View Full Version : Ladies due in Sept/Oct/Nov 2012, gather here!
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March 29th, 2012, 01:24 AM
I just wish i knew, at times i think i would like to stay team green just to hold the hope of it being a girl till the birth but i know i just wont be able to do it. DH wants to find out, so if he knew and i didnt i know i would torture him to tell me :D
With DS3 i had gut feeling it was a girl and it hurt when she said boy, so if i just believe this is a boy from the off then hopefully i will be prepared when i hear boy.
Rainbow ~ 1 week isnt too long. i cant wait to get that far along and hopefully get a good nub shot.
TTC5 ~ are you going to find out?
I am thinking we might, might ask if they will write it down for us to take home and look when it is just DH and I alone together..
March 29th, 2012, 01:47 AM
TTC 5, that sounds like a great idea I think I will be doing that myself!
March 29th, 2012, 04:44 AM
TTC5 i think that is a nice way to do it and i thought of doing the same but i think if i got home and read it was a girl i would want to go straight back to double and triple check! And if i read boy i would want to look to ensure she got it right. I also thought about letting DH look and him tell me later but what if he doesnt know what he is looking at??!!
I think i will go for private gender scan when i can and suck it up and have a look between the legs but i will not be telling friends and family i think i will tell them we are having a suprise, so when i hear boy the silly comments wont come until after birth, dont want to ruin my last pregnancy with listening to silly comments.
March 29th, 2012, 05:10 AM
Going to ask for some potty shots too so we can look when we get home :)
March 29th, 2012, 10:14 AM
I had a little bit of a *nightmare* last night, lol. I had a dream that on my ultrasound it showed a boy, and I felt so sad and so crushed (exactly what I said I wouldn't feel) that then in my dream the sonographer said "wait, no I was wrong, I see labia"...LOL Who thinks the word "labia" in their sleep????????
And then I got so excited that it was a baby girl and then my dream bounced to seeing her in this light pink very long ruffly gown (I dont really like lite pink much as a color so...) and she was sleeping so peacefully in her bassiet and then they told me "she's not ready yet! She has to go back in your belly to grow some more" and I said something like, "OK that's fine, at least now I'll know without a doubt she's really all girl."
I guess despite all my good intentions, my heart is really, really set on this baby being a girl.
I really do not want to be heart broken in a few weeks time.
March 29th, 2012, 10:21 AM
Yesterday was a bad day... DH may have torn his bicep, has to get it confirmed in a few hours. We were thinking ok he is hurt and needs a sling for awhile. But the Dr started talking about how he will need surgery Saturday or Monday, no movement for 6wks, therpy to get movement back, and maybe in 3-4mths he will be healed. All this sucks. I hope the test today show that it is not torn because we have so much to do before the baby comes.
DS1 starts t-ball practice this Saturday so instead of us all going as a family only I will be going. DH will stay home with DS2 who is very calm when alone. DH had taken time off for a nice long Easter weekend trip but it looks like I will be the one driving the 4hrs, hope I can stay awake.
I have a Dr visit tomorrow so I hope I hear good news! I did have a dream last night about a little girl who looked like DS1 with the big blue eyes and wavy hair.
March 29th, 2012, 11:04 AM
Sounds like great boy friendly timing! :)
I feel the exact same as you...super tired, starving all the time but that's about it. Dreading the morning sickness. I get it really bad. :( You?
five baies, i have not got morning sickness at all in my previous pregnancy aswell. So i am not expecting for this one aswell.
but i will be happy if i get it. Becasue old wife tale says boy :)
March 29th, 2012, 11:20 AM
I guess despite all my good intentions, my heart is really, really set on this baby being a girl.
I really do not want to be heart broken in a few weeks time.
I think it's almost impossible to avoid, auroara. We've all invested so much into this - following stressful diets, sticking stuff up our hoo-has, experiencing the heartbreak of BFN after BFN or m/c, or both....
I know I'll feel disappointed if I hear boy, but the best I can hope for is a quick recovery from that disappointment with the knowledge that I will love that little baby no matter what.
March 29th, 2012, 02:45 PM
TTC5, I like your plan. WHen will you do that, at your 20wk scan or earlier?
Auroara, some people say that the gender you dream about it what you are having. I haven't had any gender dreams yet this time... I really hope you get your baby girl.
Mocha, just a week left-- are you getting excited?
wantingson, I was sick with all 4 of my pregnancies. I was sickest with #2 (a boy) and #3 (a girl) so I wouldn't put too much stock in the old wives tales. In fact, part of the reason I thought #3 was a boy was because I was just as sick as I was with my son.
PP, how did your DH tear his bicep? Sounds awful!
March 29th, 2012, 02:55 PM
Mocha, just a week left-- are you getting excited?
Try terrified! :nails:
Actually, time has started to go more quickly, which is a blessing. It's been a busy week with stuff with the kids, a blood test for me yesterday, and a mw appointment tomorrow. Next week I'll be busy getting ready for our trip out of town for Easter - we're getting the scan on the way to my Mom's place. It's helping keep my mind off it for at least a few seconds every hour :bigsmile:. I've tried to let myself fantasize about how it would feel to have them tell me it's a girl, and I can't do it - it seems like such an impossible prospect for me that I can't even imagine it!
