View Full Version : OPK Experts!!!!!! I need your input!

December 6th, 2011, 11:14 AM
Im on cd 16.

On cd 14 my Clear Blue Digital had 2 happy faces and Walgreens (which is also by CBE) were both +++ but First Response and Answer were still just almost +.

On cd 15 the CBE went - and the other test were +++

Now on cd 16 my temp went up this morning. Lat night I had ovulation pain and this morning the First Response and Answer were both very positive but the CBE very negative.

Any idea why this would happen?

December 6th, 2011, 12:15 PM
I think you've def Oed on CD15.

CBE are the most accurate and others tests might be + bcos of some residual hormones still in the system.