View Full Version : Sort of a Newbie, considering a more serious boy sway.

December 7th, 2018, 01:48 PM
Hello all, I am considering having my fourth child because I want my youngest (8 mos) to have a sib that's close in age. I have 3 girls 8 mos, 3 y, and 5 y. I really want a boy, but I know it's not guaranteed (obviously know that after 3!) and part of me is a little scared to have 4 under the age of 6-7! I'm currently nursing the baby and have not resumed periods. I just started temping and OPK's to see if I'm even ovulating bc I'm assuming I am not!

I did research swaying last attempt, however I conceived when I wasn't following them strictly and was going out of town and ended up O 2 days after BD. I also eat very girl friendly and have always watched my weight and lost all the baby weight after. This time I had a few questions. I am upping my cals, focusing on strength, doing the high sodium/potassium etc.

Here are my questions:

As far as dairy, I love dairy but we also do almond or lactose free milk for my husband a lot. I have cut out yogurts, creamers, cheese. I'm getting conflicting info on almond milk vs whole milk. If I do use milk in my cereal or coffee, should I use whole milk? What about lactaid lactose free milks? Are they acidic?

I drink a protein nutrient dense shake (shakeology) often and did before my last girls. Would this sway one way or the other? Should I stop?

I have stopped taking EPO. I have read some on Soy Isoflavens and am not sure if it's something I should try when I know that I have a cycle. How much?

Thanks in advance!

December 7th, 2018, 03:51 PM
Hi and welcome,

I can completely understand the hesitation with ttc and swaying. Seems the best we can get the sway results is about 70% success, so definitely not a guarantee. I'll chime in what I can...

Most blue swayers are using full fat dairy. DHs diet seems less critical so if he's not into full fat it's not a deal breaker. DW should do full fat if possible as Atomic has noticed that blue swayers who are doing almond milk have lower success results.

Yes definitely drop EPO, it's also also been associated with opposites for blue swayers. Don't seem to hear of many blue swayers doing soy iso, may even.be recommended for pink swayers from memory?

I'm sure Atomic will chime in to.double check what I've said and clarify about the shakes, some are better than others.


December 7th, 2018, 04:47 PM
Thanks for your reply! I will and can drink whole fat milk, I just wasn't sure if that was what I should do or still try to limit the milk. I can drink black coffee if I have to! I've already swapped my afternoon coffee for green tea and just have the one cup in the morning. I'm also making sure to eat breakfast when I wake up. Trying to get in the habit now. I'm hoping my cycle starts back soon, but with my others it was 12-14 months when periods started back.

December 8th, 2018, 11:36 PM
Hi Bret!
I’m literally in the exact same situation as you (3 girls, same ages, still waiting for AF to return as nursing my 8 m.o, scared about ttc#4 lol).
My tablet is out of battery so will return ASAP to elaborate ;)

December 9th, 2018, 01:26 PM
LMSM - congrats on your 3 princesses! I have one princess, 10mo

You probably already posted elsewhere, but mind if I ask why you think your last sway attempt went opposite? I'm a December TTC/blue sway in 2WW territory. Before ttc I was a Shettles devotee but found this website in the middle of peak O timeframe and am trying to gauge how much I may have jeopardized blue sway with timing vs. diet approach...

December 9th, 2018, 06:25 PM
Hi ladies! Glad I'm not alone haha. Blue2, the one month we took off trying after 3 months I knew I was going out of town so we DTD 1-2 days prior to O and so my diet wasn't on point (I didn't know as much as I do now either). I drank coffee, dairy, and alcohol still and was watching not to eat too much so I wasn't getting a lot of calories or salt. I don't know why we didn't use protection that night, because it was taking longer for me to get pregnant and I guess I figured it may not happen anyways (I got pregnant first try with my first 2).

This time I really want to be on point. I've stopped my red wine a couple times a week, cut back coffee and dairy. I am just a little confused on certain things. Like we just had salmon and waldorf salad tonight. I hope mayo is ok and I know salmon is more girl but the omega's can't hurt I suppose.

My husband works in a specialty meat company. They make many things and I have bison and grass fed beef readily available. But, I'm wondering if the snack meat sticks are ok to eat too. Jerky and sticks, all natural ingredients but does contain some nitrates from celery seed etc.

