View Full Version : TTC journey begins

April 25th, 2018, 11:24 PM
Ok, this may be a long post. So I’m sorry in advance, really just looking for some advice/tips that I’m on the right path .
I’m 40 (41 in a couple of weeks) DH is 41.
I had my tubes tied after DS3 4.5 years ago.

& I had these recently ( 2 weeks ago) reversed.
Since then I have been scrolling the website, researching and awaiting my period to start .

I have altered my diet from keto to as close as I can to the LE diet as I can manage, I can’t do grains or pastas, , I don’t tolerate them well at all. So I’ve increased my veggies, cut out meat, lowering my sat fats. I don’t eat breakfast, i intermittent fast until 11/12pm , I have a coffee in the morning, and no snacks. Keeping my calories @1500. Which seems to be ok, as I’m still losing weight. And I have a lot to lose! LoL but I’m wondering if that is on the right track?
I have started on folate but am also questioning whether I start vitex?

Anyway, now I come to frequency, we have 3boys and I’ve had the opportunity to look at my old graphs and see how often we DTD and with our 2nd boy he was a one release .So that has me all confused , due to our ages, I gather that abstaining isn’t a good idea, so I’m stuck on our next move, do we DTD e4d and one at a pos OPk ? Or would we be better doing FR ? Do I look at using any gel?

I have tried to order the timing ebook, but there has been some confusion and received another one.
Anyway, hope I’m sure I’ve gottten something .

atomic sagebrush
April 26th, 2018, 11:32 AM
As long as you have the weight to spare and can stick with it, then that cal intake is fine. BE sure you're getting 50-60 g protein and 50-60 g fat a day (this is not open for debate, you need to eat that level of protein and fat for egg quality given your age). Fine to stay off the grains.

No vitex, not only has it not worked at all but it also really cuts odds of conception for women over 35.

You got a boy not because of one attempt, but in spite of it. But given your age and the fact of the tubal reversal you need to be on e4d without FR or any jellies starting after your period ends and continuing on till you are 100% sure you've ovulated even if that means going all the way through till your next period begins. If you need some lubricant use small amounts of sperm safe, conception friendly jelly only such as Preseed. Larger amounts may sway blue so use only the minimum amount you need for comfy intercourse. Do not use any douches or sway jellies they cut odds of conception too far.

Please message nuthinbutpink about the ebook, I'm not sure what exactly happened and I don't handle technical stuff. But we want to get that figured out for you!

April 26th, 2018, 01:30 PM
Massive Thanks atomic ,
Yes I have lots of weight to spare ! I can definitely do those amounts of protein and fats.
I had originally thought e4d throughout so that’s good.
I was happy to do a couple of things if needed but it’s very simple, which is great!
I’m Ready! [emoji6]

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atomic sagebrush
April 26th, 2018, 06:03 PM
Good luck! LMK if you need anything!