View Full Version : Pink sway
December 19th, 2017, 05:02 AM
Heeey so we are planing to pink sway I have been reading so much about it...
Currently I am skipping breakfast & having lunch around noon which is sometimes either porridge or seed crackers with spread & maybe abit of fruit or popcorn then I知 having dinner which is pasta or omelette ? I知 going veggie but may have a cheat day with chicken or I will be over this Christmas, I知 drinking atleast 3 cups of coffee with one have a teaspoon of sugar in morning, also cranberry juice & Diet Pepsi/coke, I知 also going to be using actigel. I致e ordered OPK so I can start tracking & we plan for my DH to abstain & we BD 3/4 cut off & he release once ...
Does this sound any good for a pink sway? Is there anything people would Change or include? Do people think I should be thinking about he moon phrases or the ions?
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December 19th, 2017, 10:10 AM
What are your totals for calories, fat, protein? LE limits are 1500-1800 calories, 30-60g fat, 40-60g protein. You need to be staying within that, no going below. I would drop the cranberry juice as it may sway blue and it hasn't been helpful for pink sways anyway. Any reason you're doing a cutoff for BD? Timing doesn't sway ( and we've found that one attempt at positive OPK gets the best results for pink. Don't worry about moon phases or ions. Those are old school sway tactics and they don't sway. We've found a rather simple approach of LE diet for 12+ weeks, coffee, alcohol, fiber, cardio, one attempt at pos OPK and clomid/femara get good results for pink.
December 19th, 2017, 10:13 AM
What are your totals for calories, fat, protein? LE limits are 1500-1800 calories, 30-60g fat, 40-60g protein. You need to be staying within that, no going below. I would drop the cranberry juice as it may sway blue and it hasn't been helpful for pink sways anyway. Any reason you're doing a cutoff for BD? Timing doesn't sway ( and we've found that one attempt at positive OPK gets the best results for pink. Don't worry about moon phases or ions. Those are old school sway tactics and they don't sway. We've found a rather simple approach of LE diet for 12+ weeks, coffee, alcohol, fiber, cardio, one attempt at pos OPK and clomid/femara get good results for pink.
I was thinking of using my fitness pal to start track my intake? Does it have to be in meals or can they be in snacks too?
Brill thank you!
I was going to do cut off as I know a few people who done the baby dust method & it worked for them so I thought maybe it was a sway?
Thank you!!xxx
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December 19th, 2017, 02:44 PM
You can track your totals with myfitness pal. I would stick to 2-3 meals a day, no snacks.
I've never heard of the baby dust method. Cutoff significantly lowers odds of conception but if you want to do it, it's your choice. One attempt at pos OPK is good odds of conceiving while still being pink friendly.
atomic sagebrush
December 20th, 2017, 09:47 AM
Hi again Stac!
Since porridge has some chemicals in it that may sway blue (even though it's unlikely you can get enough in dietary amounts to sway at all, probably has to be supplements) most people tend to skip it. Totally up to you.
Have you added up your totals for the day? Calories, protein, and fat?
Cheating is not only allowed but encouraged on LE Diet.
While I did also have coffee with sugar technically that's a cheat - it's supposed to be very low or no cal. But like I said, this was something I was ok with compromising on.
Cranberry juice is pointless for swaying. It's not concentrated enough to sway (only the supps are medicinal dose) and worse, we didn't even get good results with the supps anyway! They didn't evne seem to help at all (plus had lots of risks and side effects) and so if the concentrated supplements aren't even working, it's impossible that a little juice can be swaying at all. All you do is add in some nutrients that may sway blue (since the best study ever done on maternal preconception diet showed clearly that higher nutrients = more boys) So I'd skip the cran juice.
diet drinks are at your discretion, they don't seem to work either but at least have no nutrients.
Like ks mentions timing hasn't worked for us (most of us on here have several timing opposites myself included) BUT if you'd like to start off with it, I urge you aim at the 3 day cutoff since 4 day is really slim chances of conceiving.