March 29th, 2012, 03:01 PM
Awe, good luck Mocha! Can't wait to hear!
March 29th, 2012, 03:08 PM
Oh, and I've been very VERY tempted to call another u/s place that's a little closer to see if they'd see me this weekend. When I was in contact with them before, they were willing to see me at 16W5D (we decided to go with the other place, though, because it's right on the way to my Mom's place), so now of course I've started to wonder whether they'd see me at 16W1D instead, which would be Sunday.... Do you think I'm better to wait? I imagine a scan at 16W5D would be more accurate, right?
March 29th, 2012, 03:12 PM
Actually, I just looked at their website, and they're not open on Sundays, which would mean I'd have to go Saturday, when I'm exactly 16 weeks. What do you think? Too early? Should I just stick with what I have since I've waited this long already?
March 29th, 2012, 03:38 PM
I think quite a few of the ladies on here went at 16 weeks (Z, happyheart I think went at 15ish weeks? chocolate) and they were told gender and the gender stayed the same! I think ultrasound machines these days are pretty darn good.
March 29th, 2012, 03:39 PM
I'd say go,but I'm prolly a bad influence, I'm living viarcriously thru you having an early gender scan since I can't do early hehe
March 29th, 2012, 04:10 PM
Oh, you ladies are BAD! Now of course I'm even more tempted. By coincidence, a good friend I hardly ever see lives in the same city as this u/s place - down the street, in fact, so we could visit her at the same time to make the trip worth it (the whole family would likely come since I don't want to have to drive home afterwards in case I'm devastated - the kids won't come into the scan, though, or even know the actual purpose of the trip).
I guess it wouldn't hurt to call them to see what they say. They already thought I was crazy asking for a scan before 18 weeks, they'll probably think I'm completely bonkers wanting one at 16 weeks!
March 29th, 2012, 04:43 PM
Mocha the place i will go do gender scans from 16 weeks onwards, but when i was pg with DS3 i was going away and asked of they would do it in the 15th week and they agreed too and they told me he was a boy and got a good potty shot also.
Just me being impatient i would go for it :D I will be booked in for mine as soon as i!
March 29th, 2012, 04:57 PM
Well...I called and had no luck. She told me they don't do scans until AFTER the 20 week scan. What's the point of that?? I know that's not true because when I emailed them they said they'd be willing to do one at 16W5D, but I didn't want to get into an argument. I think this is fate telling me to wait until next week to find out.
March 29th, 2012, 05:30 PM
I had a little bit of a *nightmare* last night, lol. I had a dream that on my ultrasound it showed a boy, and I felt so sad and so crushed (exactly what I said I wouldn't feel) that then in my dream the sonographer said "wait, no I was wrong, I see labia"...LOL Who thinks the word "labia" in their sleep????????
And then I got so excited that it was a baby girl and then my dream bounced to seeing her in this light pink very long ruffly gown (I dont really like lite pink much as a color so...) and she was sleeping so peacefully in her bassiet and then they told me "she's not ready yet! She has to go back in your belly to grow some more" and I said something like, "OK that's fine, at least now I'll know without a doubt she's really all girl."
I guess despite all my good intentions, my heart is really, really set on this baby being a girl.
I really do not want to be heart broken in a few weeks time.
Must have been the night for nightmares!!
I dreamt that we found out the nub on my pics was in fact a leg although did not find out what it was lol
March 29th, 2012, 05:30 PM
Well...I called and had no luck. She told me they don't do scans until AFTER the 20 week scan. What's the point of that?? I know that's not true because when I emailed them they said they'd be willing to do one at 16W5D, but I didn't want to get into an argument. I think this is fate telling me to wait until next week to find out.
Oh bummer!!!
March 29th, 2012, 05:40 PM
Sorry they wouldn't see you, Mocha! But I think your original plan was good... you can wait another week...right? :wink:
March 29th, 2012, 05:55 PM
Yeah, I think I can survive another week - it'll give me a last chance to hope for a girl before I see a big old penis staring at me on the screen :sigh:
March 29th, 2012, 07:06 PM
Yeah, I think I can survive another week - it'll give me a last chance to hope for a girl before I see a big old penis staring at me on the screen :sigh:
I bet there will be no penis. I am sending you tons of pink dust--all I have!!
March 29th, 2012, 07:48 PM
Thanks, hobber - I need it!
March 29th, 2012, 08:12 PM
Yeah, I think I can survive another week - it'll give me a last chance to hope for a girl before I see a big old penis staring at me on the screen :sigh:
Think of it this way, an extra week gives it just that more time to grow and be closer to accurate ;)
I am praying you hear girl!!!!!
March 29th, 2012, 09:38 PM
Thanks, hobber - I need it!
Seriously--take EVERY SPECK!
