View Full Version : Dr Potter - Any info for success rates ESET using 24 gsn v's 2 probe for a 35 yr old

November 10th, 2011, 03:39 PM
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before.
Being a new technology, I am wondering if there are any statistics available yet as to whether 24 gsn testing gives higher pregnancy results than 2 probe when doing ESET?
I am 35, cycling in Dec for GS and deciding which technology to use. As I am travelling international I am thinking perhaps it is more cost effective to use 24 GSN to find out the truth of the embryo (and select the best embryo first time) rather than long haul travel for a potentially abnormal FET. Any information or recommendations greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Dr. Potter
November 16th, 2011, 11:47 AM
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before.
Being a new technology, I am wondering if there are any statistics available yet as to whether 24 gsn testing gives higher pregnancy results than 2 probe when doing ESET?
I am 35, cycling in Dec for GS and deciding which technology to use. As I am travelling international I am thinking perhaps it is more cost effective to use 24 GSN to find out the truth of the embryo (and select the best embryo first time) rather than long haul travel for a potentially abnormal FET. Any information or recommendations greatly appreciated. Thank you.
The pregnancy rate depends on the developmental stage of the embryo transferred but GSN embryos vs. 2-probe embryos of the same stage will have about double the implantation rate. This is because about half of the 'normal' embryos with 2-probe really are not normal. I hope that this helps.
Dr. P