December 9th, 2018, 07:12 PM
Hi ladies! Glad I'm not alone haha. Blue2, the one month we took off trying after 3 months I knew I was going out of town so we DTD 1-2 days prior to O and so my diet wasn't on point (I didn't know as much as I do now either). I drank coffee, dairy, and alcohol still and was watching not to eat too much so I wasn't getting a lot of calories or salt. I don't know why we didn't use protection that night, because it was taking longer for me to get pregnant and I guess I figured it may not happen anyways (I got pregnant first try with my first 2).

This time I really want to be on point. I've stopped my red wine a couple times a week, cut back coffee and dairy. I am just a little confused on certain things. Like we just had salmon and waldorf salad tonight. I hope mayo is ok and I know salmon is more girl but the omega's can't hurt I suppose.

My husband works in a specialty meat company. They make many things and I have bison and grass fed beef readily available. But, I'm wondering if the snack meat sticks are ok to eat too. Jerky and sticks, all natural ingredients but does contain some nitrates from celery seed etc.

Wait, I thought HE included alcohol, meat, & dairy for blue sway?

I am very new to atomic's methods of swaying (diet/lifestyle) and am more familiar with Shettles because I stupidly thought that was the authority on swaying until I found this site! But I thought for blue sway you do want a lot of calories?

For my DD I was similar to your DD3 - drinking wine & coffee, not eating a lot (was married 5 days before so bridal dieting), and additional DH & I were having the occasional ciggie while honeymooning. Between the daily BD'ing and not a lot of calories and wine/coffee/cigs and low stress, in hindsight I am not AT ALL surprised by DD as I basically did by-the-atomic-book pink sway lol

December 9th, 2018, 09:28 PM
Wait, I thought HE included alcohol, meat, & dairy for blue sway?

I am very new to atomic's methods of swaying (diet/lifestyle) and am more familiar with Shettles because I stupidly thought that was the authority on swaying until I found this site! But I thought for blue sway you do want a lot of calories?

For my DD I was similar to your DD3 - drinking wine & coffee, not eating a lot (was married 5 days before so bridal dieting), and additional DH & I were having the occasional ciggie while honeymooning. Between the daily BD'ing and not a lot of calories and wine/coffee/cigs and low stress, in hindsight I am not AT ALL surprised by DD as I basically did by-the-atomic-book pink sway lol

HE diet is a higher cal diet but most importantly a nutrient dense diet. No foods or drinks are off limits but some choices are better than others. Dairy is good for a blue sway and should be full fat if you can do that. Meat is good for blue too in particular increasing your red meat intake. From memory reducing some of the highly processed meats is recommended though.

Atomic suggests cutting your alcohol and coffee
consumption back while swaying blue. I'm not a huge drinker but if I ever get around to my blue sway reducing my coffees will be killer (I'm a 2-4 coffee per day kinda girl).

December 9th, 2018, 10:28 PM
I am new to the specifics as well! Yes red meat is good I just meant more the more processed sticks and such they make which I know are msg free and on the healthier side since hubby makes them for a living. I know it’s high sodium which is good. I’m just having a hard time knowing what to snack on besides veggies and fruit because I used to eat a yogurt cup before bed and I’m trying to do low dairy (only whole milk in my coffe for example ). I’m not big on chips, maybe tortilla. I love avocado tomato salad with lemon juice. I just am still wanting to lose about 8-10 lbs but with mostly strength training and eating lots of healthier options . With my girls I was always portioning and cutting cals so I’m trying not to be so drastic.

I’m also still nursing so who knows how long until we actually start trying!

December 10th, 2018, 12:34 AM
I am new to the specifics as well! Yes red meat is good I just meant more the more processed sticks and such they make which I know are msg free and on the healthier side since hubby makes them for a living. I know it’s high sodium which is good. I’m just having a hard time knowing what to snack on besides veggies and fruit because I used to eat a yogurt cup before bed and I’m trying to do low dairy (only whole milk in my coffe for example ). I’m not big on chips, maybe tortilla. I love avocado tomato salad with lemon juice. I just am still wanting to lose about 8-10 lbs but with mostly strength training and eating lots of healthier options . With my girls I was always portioning and cutting cals so I’m trying not to be so drastic.

I’m also still nursing so who knows how long until we actually start trying!

The HE diet does not recommend cutting back on dairy, so no reason to give up your yoghurt. Most people here don't follow the mineral parts of older school swaying diets so I wouldn't be thinking that things with high sodium are necessarily good for blue. The thought here is that all minerals sway blue so hence a high nutrient diet is recommended.