March 30th, 2012, 12:33 AM
So I saw my dr on wednesday and she said to me is there any reason why you have a 4 year gap between this baby and my ds and I said well yeah I am so scared to go through labour again and tbh I would of been happy with one child.. I know it sounds weak but i just remember when my ds was born I was so scared at what i had just been through.. and I remember thinking to myself its ok I have had one I never have to do this again. I know it sounds stupid but I cant help being scared even as my dr and i were talking about it she said look we better stop talking about labour because she did my bp 4 times and it kept going higher and higher! Anyway she said to me did you know that you do have options.. I said no like what? And she said to me if I was induced again I could choose to have an epidural as soon as I am induced or if i go naturally I can request one as early as I want and i cant be knocked back?? I remember when i was in labour i asked for one and they kept saying no to me I really think they coould of lied to me and said yes we are organising it just to give me some hope!! Anyway has anyone ever had an epidural and what was your experience? Maybe I should just toughen up but I just dont know how..
March 30th, 2012, 01:08 AM
Pinkin - write a clear birth plan and if you want an epi state is clearly!! xxxxx
March 30th, 2012, 01:18 AM
I don't know why I came on here since I'm not even preggers yet! But sunce I did... Pinkin I had an epidural with my 1st because I was induced and I don't think they did the induction very well plus baby was backwards and it wasn't very natural! Overlapping contractions etc! Anyway I ended up getting an epidural and felt nothing after! Of course it ended in a c section but if you're scared, an epidural will numb everything!
I did however try a natural with my 2nd and holy smokes what a difference from being induced!!! It was a natural progression of contractions and although still labour I could handle it because it progressed naturally without them messing with my contractions! In other words go in how you want but know to just go with what comes! It should be all about you and the baby and what you want!
March 30th, 2012, 01:38 AM
With my d/s I had no birth plan, I was induced ( they broke my water and put me on a drip) It was the worst! I am going to make sure I get a birth plan and tell them what I want .. TTC5 have you ever had one?
March 30th, 2012, 02:02 AM
No I have not sorry. I have heard inductions can be painful though, any chance you can let labour start on it's own?
March 30th, 2012, 02:13 AM
I am not sure depends how I am I guess at the end of preg.. I hope I can just have it all natural.
March 30th, 2012, 02:23 AM
March 30th, 2012, 02:27 AM
Mocha - well, you only have 6 more days to wait anyway, and you've waited so long so far 6 days more won't be a huge difference?
feeling increasingly anxious about my scan now. Less than a week. Eek!
not helped that I recently saw a nub pic that was a perfect girl nub that turned out to be a boy, and I've seen an obvious boy nub before that turned out to be a girl, so now I'll be second-guessing everything anyway and even if I'm lucky enough to see a girl nub I'm not sure I'll believe it. I've decided I won't be asking for nub pictures. If they get one in the pics - great - if not I'll just have to trust my instincts during the scan (which were right for DS)
March 30th, 2012, 04:01 AM
Rainbowflower... What does a girl nub and a boy nub actually look like? Is a girl one meant to be forked??
March 30th, 2012, 04:44 AM
Mocha/Rainbow ~ not long to wait for your scans, bet you cant wait to see your bubba's. Cant wait to see your piccies :D
Pinkin ~ With DS1 i went into natural labour and from 1cm was in pure agony, i finally got epidural when i could and it took them 5 attempts to get it in...i have small gaps between each vertebrae. I looked like a dart board, but once it was in i felt nothing they put too much in at one point and i couldnt breathe propperly, the numbness was getting higher and higher. They redeuced dose and when it came time to push i could feel what i was doing.
DS2 went into natural labour and was already 4cm when i went in and i was ok, used gas and air and pethadine, when i asked for epidural they told me it was too late. So i did rest just on gas and air, it hurt and i was angry at them telling them they were lying to me about the epidural and it was their fault...poor MW having to listen to me go on but gas and air makes me wierd!!! Gave birth and 4 hours later i was back home (best birth even with the pain)
DS3 (worst birth) started contracting at 35weeks went in they gave steriods for babies lungs, and stopped contractions. still in hospital and i told them my waters broke, they said they cant have ( i do know i have had 2 babies prior) checked and yes so stuck in hospital on anti b's. I was in for days while they were doing nothing just anti b's as waters gone, i discharged myself and the care was poor. Few days later little movement from baby so went back in to be checked and they decided to induce me (they did that wrong too) anyway the pain was the worst so epidural when i could, she couldnt get it in again and then had to go off for emergency when she came back struggled again but when finally done, it wasnt working. I was still in agony so still on gas and air, when came time to push they pulled me up the bed and then the epidural worked?? i think it must have moved when they moved me and it started working at the crucial point of pushing i couldnt feel a thing, MW said i had few more attempt at pushing before they took me to theatre...eeek! That comment worked as i manged to get him out. Waste of time having that epidural as it didnt work.
Pinkin i had fear of needles and never wanted an epidural but you really dont feel it at all and when it does work, it is very good no pain and you can rest ready for pushing. I am honestly hoping that number 4 comes naturally and i hopefully want a water birth and will do anything not to be induced again. I had complications with both my epidurals but other have them with no complications what so ever.
Get your birthing plan down on paper before hand and ensure your MW's know what you want x
March 30th, 2012, 06:24 AM
Pinkin, I was induced for both of mine. Same thing, membranes ruptured and syntocin drip started. DS1 birth needed the vacuum and the whole experience was very traumatic. I had only used gas and air. Funnily enough, straight afterwards I said to DH 'thank goodness I only ever have to do that 1 more time'...obviously I didn't want him to be an only child!
