View Full Version : E4D

November 14th, 2018, 12:08 AM
Hi everyone. How are you ladies doing the E4D method? I messed up this month and stupidly had my attempt I think way earlier than I should have, because I assumed my ovulation would come the same time as last months and was afraid hubby would be away working on the wrong night. My positive OPK still hasn’t come and now it has been just about a full 2 days since my attempt. My question is, if I happen to get my positive ovulation test in the next two days (which day would be 4 full days since my attempt), I should consider my one and only attempt and do not have another? But if I end up ovulating, say anytime AFTER 4 days since my attempt, or even on the 5th day, should I consider our DTD not as an attempt and do it once more at positive OPK?

November 14th, 2018, 01:17 PM
Hiya from my understanding e4d is straight after your period, without using opks, alll the way through to your next period

November 14th, 2018, 11:33 PM
Atomic was just talking to me about this as well. And it is my understanding that you did through your ovulation to make sure you catch if you O late. So after period ends on Monday DTD Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Thursday etc

atomic sagebrush
November 16th, 2018, 07:16 PM
You aren't trying to do one attempt with e4d.

With e4d start the pattern after your period ends and continue on till you're certain you've ovulated, even if it means going all the way through till your next period begins. So in your case whenever the 4 days have passed and it's time for another attempt, have one, regardless of what the OPK is saying.

Don't worry about the OPK. Just keep having sex every 4 days. In fact most of the time I prefer you don't even bother with OPK with the e4d method because it only causes you to be confused and stress about whether to have another attempt or not.