, it's tough to tell age of baby early) by the tech either in the early ultrasound or the later one. Individual variation comes into play too but it's just usually that it's hard for the techs to say for sure.

October 30th, 2017, 09:48 AM
Thanks so much, atomic. I am done trying to guess based on any kind of symptoms or old wives tales! You're so right that if there were a definite sign that everyone would have been all over it long ago! :)

November 20th, 2017, 12:04 PM
I just wanted to come back to update that we have a sweet little boy on the way! Now I am totally convinced (like atomic has said all along) that old wives tales and symptoms don't mean a thing when it comes to gender!

November 20th, 2017, 12:31 PM
Congrats on your son! My DD always measured several days ahead and my last ultrasound with her, her length was off the charts!

atomic sagebrush
November 21st, 2017, 01:44 PM
congrats on a new little man itty!!