When I found out DS2 would also need to be induced I told my OB I was worried about the delivery as I did not feel I coped with the first one. He said they are all different and although they would be happy to put in an epidural straight away, I could also wait and see how I went. I decided to wait and see. DS2 was completely different...sure it hurt a lot as he moved down in my pelvis, but I didn't even bother with the gas and air. The whole experience was 100% better than the first and 20mins after having him, I was up having a shower!
So prepare as best you can, and know all your options. But also know that it is likely to be a completely different experience than the first time.
March 30th, 2012, 06:29 AM
I love hearing about all your dreams! I haven't had any yet. I have dreamt what 2 close friends were having, even before they told anyone they were pg. I ring up and say 'are you pg, coz I just dreamt you are having a boy'! I was right with both genders, but didn't predict that one of them was having twin boys!
Auroara, that is a classic dream. Oh good, now I know, you can just pop back in my belly and grow some more!
March 30th, 2012, 07:45 AM
Rainbowflower... What does a girl nub and a boy nub actually look like? Is a girl one meant to be forked??
apparently both boys and girls can have forked ones, it's the angle that's the key. If it's parallel to the spine, it's most likely a girl. If it's sticking up by 30degrees or so, it's most likely a boy. DS's was most definitely sticking up at his scan!
March 30th, 2012, 08:38 AM
pinkin - I was induced with my twins, and given an epi immediately. I would never let them do that again. Because it means you're stuck lying in bed from the first moment of labour, it's almost impossible for your labour to progress at a normal rate. After 27 hours of labour they finally had to give up and give me a c-section, but because I had had an epi for 27 hours too at that point, I was in BAD shape - fever, dehydrated, etc. It started to wear off just as they started wheeling me to the operating room and they had to warn me they might have to knock me out in the middle of the surgery. VERY scary! Luckily it all turned out in the end, but I would never let them give me an epidural so early again.
With ds3 I had a completely opposite birth experience. 100% natural with no drugs whatsoever. I was in the hospital because it was a VBAC, but only had my midwives with me. The labour was hard - ds was posterior which meant back labour - but I managed to get through it. The amazing part was that as soon as he was born, I felt normal. I was in the bath with him about half an hour after birth and was home 2 hours after birth. Sooooooo worth it, in my opinion. Yes, there were times during labour I would have given anything for drugs, but here in Canada midwives aren't allowed to administer drugs, so if I'd chosen to take an epi, I would have had my care transferred to a doctor I'd never met. I'm glad I hung in there and did it the natural way, though if I had the option to have a midwife AND an epi I admit I might consider it next time depending how labour goes.
March 30th, 2012, 09:23 AM
Hey girls! Sorry Im not on much, if anyone noticed it . Im sick and somehow if I come here I feel even more sick?wth?:suprise:
And i feel I made a mistake we don't need more kids, boy or girl bla bla. I read others felt the same way in early weeks.I hope this pass soon because Im very unhappy...
Welcome new pregnant ladies ! Im so happy for more friends!:HH:
March 30th, 2012, 09:26 AM
Yeah, I think I can survive another week - it'll give me a last chance to hope for a girl before I see a big old penis staring at me on the screen :sigh:
I want that staring at me you can have the stupid lines I always see :rofl: it's all your
March 30th, 2012, 09:32 AM
pinkin- I have a 6 year gap between DD1 and 2! DD1 was a natural birth it lasted all day long and hurt like hell! So i didn't want another kid ever. But with DD2 I got an epidural and all I did was watching tv until it was time to push lol. The pushing hurt a little bit that's it.
Well last baby was home birth and this one will be too so no chance of pain meds.
Don't let them induce you ! It hurts a lot more! But either way make sure you get epidural so you don't feel the pain and then you don't have to worry much.
March 30th, 2012, 10:42 AM
Hey girls! Sorry Im not on much, if anyone noticed it . Im sick and somehow if I come here I feel even more sick?wth?:suprise:
And i feel I made a mistake we don't need more kids, boy or girl bla bla. I read others felt the same way in early weeks.I hope this pass soon because Im very unhappy...
Sorry you're feeling sick, Flava. I had that same worry at the beginning of this pregnancy, as well as the beginning of the one last Fall that ended in a m/c. It was a 'What was I thinking??' feeling. For me it disappeared a couple months in, once I started to get excited about the prospect of having a newborn in the house again. I love newborns!
I had my 2nd midwife appt today. I finally got the results from my 12 week scan - baby measured perfectly for my dates: 12W4D, and all measurements looked normal. Heartbeat today was 160, which is the same as I get most days with my own doppler. I'll be scheduling my 20 week appt soon, but at least the pressure's off waiting for that one since hopefully I'll know the gender a week from now. I'm soooo glad I booked an early scan - I can't imagine waiting another month!
I still haven't told my boys about my pregnancy - I was going to wait until the results of my blood triple screen, but I found out today those results won't be in until 20 weeks!! Oh well, I guess I'll tell them this week at some point. I think the older ones are getting suspicious anyway.
March 30th, 2012, 11:07 AM
I told DS1 right away (he's only 4) so he does't quite get it all, but he knows it means there'll be another baby in the house soon, and he's very emphatic in the fact that he wants "no more Evans!"
