View Full Version : Latest thoughts on timing?

February 4th, 2018, 02:24 PM
I’m sure there have been loads of threads about this but I’m confused about what the most current advice is about timing for ttc pink. I thought frequent attempts and 3 day cut off was the way to go but I read recently that one attempt in fertile window (any particular time?) is meant to be best for a pink sway. Anybody know what’s best to try? What worked for you?

February 4th, 2018, 05:37 PM
Timing doesn't sway (as in dtd certain days before ovulation for blue or pink). One attempt at pos OPK has gotten wonderful results and DTD every 4 days is the next best thing if you choose not to use OPKs.

atomic sagebrush
February 5th, 2018, 06:48 PM
Timing doesn't sway and you can read why that is here: http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/7691-trouble-timing.html

I really really can't recommend the "frequent BD to a cutoff" and I have a full explanation of why in this thread: https://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/58359-what-up-bd-thru-o-pink-lately.html Short version is this - one attempt sways pink. We don't know how, we don't know why, we only know that it does. You put your sway at HUGE risk trying frequent BD to cutoff because what if you ovulate early? Or late? Happens all the time with swaying.

I got my daughter with one attempt late at night the day before O day (it was 1 am, which IS technically O Day). I got 3 of my 4 boys with cutoffs of 2-3 days or possibly longer and all were more than one attempt. The other boy was a sneak attack, not sure when I got him but it was at least 2 attempts. The only girl I have was the only pregnancy with one attempt. :)

February 6th, 2018, 01:59 AM
Thanks - I just read the essays and will go for one attempt. Just one more q: is there anything in the month of conception? I was going to attempt in april because I read that more girls were conceived in april. But i will only have been on the diet for about 10 weeks. On balance would it be best for me to hold off until May or June to give the diet a better chance? Am guessing that’s more successful overall than making it April!

atomic sagebrush
February 7th, 2018, 01:56 PM
There does seem to be a little something but it's only just that - a little. I got my girl in a boy month and two of my boys in girl months. Swaying vastly outweighs the months.

10 weeks on diet is still pretty good though. It's your call to make, keeping in mind you may not even get pregnant the first month out. What I DON"T like to see is people do 12 weeks (or longer) on diet and then launch into this super duper strict sway that has very low chances of conception, then do that another few months, till it's been like 6-9 months on diet and they've wasted away to nothing. So make a compromise with yourself - if you're doing a strict sway with lots of things that reduce odds of conceiving then you may want to start at 10 weeks rather than waiting a whole nother month anyway (regardless of the month of the year!!)

February 7th, 2018, 04:30 PM
You’re fabulous, thanks for the great advice

February 17th, 2018, 02:49 AM
Hi Atomic,

With the timing thing, I’m clear on doing one attempt after a positive OPK. But are there any other methods I should know about but am missing? I’ve read stuff on here about DH doing frequent release before the attempt etc. Should we be doing that? Or is it simply, one attempt with the positive and fingers crossed? I’ve read the essay on the trouble with timing but can’t locate info on this bit. Thank you again!

atomic sagebrush
February 17th, 2018, 04:06 PM
I have probably more than u ever wanted to know here:


February 17th, 2018, 04:08 PM
Goodness me, I’ll get reading now! :omg:

February 17th, 2018, 04:14 PM
Wow that’s so much to think about. Sounds like frequent release and then one attempt is the way to go. Since you wrote that essay have you come to any conclusions about which way you think might be best? I guess it depends on the circumstances of each couple.

February 18th, 2018, 02:37 AM
Just read another essay that makes me think E4d sounds good and more doable. Will check the stats but am guessing this gets good results?

February 18th, 2018, 03:07 AM
And yet another query (sorry! Can you tell I’ll be attempting soon? :-) ) Cos of irregular cycles if i do e4d but it so happens and then I get a positive OPK in one of those weeks that isn’t on the day we were going to dtd should I do it again? So that would be three attempts that week instead of two. Sorry if that’s a stupid question :worry:

atomic sagebrush
February 18th, 2018, 01:44 PM
Just read another essay that makes me think E4d sounds good and more doable. Will check the stats but am guessing this gets good results?

I can't compare the two because two different groups of people have been doing them. Most people start off with one attempt and only after some time, go to e4d. This means they've had longer on diet and may be less fertile than the people who get pregnant right away with one attempt. People who get pregnant with one attempt may be more "set" for blue than those who have switched over to e4d. So I personally prefer you guys to start off at one attempt and then go to e4d but it's up to you.

atomic sagebrush
February 18th, 2018, 01:45 PM
And yet another query (sorry! Can you tell I’ll be attempting soon? :-) ) Cos of irregular cycles if i do e4d but it so happens and then I get a positive OPK in one of those weeks that isn’t on the day we were going to dtd should I do it again? So that would be three attempts that week instead of two. Sorry if that’s a stupid question :worry:

:agree: Having irregular cycles does make e4d make a lot more sense.

To answer your question NO you do not have another attempt at positive OPK if you're doing e4d. That is a different, possibly more blue friendly method called e4d plus one which I only have people use if e4d has failed for several months.

atomic sagebrush
February 18th, 2018, 01:47 PM
Wow that’s so much to think about. Sounds like frequent release and then one attempt is the way to go. Since you wrote that essay have you come to any conclusions about which way you think might be best? I guess it depends on the circumstances of each couple.

Yes, I do all different things in my custom plans depending on the unique circumstances of the couple. I just can't pin it down any more than that. I am of the opinion that neither abstain nor FR has really worked and more and more I have had hubbies release every 2-4 days while keeping one attempt. But it's up to you what you feel the most comfy with.