Moon phases and ions don't work, if you want ions they probably don't hurt anything. I'd not bother with the moon stuff since you can't exactly make your ovulation move in any reliable way.
atomic sagebrush
December 20th, 2017, 09:57 AM
Hi again Stac!
Since porridge has some chemicals in it that may sway blue (even though it's unlikely you can get enough in dietary amounts to sway at all, probably has to be supplements) most people tend to skip it. Totally up to you.
Have you added up your totals for the day? Calories, protein, and fat?
Cheating is not only allowed but encouraged on LE Diet.
While I did also have coffee with sugar technically that's a cheat - it's supposed to be very low or no cal. But like I said, this was something I was ok with compromising on.
Cranberry juice is pointless for swaying. It's not concentrated enough to sway (only the supps are medicinal dose) and worse, we didn't even get good results with the supps anyway! They didn't evne seem to help at all (plus had lots of risks and side effects) and so if the concentrated supplements aren't even working, it's impossible that a little juice can be swaying at all. All you do is add in some nutrients that may sway blue (since the best study ever done on maternal preconception diet showed clearly that higher nutrients = more boys) So I'd skip the cran juice.
diet drinks are at your discretion, they don't seem to work either but at least have no nutrients.
Like ks mentions timing hasn't worked for us (most of us on here have several timing opposites myself included) BUT if you'd like to start off with it, I urge you aim at the 3 day cutoff since 4 day is really slim chances of conceiving.
Moon phases and ions don't work, if you want ions they probably don't hurt anything. I'd not bother with the moon stuff since you can't exactly make your ovulation move in any reliable way.
December 20th, 2017, 10:42 AM
Hi again Stac!
Since porridge has some chemicals in it that may sway blue (even though it's unlikely you can get enough in dietary amounts to sway at all, probably has to be supplements) most people tend to skip it. Totally up to you.
Have you added up your totals for the day? Calories, protein, and fat?
Cheating is not only allowed but encouraged on LE Diet.
While I did also have coffee with sugar technically that's a cheat - it's supposed to be very low or no cal. But like I said, this was something I was ok with compromising on.
Cranberry juice is pointless for swaying. It's not concentrated enough to sway (only the supps are medicinal dose) and worse, we didn't even get good results with the supps anyway! They didn't evne seem to help at all (plus had lots of risks and side effects) and so if the concentrated supplements aren't even working, it's impossible that a little juice can be swaying at all. All you do is add in some nutrients that may sway blue (since the best study ever done on maternal preconception diet showed clearly that higher nutrients = more boys) So I'd skip the cran juice.
diet drinks are at your discretion, they don't seem to work either but at least have no nutrients.
Like ks mentions timing hasn't worked for us (most of us on here have several timing opposites myself included) BUT if you'd like to start off with it, I urge you aim at the 3 day cutoff since 4 day is really slim chances of conceiving.
Moon phases and ions don't work, if you want ions they probably don't hurt anything. I'd not bother with the moon stuff since you can't exactly make your ovulation move in any reliable way.
Thank you again for replying!!
That痴 brill thank you!
I think if I try to make a meal plan for myself I will be able to stick to it it痴 just knowing what to gave & what to try & avoid [emoji85]
Again thank you! I知 going to start tracking my opk now so I知 hoping that I can get a better understanding of that then I will do cut off
I think the meals will be easier after Christmas [emoji23][emoji85][emoji85]
Does it take people longer to sway for a girl?
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atomic sagebrush
December 20th, 2017, 11:30 AM
In the Dream Members section there's a thread where I rate commonly eaten foods from A-F. There actually are no forbidden foods for pink. It's all about the limits - 1500-1800 calories, 40-50 g protein, 30-60 g fat. You have freedom in those limits, although some foods are better than others nothing is a complete no-no.
We have about 3 months to conception on average for our swayers. It all depends on how strict a sway you do and how many tactics you use that cut odds of conception.
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