My husband asked Quinten what he thought we'd have, and he said it's going to be a girl, a baby sister. He is emphatic about this and won't consider another brother. So that makes me just want a girl even more. Still, I know he'll be fine with another brother, if that's what we have. Evan (DS2) is constantly getting into things and Quinten (DS1) goes and drags him back to the living room, but lately, I've seen them actually playing together! DS1 will build blocks and DS2 will try to knock it down or just watch.....
I love the big lit up smile from DS2 when DS1 plays with him. I can't wait till DS2 is walking (he's crusing atm, he'll walk if you hold his hands) because i know once he's walking, he will be following DS1 everywhere, and it will be nice this summer to see them out in the yard together.
DH told me (despite his jokes that this is gonna be another boy) that he really has no gut feeling either way about this baby. He was lementing the fact that if it is another boy, we will have trouble picking out a name again. And then he repeated how much he really liked the name Lillian for a girl. I do too, but it's getting so popular and common, I just don't know.
March 30th, 2012, 11:47 AM
auroara - I think I told you before, but Lillian is our planned middle name for a girl - it'll be a way to honour my mother since that's part of her name.
Although we haven't told our boys, we've been talking a lot about babies for the past year or so, so I don't think they'll be taken by surprise. We've asked them many times how they'd feel about having another baby in the house, and they all think the idea sounds exciting. One of my ds's has gotten into the habit of talking about it all the time as though he already knows. He asks things like who's going to take care of them when I'm in the hospital, etc. One day out of the blue he told me me hopes if I have another baby it'll be a girl so I won't be the only girl in the house anymore ;).
March 30th, 2012, 12:00 PM
One day out of the blue he told me me hopes if I have another baby it'll be a girl so I won't be the only girl in the house anymore ;).
Awww, what a sweet boy! :)
March 30th, 2012, 12:14 PM
Auroara--that's funny that your son says "no more Evans"! He will be great friends with Evan in a year or so. It is so fun when they start becoming buddies. My older 2 kids have been great friends since the younger one was about 18 months old. Now that DD2 is 2 she is starting to play with the older ones more. It is pretty cute.
March 30th, 2012, 12:17 PM
Yeah, my twins ad ds3 are almost exactly 3 years apart, and in the last couple of months I've finally noticed they play together instead of ds3 just following them around and annoying them. It's fun to watch. I'm hoping ds3 and this baby will play together eventually too, since they'll be just over 3 years apart.
March 30th, 2012, 12:17 PM
Flava, sorry you are feeling sick! I also know how you are feeling about the baby and "what did I do?" My feelings like that are just starting to fade, and I am starting to get excited about another baby now.
March 30th, 2012, 01:18 PM
Thanks girl. I hope I will feel the same way...I don't know ...maybe if I would only have 2 it's easier but 5 kids? Who got 5 kids? Im crazy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
March 30th, 2012, 01:40 PM
Flava, don't worry hun, I had the same feelings, I was saying it in a different thread but I felt a real dark heaviness in me and I really regretted getting pg again so soon, and i had such negative thoughts like why did I even bother? I can't make anything but boys anyway.
It WILL get better :) You are not craazy :) You're just a Mom who loves her kids and wants a son. That is normal. My sister has 5 kids, 1 girl and 4 there is hope that your 5th could be a boy for sure!!!
March 30th, 2012, 01:42 PM
oh and my bump has really come out this week, it is pretty noticeable now!
And yes, I really, really love to see the interaction between them, and I think Evan will become Quinten's best buddy too. Quinten is real easy-going and very affectionate and I asked yesterday if he loved Evan, and he answered back very quickly, "Yes, I love Evan" and it was sincere. He used to say it grumpily, or under his breath, LOL.
One of the joys of raising kids is seeing them together :)
March 30th, 2012, 01:57 PM
oh and my bump has really come out this week, it is pretty noticeable now!
Yep - same here. There's no denying I look pregnant now and no hiding my bump anymore - you can even see it when I'm wearing a coat! I'll try to remember to post my 16 week bump shot after I take it tomorrow.
March 30th, 2012, 03:09 PM
My bump is more like a mountain! I am huge. I am tired of hiding in a big sweatshirt, not that it really hides anything anyway--I am surprised no one close to me has said anything, though I am sure they suspect something. I look about 6 months along already!
March 30th, 2012, 03:10 PM
Post a picture, hobber! We wanna see!!
March 30th, 2012, 03:12 PM
I can't figure out how! I tried to put one of my u/s and I can't seem to do it?
March 30th, 2012, 03:28 PM
Okay, here goes. Me at 13 weeks. HUGE!!
Never mind It won't work. It keeps saying "upload failed". Anyone know how to make it work??
March 30th, 2012, 03:47 PM
Weird. For me, all I do is click the 'Insert Image' button at the top of the 'Quick Reply' box, make sure the "From Computer" tab is selected, click "Basic Uploader", click "Browse" to look for the image on your computer, then click "Upload File(s)".
March 30th, 2012, 03:58 PM
Weird. For me, all I do is click the 'Insert Image' button at the top of the 'Quick Reply' box, make sure the "From Computer" tab is selected, click "Basic Uploader", click "Browse" to look for the image on your computer, then click "Upload File(s)".
