View Full Version : ATOMIC! 16 week gender ultrasound confirms Girl!

March 3rd, 2018, 12:48 AM
I tried posting a photo from my phone and it won’t let me I click upload from photos and it’s there then there’s no place for me to click done so I have to exit or either go to the url side and click ok which clicks out with no photo? Is there any other place I can send a picture to show it?**

After over 6 months of trying I’m incredibly happy to announce and I am so beyond the moon in awe of God and so thankful and grateful! Thank you so much Atomic and to this website to help contribute to the outcome of my Baby Girl coming around August 16!!

The baby was sleeping when we first started the ultrasound so it was hard to even see between the legs because they were sort of close together and before she woke up we thought we might of seen somthing poke through (ended up being cord or something else) but after we woke her up we looked literally at all angles and couldn’t see a pee pee but didn’t spot the 3 lines or ‘hamburger’ she was stubborn. Finallllyyyy we got a capture of the 3 lines and or hamburger lol and I was so in awe and felt so much joy I can’t even explain it. On the photo of the three lines, the legs aren’t super visible but the foot is and the butt I’m guessing because she angled it specifically to see that jay jay part because it looks highlighted. . Thank you guys so much for your advice and support!

Here’s my sway for anyone interested.
1. Clomid days 5-9
2. Abstained and had my one attempt (Missionary) my second day of a positive Opk because I ovulate later around 2-3 days after first positive Opk.
3. Used a little of Sylk because clomid made me dry and I layed on my stomach after bd since my uterus is retroverted.
4. Skipped breakfast more than half the week
5.. Took 1000 omg of Folate and had about a teasooon of cinnamon maybe less)) almost every day.
6.. Made sure my ph wasn’t super high or past a 5 (doesn’t really matter I heard anyways)
7. HUBBY took OLE and abstained a week or so maybe longer and took a hot shower before we made our attempt.

March 3rd, 2018, 01:10 AM
Wow, huge congrats :)

March 3rd, 2018, 07:47 AM

atomic sagebrush
March 3rd, 2018, 11:59 AM
Missy huge congrats!! Thank you so much for updating us! When you have time if you feel like it, can you do an add your sway?? http://genderdreaming.com/forum/add-your-girl-sway-/ It really helps people to be able to see what worked for you!

March 3rd, 2018, 01:50 PM
Is there any way I can send you some of the photos??

I’ll add the sway :)

atomic sagebrush
March 4th, 2018, 11:35 AM
LOL I'm even worse at posting pics than you are probably! haha if you can get to a desktop computer, people seem to have more luck posting from computers rather than phones. OR, try opening up a browser on your phone (not tapatalk app) and try from there. :) Would love to see them! :heart: