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View Full Version : Daisyfay's successful boy sway!

December 14th, 2011, 07:31 PM
Using the same format.....my sway was confirmed successful by u/s at 19 weeks 12/14/11...perfect little turtle in the u/s pics! Tech confirmed almost immediately!

Name? Daisyfay

Swaying attempt - Natural, Sperm sorting, High Tech...? Natural

CM pH? was in the 7's when I checked
DH ph: usually in the 7's

Baking soda douche? Nope....I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Baking soda finger, how many times and for how long? Nope

Pre-seed, how and what was the pH? Yes, but didn't test the pH.

Egg whites pH and type? No, again, I just couldn't do it. DH ruled some things out as "weird" anyway.

Big O? Yes, beforehand.

Minerals DW

Calcium? way less than usual but didn't track
Magnesium? didn't track
Potassium? a LOT more than usual, from potatoes and V8 fusion and from Zico coconut water
Sodium? again, a LOT more than usual, including baking soda drink and I just salted almost everything

DH minerals? He ate a lot of what I ate but he wasn't as dedicated to swaying as he thought what I did was more important.


Duration of diet? Started in April, intending to try in May. Ended up not trying until July, so several months.
Dietary Changes? Starting eating breakfast which was a HUGE change, V8 fusion, tons of lemon in my tea and drinking juices and coconut water (never did that before), cut out sweets entirely...all big changes for me
Did you continue diet after attempt. If so for how long? I followed it loosely until the bfp.
DH consume caffeine before attempt day? He cut his coffee way down.
DH consume caffeine 1/2 hour or an hour before BD? Nope.
Hormones? I didn't exercise. I feel like my testosterone was good anyway because I usually have bad skin.
Drinks? Gobs upon gobs of lemon tea with tons of Stevia, bsd once a day af-o


Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)? yes, 1-2 capsules a day
Robitussin/Guafanesin tablets? I drank Robitussin a couple times a day leading up to O.
Alka Seltzer Gold? Got DH to drink it
Green Tea? Nope
Fertile-CM? Nope
False Unicorn? Nope
Vitamin E? Yes
Fish Oil? Yes
Folic Acid? Yes, a lot.
Flaxseed Oil? Some but cut it out in favor of the epo.
Potassium pills? Nope
L-Arginine? Tried but it delayed O and annoyed me
Tribulus terrestris? Nope
Vitamin B12? Nope
Zinc? Nope, but DH did
Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen? Nope
Others? Nope

DH supps? Zinc and Fish Oil and a Multi-vitamin


Length of DH abstinence? Don't remember
BD on O? We dtd on August 12th, 13th, and the night of the 15th.
How close to O? I think I O'd the morning of the 16th so we were right on top of it.
BD how often? See above, decided to try several times since DD was a one hit wonder from three days before O
Charting O with Temp? Not really
Charting O with OPK? Somewhat
Fertility monitor used? Nope
suspected O date? August 16th, 2011


O in what moon phase? Full
Changed ions in other ways? Dtd in the office with computer and lots of electronics, also a/c because it was August in Mississippi
How many kids do you have? 1

What gender(s)? girl

Number of months TTC? 2

Your Age? 31

BD position? missionary

EWCM present - how much? a freaking ton and all of it very watery thanks to the Robitussin
DH type of undies? boxer briefs

Did you use instead cups - how long? Nope

DH use cold bath/shower or ice? Nope

OWT - anything under bed? Nope

Comments? Prayed a ton. Just knew this was a boy because the pregnancy has been totally different from my first with DD. So incredibly happy and grateful at how things have turned out. Thank you to everyone who dealt with all my questions!!!

ETA: Now that I've calmed down from mega-excitement mode, I realized I need to mention that I made DH cut his alcohol way down and he switched from chewing tobacco sometimes (ugh, I know) to chewing mint leaves, which have no tobacco. I think that probably made a big difference. It was also August in the American South so I didn't take Vit D but I did make a point to go out in the sunlight for a least a little while every day. That may have mattered because I conceived DD in January when I was inside all the time. I may come back to add other things as I think of it.

December 14th, 2011, 08:44 PM
Great sway... so happy it worked out for you.

December 14th, 2011, 08:52 PM
Congrats on your baby BOY!!:DS:

My Fabulous Children
December 14th, 2011, 11:22 PM
COngratulations on your little boy!

December 15th, 2011, 04:45 AM
Congrats on your baby boy!! :bluecheer:

December 15th, 2011, 07:09 AM
Wonderful - congratulations!

atomic sagebrush
December 15th, 2011, 08:34 AM

My stepdad also quit chewing tobacco for awhile before he and my mom conceived their boy!!

September 25th, 2012, 12:56 PM
Great sway! The Tobacco part is very encouraging as my DH will have quit chewing for almost a year when we start TTC after having two DDs!!