Yeah, I did all that, and it took forever acting like it was uploading, then said "upload failed". I tried it twice. :(
March 30th, 2012, 03:59 PM
I responded to your other thread. Are you trying to upload directly from iPhoto? I always move the picture to my desktop before trying to upload.
If you want, I can pm you my email address and if you send me the pic and I can upload it for you...
March 30th, 2012, 04:01 PM
That didn't work either.:(
March 30th, 2012, 04:46 PM
Thanks girl. I hope I will feel the same way...I don't know ...maybe if I would only have 2 it's easier but 5 kids? Who got 5 kids? Im crazy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm crazy too lol!
March 30th, 2012, 04:49 PM
I'm huge too..... this is me yesterday 14 weeks:
March 30th, 2012, 04:50 PM
Cute belly, TTC5!
March 30th, 2012, 05:03 PM
You look cute TTC5!
March 30th, 2012, 06:05 PM
TTC5 - You look small compaired to me I look 5mths already but I never gain weight the last few mths.
Had my Dr visit today. No u/s but the HB was still 160. I may end up just paying for an u/s at 17wks because the u/s tech at my Dr's office will not do any before 20wks now. She was sued for telling someone she was having a girl and the mom bought $1,000 in pink stuff and ended up with a 7th boy.
DH is going into surgery in a few minutes. He completely tore his Bicep Tendon. Can't believe I have 3mths of caring for 3 babies while pregnant.
March 30th, 2012, 06:24 PM
Sorry about your dh, pp :HH:
March 31st, 2012, 10:11 AM
Ok, ladies - here's my 16 week bump shot. Does it look like I'm carrying high to you? I can still do up my pre-diet size 28 jeans, which seems weird to me. I think I usually carry quite low.
March 31st, 2012, 11:00 AM
Cute bump!!! Size 28?...I hate you. ;) Totally kidding! You are carrying high! Look great!
March 31st, 2012, 11:26 AM
Size 28?????? My lord, I haven't worn that size since 7th grade!! You look great, Mocha!
March 31st, 2012, 11:28 AM
Here, I will try to post my 13 wk "bump" (more like Mt. Everest!)1857
March 31st, 2012, 11:31 AM
Well, if it's any consolation, I have a healthy amount of back fat that hangs over those jeans....
When I was on the diet I was pretty skeletal, and I started to get used to that. Some of you may remember I went to a wedding in September and had to wear a Size 00 dress! I prefer having a little meat on my bones, and I'm definitely not a skinny person in real life. I have a substantial muffin top (which I blame on both carrying twins to term and having a c-section), jiggly arms, and wide hips. One thing I'm definitely enjoying about my new shape is my big boobs! They practically disappeared when I was on the diet - I went from a C cup to an A - but now they're HUGE. I don't remember my boobs getting quite this huge this early in pregnancy before, and they're also incredible sore all the time.
March 31st, 2012, 11:32 AM
That's a gorgeous belly, Hobber!
March 31st, 2012, 11:37 AM
5-i have the same tummy like you .I REALLY do! But it's just all fat for me .That's what the great HE diet did to me...
mocha-you look so thin im jealous.
purple-im sorry about your DH. Hope he get better soon!
March 31st, 2012, 11:42 AM
hobber -you look nice I don't think that's huge.
for me Im still feeling sick and don't want to be pregnant at sad ....sometimes I throw up (sorry) and it's like pure vinegar and lot's of bubble. I tried tums but it's not helping me at all I don't know what else to try. :tissue:
March 31st, 2012, 11:53 AM
I'm so sorry, Flava :hugs:
Sorry if this is a little gross, but when I had bad m/s with my twins I found it was easier to induce pre-emptive vomit before something triggered my gag reflex and made me throw up unexpectedly. I started every morning by drinking a giant glass of cold water. It ALWAYS made me throw up almost immediately, but at least I was throwing up cold water instead of stinging bile. Then I'd feel better for long enough that I could eat something for breakfast, and with something in my stomach I could usually get through most of the day feeling ok until about suppertime. Then I'd go through the routine again: drink a big glass of water, throw up, then feel better for the rest of the evening.
March 31st, 2012, 12:03 PM
Oh you poor barfing ladies! That sounds horrible. :( I just feel like I am going to barf, but never do. It isn't very bad this time, but it is sort of like an underlying ickiness that just doesn't go away.
SO maybe some of you saw my thread about the amnio (flava, I know you responded to it). I am starting to worry about getting it done. I really want to be sure the baby is healthy, but I am concerned about the amnio causing a miscarriage. I read a few scary threads on babycenter. I need to decide by April 16th because that's when the procedure is scheduled for. :worry:
The thing is, if the baby has downs we wouldn't be keeping it (I hope that doesn't offend anyone, sorry) so I think I really do need to know. Not that I could very easily decide not to keep a baby at 16 weeks!! Ugh, this is why I should have had the CVS. :(
March 31st, 2012, 12:06 PM
It's a tough decision, Hobber. I'm waiting to see the results from my blood tests and if they recommend amnio after that I'd consider it. I'm really praying those results come back normal, though, because I don't want to have to face any tough decisions.