December 10th, 2018, 12:50 PM
Ok I know I’m probably mixing other things I’ve read so thanks for the clarification! I’m just nervous bc with my girls I ate a lot of dairy and ate very nutritiously but I was portioning and watching what Inate. I took tons of food derived vitamins and was very healthy. I did take a cal:mag pill a few times a week bc it helps ward off migraines but I’ve stopped. So should I not be as careful with magnesium ?

December 10th, 2018, 01:35 PM
Not sure why you think salmon is a girl sway thing?! That's one of the more blue things I've seen for most sways -- animal protein/high protein, Omega-3s. That's a good ol' boy tactic. Walnuts, too, are very boy friendly because of the Omega-3 content, protein, etc.

And just speaking for LMSM -- she had a pitch perfect boy sway. Her sway opposite just speaks to how opposites happen -- this isn't 100%. Plus I'm the small (ha) voice on the site that still always says, "We can only do so much! We don't make Y chromosomes!"

December 10th, 2018, 02:52 PM
Oh ok, I had read Omega3 is good. I just thought I read fish is more girly, but I think at this point I've read so much I am getting myself confused. I know I can only do so much and that my last may have very well been an opposite. The only thing I know for sure was I was watching and counting calories, the food I ate was nutritious but at times probably limited just because it was a lower amount. I wasn't good at eating breakfast all the time. I took cal/mag and a lot of B vitamins. I worked out long and hard. I did a lot of running too.

So I think my plan this time is:

Limit acidic foods, up my cal intake with veggies, red meats, salmon, lemon juice on as much as possible, more fruit too I have never been a huge fruit person. Increase whole fats vs nonfat milk or almond milks. Take more folic acid/folate. I took a lot of EPO the last 2 kids so I'm avoiding that. Green tea vs coffee. And more strength training with occasional cardio but not for 50+ min.

Have husband switch to boxers, limit his soccer playing/running, increase weight training, and he takes vitamins but maybe add fish oil and CoQ10. He has agreed to icing his jewels every night too...not sure if this is something that helps but I know avoiding heat does!

It is also wintertime here in the states and very cold where I live. We may try the end of winter/early spring if my cycle does return and if not we may wait a year but we wanted our last to be close in age with my 3rd.

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2018, 04:02 PM
Hi and welcome Brey!

If you're not getting your period than you're not ovulating.

Many of us found that the mineral balancing diets did not work for us (including me, I got my 4 boys with tons of dairy and gave it up to get my girl!). It's fine to give up or reduce dairy if that is what you think will be best for you but please don't do it longer than 6 weeks before starting TTC. I would also go very easy on the sodium, don't take it to insane levels. We find that many of the blue swayers who cut out calcium and eat tons of sodium for more than a short time have lots of opposites.

Almond milk we found to be VERY pink friendly. We have totaly dropped it and are not using any milk replacers at all. The high level of vegetable oils in them may be swaying pink. I prefer you guys use whole milk and cream rather than artificial milk replacers.

I have seen lots of Shakeology users getting girls. I don't recommend it for anyone (not pink or blue swayers). Too many nutrients for pink swayers and for blue swayers there are some components in them that I don't trust and like I said I've seen lots of opposites with them.

Lactose free milk is fine but most of them are 2% and not whole milk. I am not a fan of part skim milks for blue.

It's unlikely the acid/alkaline stuff works and you can read about that here: https://www.genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/11684-ph-pickle.html

:agree: yes stay away from EPO, that seemed to make a lot of opposites for us. I would stay away from soy iso as well as there is mixed evidence as to how it may sway.

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2018, 04:05 PM
Not sure why you think salmon is a girl sway thing?! That's one of the more blue things I've seen for most sways -- animal protein/high protein, Omega-3s. That's a good ol' boy tactic. Walnuts, too, are very boy friendly because of the Omega-3 content, protein, etc.

And just speaking for LMSM -- she had a pitch perfect boy sway. Her sway opposite just speaks to how opposites happen -- this isn't 100%. Plus I'm the small (ha) voice on the site that still always says, "We can only do so much! We don't make Y chromosomes!"

Ingender has salmon down as pink friendly so a lot of people see it that way.

While I do think walnuts are boy friendly as well and recommend them for blue swayers, they do have a fair amount of Omega 6's in them too so I would keep them to 1-2 reasonable servings a day and not "all you can eat" since you don't want to get too many Omega 6's if possible.

:agree: swaying just isn't 100% - we seem to be going from about 2/3 likely to get another of the same gender to about 2/3 likely to get our desired gender. Some people may have better results, others may have lower, but that's a good number to assume going into it. We wish and hope to get it higher than that someday but for real people doing real sways that's where the numbers seem to fall.

