View Full Version : Dumb "I got my girl" comments

December 20th, 2011, 05:05 PM
Why is it that moms to 2 boys + 1 girl always have to rub it in my face, clarify, and emphasize that they got their girl, that they're SO excited they got a girl, and they "swear" they would've been okay with 3 boys. Oh, and in the same breath, they like to ask, "so, how is it with THREE boys???"

Drives me nuts.

My vents partially over, thanks. :)

December 20th, 2011, 05:22 PM
Oh my gosh, thinking just the same thing recently. Why can't they just keep their opinions to themselves? One friend who just 'got her girl' was telling me how wonderful it was to have a girl, how different and special. WHY tell me this?!! Thank goodness just out of earshot of another friend who is expecting her third boy in about 2 weeks time.
UGHHH! feeling just the same, hope you get your girl :HH:

December 20th, 2011, 05:31 PM
Some people just don't think before they speak.

December 20th, 2011, 06:46 PM
I only have 2 boys. But I totally empathize with you. I get those a lot. I think they assume you want a girl really bad and want to rub it in your face. I just can't see another reason for making comments like that personally I assume the worst in people like that. It's people like that who have made me proud to be a boy mom and personally not even want a DD anymore.

December 20th, 2011, 06:46 PM
I think ppl have other issues if they have to rub it in your face. As I just posted on another post, what type of friend says how great it is to have something that you don't have? At least you know that you have tact, unlike them:)

December 24th, 2011, 09:44 PM
My grandma always says that misery loves company. Some ppl have their own problems and issues and love to bring others down by bragging and making themselves feel better. And maybe others just aren't thinking before they speak. It seems like ppl lose their filters when they speak to mothers.

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December 25th, 2011, 09:21 AM
Oh...you are so right about that!!
It's always the moms with 2 boys first and the 1 (or 2) girl(s) that are so rude!! They talk about girls-days when their boys are out and "shopping with their daughters and how they could not with their boys" and "i'm so happy with my girl after two boys" and offcourse they not really needed a daughter, another son would be just as great to (YEAH RIGHT!!) :hair:

Well, only one solution to this problem: "TALK TO THE HAND BECAUSE THE EAR AIN'T LISTENING!!!"

atomic sagebrush
December 31st, 2011, 08:41 PM
I KNOW. And then they try to give swaying advice (like, "I did Shettles and it worked for me") or even worse, "I prayed for a baby girl and God gave her to me" and it's like, um, well, I know 500 women who also did Shettles and it did NOT work for and so many prayers are sent up to God for all kinds of things, I kinda doubt He descended just to give you a baby girl, lady. YA GOT LUCKY!