March 31st, 2012, 12:15 PM
That's the thing--my tests were pretty good. The nurse at the office where they do the amnio was sort of surprised I wanted one. But she was the same lady that was horrified when I started talking about why I wanted a CVS, for early detection, just in case we didn't want to continue with the pregnancy. I know many people would keep a baby no matter what, and if we were financially better off and it was my first or second child, I might consider it, but I have 3 other kids that need my attention... I just think a downs baby is more than we can handle with our life now. I feel terrible saying that. :(
March 31st, 2012, 12:48 PM
No judgement here, Hobber - I honestly don't know what I'd do if I found out my child had Downs. Hopefully I'll never find myself in that situation.
Personally, I don't see the need for an amnio if all your tests have come out good. It's a very personal decision, though. I know in the past they recommended that all women over 35 get them, but my mw said that now they don't usually recommend them until you're over 40. I'm 37 and have had 3 healthy kids, so I hope the odds are in my favour :pray:.
March 31st, 2012, 01:33 PM
you ladies have such cute bumps!! :pregnant:
March 31st, 2012, 01:35 PM
hobber -you look nice I don't think that's huge.
for me Im still feeling sick and don't want to be pregnant at sad ....sometimes I throw up (sorry) and it's like pure vinegar and lot's of bubble. I tried tums but it's not helping me at all I don't know what else to try. :tissue:
so sorry to hear you're still sick, give your doctor a visit and see if they can prescribe you something to help xx
March 31st, 2012, 01:39 PM
mocha- i wish I would be like you was. but I feel sick again after like 10 min only!
hobber- I just sent a email to the birth center I will go and ask them if they offer cvs testing because I only see the amnio on their website. I know my insurance pay for it so I want to have one. For same reason like you we need to be sure this baby is healthy and the sooner I find out the better because we are not keeping a sick baby.
I don't think it's fair to the kids i already have here. I need to think of them first.
March 31st, 2012, 01:53 PM
mocha- i wish I would be like you was. but I feel sick again after like 10 min only!
That sounds awful! Definitely see if you can get some medicine to help you out!
March 31st, 2012, 02:01 PM
That sounds awful! Definitely see if you can get some medicine to help you out!
I can't because I go to a birth center and see midwifes.They told me to try acupuncture (no way i can go I have no money for it and no one to watch my kids) and homeopathic .:sigh: I don't even know what is that exactly.
March 31st, 2012, 02:18 PM
Could your regular doctor give you a prescription?
March 31st, 2012, 05:28 PM
Ok, ladies - here's my 16 week bump shot. Does it look like I'm carrying high to you? I can still do up my pre-diet size 28 jeans, which seems weird to me. I think I usually carry quite low.
ompared to me you are high!!!
March 31st, 2012, 05:29 PM
Here, I will try to post my 13 wk "bump" (more like Mt. Everest!)1857
March 31st, 2012, 05:59 PM
ompared to me you are high!!!
Well, let's both hope that that particular OWT holds true for us! :luck:
March 31st, 2012, 08:16 PM
Awww, gorgeous bumps ladies! They all look lovely to me. I like it when it starts to look like there is a baby in there and not just like you have overindulged at your last meal!
Flava, naturopaths often use homeopathic remedies. I haven't tried any for m/s, but do give homeopathic drops to my kids at the first sign of a cold and often nothing develops. You definitely need something though, it sounds debilitating. Don't the midwives have the ability to speak to a doctor and describe the condition and either get you assessed or write a script? Your system sounds so different to here, so I don't know how it works.
Hobber, here we get the nuchal fold ultrasound combined with a blood test to work out our risk factor for something like Downs syndrome. Is that what you had that came back showing low risk? A friend of mine had a high risk result come back (in her late 30's) last year, so she had an amnio. It came back that baby was fine, and sure enough he was. So even the high risk results can be wrong. Tough decision to make. Downs syndrome children are absolutely lovely, however they do come with varying degrees of ongoing medical issues and dependency on you as parents. MY DH and I have always thought we would not be able to keep one if I found out. He was reluctant to try for a 3rd, thinking we had been lucky enough to have 2 healthy children.
March 31st, 2012, 09:28 PM
Hobber, here we get the nuchal fold ultrasound combined with a blood test to work out our risk factor for something like Downs syndrome. Is that what you had that came back showing low risk?
I was wondering the same thing. Here in Canada we have the same process. We have a 12 week u/s and bloodwork taken at the same time, then we have more bloodwork at 15 weeks. It can take up to 3 weeks to get the results, so we don't normally find out until 18-20 weeks. If they identify you as high risk they then send you for genetic counselling (for me it would be in a different city), a better quality u/s, and give you an option for amnio. How did you find out so early? I hate the thought that if there's something seriously wrong with my baby I won't know until I'm halfway through the pregnancy.
March 31st, 2012, 10:13 PM
I had my scan at 11wks 4days, and they did the NT scan as well as blood work. I am 39, so they factor that in. I guess my age-related risk is supposedly 1:80 for downs, but the blood work and NT scan came back as my risk showing 1:120, which is good for my age (my doctor was happy with the results). I just worry, which is why I wanted to know for sure. But I am starting to have second thoughts on the amnio... I am really torn. I wish there was a really definite way to find out without being invasive!