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2018, 04:09 PM
Yes the snack meat sticks are ok to eat. I wouldn't make them something you eat 10 times a day or anything but yes once in a while those would be fine

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2018, 04:10 PM
Ok I know I’m probably mixing other things I’ve read so thanks for the clarification! I’m just nervous bc with my girls I ate a lot of dairy and ate very nutritiously but I was portioning and watching what Inate. I took tons of food derived vitamins and was very healthy. I did take a cal:mag pill a few times a week bc it helps ward off migraines but I’ve stopped. So should I not be as careful with magnesium ?

I took calcium and magnesium with my 3rd and 4th boy and dropped them to get my girl.

I really recommend that no matter what u decide to do with minerals, make sure you're getting a good level of Vit. D as that I believe to be quite blue friendly

December 12th, 2018, 04:50 PM
OH had meant to come back here, but can see you’ve got a lot of info already :)
My youngest is unwell aka koala bub so will come back when I get a chance to elaborate !

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2018, 05:30 PM
Wait, I thought HE included alcohol, meat, & dairy for blue sway?

I am very new to atomic's methods of swaying (diet/lifestyle) and am more familiar with Shettles because I stupidly thought that was the authority on swaying until I found this site! But I thought for blue sway you do want a lot of calories?

For my DD I was similar to your DD3 - drinking wine & coffee, not eating a lot (was married 5 days before so bridal dieting), and additional DH & I were having the occasional ciggie while honeymooning. Between the daily BD'ing and not a lot of calories and wine/coffee/cigs and low stress, in hindsight I am not AT ALL surprised by DD as I basically did by-the-atomic-book pink sway lol

You can have some alcohol on HE (red wine, dark beers best) but they aren't the best way to "spend" your calories and pink swayers have gotten good results with daily drinking for pink so go easy with it.

Meat and dairy I believe to be blue friendly.

December 13th, 2018, 09:09 PM
LMSM - congrats on your 3 princesses! I have one princess, 10mo

You probably already posted elsewhere, but mind if I ask why you think your last sway attempt went opposite? I'm a December TTC/blue sway in 2WW territory. Before ttc I was a Shettles devotee but found this website in the middle of peak O timeframe and am trying to gauge how much I may have jeopardized blue sway with timing vs. diet approach...

Blue, like TP said, even a great sway is no guarantee and even a light sway may givek you your boy. The swaying only ups the odds in your favour...if you look up my name you should be Able to find my sway ;)
My sway was good, I think, but not perfect & will def try swaying next time and try to correct where I think I could have done better...as ivf is a definite NO from hubby (I.e even if it was possible here ..heck even if it was free..he’d still not agree lol).
There has been lots of successful blue sways of late so who knows ;)
Plus remember, you only have one child, so even if she is a girl you had factors pushing towards a girl (pre wedding dieting etc) and you are not a firm «girls mum » (like me, I have to fight against so much as a base point, it seems lol).So you may not even need to sway (or too hardcore anyhow) to get your boy (I.e. naturally you may have those 50/50 odds anyways and the first time it fell on pink).

Good luck!

December 13th, 2018, 09:16 PM
Atomic, would you think extra cal/mag might be beneficial or would the dose in the prenatal (or women’s one a day multi)be sufficient?

December 13th, 2018, 09:21 PM
Brey’ If your cycles haven’t returned, may Be good to ttc after a few actual cycles so you can give it time to stabilise and so you can monitor (I found my cycles changed after each babe) them, and plan BD accordingly :) it’s easier when you have a rough idea of when to expect O so you don’t overdo (and tire hubby before the fertile window) BD too early on and focus on viable attempts :)

atomic sagebrush
December 14th, 2018, 01:32 PM
Atomic, would you think extra cal/mag might be beneficial or would the dose in the prenatal (or women’s one a day multi)be sufficient?

it's enough. There's some new information that seems to indicate that taking calcium may actually be harmful to your heatlh in the long term so I am mostly having people avoid taking it in excess for pink OR blue unless they are really insistent on it.

December 14th, 2018, 04:07 PM
COol, thanks Atomic (Id rather avoid adding more pills to take haha, it will be quite q regimen already!)

December 26th, 2018, 06:13 AM
Thank you ladies for your replies, I am just now seeing them after the holidays. I appreciate you taking the time! I am tracking to see if I am even ovulating and plan to track for a few months here . I will post again once I know if I’m even ovulating!