View Full Version : Bummed

January 11th, 2018, 08:31 PM
This thread is more for a little vent rather then a question. These past few weeks from right before the holidays up until the beginning of this week I’ve rarely had time/energy to excersize. At first I was sick, then my son was sick and as expected much more needy then normal. Now my MIL moved and we’ve been helping her get set up and I’m just exhausted. It’s weighing very heavy on me, and I know life happens but I just feel really bad about not excersizing, especially after over indulging during Christmas/New Years.
So far this week I’ve only got in two days of cardio, and it’s been the first two workouts in almost 3 weeks :/

January 11th, 2018, 09:12 PM
I hear you! Life just gets in the way doesn't it. The fact that youve been helping MIL move surely counts as cardio.

The hardest part is beating ourselves up over it mentally. I certainly veered off track over the break so youre certainly not alone if that makes you feel any better!?

January 12th, 2018, 05:09 AM
Your description sounds like what I would do if I found exercising terribly boring or so exhausting that I just couldn't motivate myself to do it again. Maybe you could just go over the way you're exercising again and see if you can make it more pleasant and "doable" for you? I have found a really well working solution for me. I'm actually quite a lazy person [emoji51] I like to sit on the sofa and watch soap operas in TV. I would no way find the motivation to leave the house for jogging or something like that. I would always find an excuse then. Too cold, too rainy, too hot ;-) We installed a television infront of our treadmill and now I can watch my soaps in our warm and dry house while walking on the treadmill for an hour. I'm just walking with a moderate velocity (5 km/h) because I know that if it gets too exhausting, I won't do it again. But I read atomic saying that this is perfectly fine and she prefers it over excercising too hard and then getting injured and not being able to exercise at all...

Good luck!!! :-)

[emoji170] 08/2014 [emoji170] 04/2016

atomic sagebrush
January 12th, 2018, 02:17 PM
Let's call helping MIL move cardio and just pick it up again from here.

Beating yourself up over it only makes you feel bad and have more pressure on you. It never works out. It only makes you less likely to keep going and accomplishes nothing for your sway.

Remember, even our prehistoric ancestors sometimes got sick or there was a winter storm and they holed up in their cave for a while.

atomic sagebrush
January 12th, 2018, 02:18 PM
Your description sounds like what I would do if I found exercising terribly boring or so exhausting that I just couldn't motivate myself to do it again. Maybe you could just go over the way you're exercising again and see if you can make it more pleasant and "doable" for you? I have found a really well working solution for me. I'm actually quite a lazy person [emoji51] I like to sit on the sofa and watch soap operas in TV. I would no way find the motivation to leave the house for jogging or something like that. I would always find an excuse then. Too cold, too rainy, too hot ;-) We installed a television infront of our treadmill and now I can watch my soaps in our warm and dry house while walking on the treadmill for an hour. I'm just walking with a moderate velocity (5 km/h) because I know that if it gets too exhausting, I won't do it again. But I read atomic saying that this is perfectly fine and she prefers it over excercising too hard and then getting injured and not being able to exercise at all...

Good luck!!! :-)

[emoji170] 08/2014 [emoji170] 04/2016

:agree: I do prefer walking because people who try to do too intense activity for their abilities often end up injured!

January 15th, 2018, 12:08 PM
Thank you ladies for all of the responses! I usually do walk as it’s the easiest way to fit cardio in for me. Of course DH and I decided on swaying during the busiest time of the year for us! Lol trying not to worry too much about it as it’s fone and over with and that I’m back on track with my cardio! I must say, I’ve never been one that enjoyed the cardio, especially during the cold winter months but the walking is definitely doable! And as atomic said I definitely do not want to get injured, especially with having a very active almost 4 yo boy!