Mocha, they did the test on a Monday and I got the results by the end of the week. Not sure why it takes so long for you to get yours?
March 31st, 2012, 10:20 PM
Sounds like all the odds are on your side and you are carrying a healthy baby Hobber! :)
April 1st, 2012, 06:32 AM
here they do a NT scan at 12 weeks, take the bloods at the same time... and let you know the risk within a week (so I'm told, I've never had it tested). If you're high risk they give you the option of the amnio at 16 weeks.
Mocha - 4 days to go for us - eeek!!
April 1st, 2012, 07:07 AM
I wonder why they make us get two different blood tests here and not get the results until they're both done? So frustrating....
Yes, only 4 days now. I'm trying to enjoy my last few days of blissful ignorance before I potentially have my dreams crushed.
April 1st, 2012, 09:00 PM
I wonder why they make us get two different blood tests here and not get the results until they're both done? So frustrating....
Yes, only 4 days now. I'm trying to enjoy my last few days of blissful ignorance before I potentially have my dreams crushed.
:hugs: I really, really hope you get your dream Mocha. There's no-one I want to see have a girl more than you right now! Fingers and toes crossed that you will hear 'It's a girl!' in 4 days :o.
April 1st, 2012, 09:33 PM
Thanks, myloves - that means a lot to me :HH:
April 1st, 2012, 09:34 PM
We sound like the same as the UK. 1 lot of bloods and U/S. With the first two, I had my blood test done a week before, so the doctor at the U/S already had the results and could tell my risk ratio as soon as the U/S was done. So by 13 weeks you know your risk and can look into further testing if necessary.
We are going away in 4 days for Easter. Can't believe I may not find out how your scans go until I get back. The suspense!!
April 1st, 2012, 10:15 PM
I wonder why they make us get two different blood tests here and not get the results until they're both done? So frustrating....
Yes, only 4 days now. I'm trying to enjoy my last few days of blissful ignorance before I potentially have my dreams crushed.
Speaking of dreams, I had a dream last night that you were having a girl! I came on here to see if you had posted after your u/s and you had written "FEMALE!" in huge letters over and over for the whole post. :)
April 1st, 2012, 10:32 PM
Hobber - I REALLY hope your dream was a premonition! :pray:
April 1st, 2012, 10:41 PM
mocha~ Have you had any dreams about gender? I was just reading about the OWT (never heard of it before) that you have the opposite of whatever gender you dream you have...just curious to see how true it is.
April 1st, 2012, 11:19 PM
Good luck Mocha!!!! I really hope you hear "girl" at your scan.....I have everything crossed for you.....:)
April 2nd, 2012, 01:09 AM
Mocha, I'm so jealous about your 28's. I was wearing that size jean when I got preggo (they were getting baggy in the fall). Now there's no way I could zip them!! I'm a "low carrier" by default, though. When I gain weight at all, it goes right to the hips and thighs. And I suppose once it's been stretched out a bunch before it's sooo easy for it to go back. :D
April 2nd, 2012, 06:55 AM
mocha~ Have you had any dreams about gender? I was just reading about the OWT (never heard of it before) that you have the opposite of whatever gender you dream you have...just curious to see how true it is.
I had only one birth dream so far and the baby was a boy. Here's hoping that OWT is true! ;)
April 2nd, 2012, 07:00 AM
Mocha, I'm so jealous about your 28's. I was wearing that size jean when I got preggo (they were getting baggy in the fall). Now there's no way I could zip them!! I'm a "low carrier" by default, though. When I gain weight at all, it goes right to the hips and thighs. And I suppose once it's been stretched out a bunch before it's sooo easy for it to go back. :D
Because of the LE diet, I was in size 25 jeans when I got pregnant...believe me, there was no more zipping those up after I got my BFP. So yes, I can still - barely and with a little discomfort - do up the size 28 ones, but they are 3 sizes bigger than what I had been wearing. I've gained about 25 lbs in the past 3 months :oops: so I really am surprised I can wear them at all.
April 2nd, 2012, 08:10 AM
mocha~ Have you had any dreams about gender? I was just reading about the OWT (never heard of it before) that you have the opposite of whatever gender you dream you have...just curious to see how true it is.
Yes I've heard of this old wives tale too that if you dream that you had a baby girl and are pregnant, it means you will be blessed with a boy, and if you dream that you had a baby boy then it means you will be blessed with a baby girl.
April 2nd, 2012, 08:11 AM
Good luck with your scan Mochagirl hope you get your baby girl :DD:
April 2nd, 2012, 10:11 AM
Love all the bumps!
TTC5, you look so cute and your bump seems low...which is :fingers: OWT for boy! i know it was right for me...when I was that pregnant with both of my sons, I was carrying low!
Hobber, you look low to me as well, which is also a good boy sign. I know you are torn about the amnio, but they can detect gender with that, aye? Would you ask for the full scoop on your, etc and gender?
Mocha, I think your bump is high. I totally, completely believe you'll have a girl. If they say boy, I will be very, very shocked and stunned! I don't know why but i have us tied together in my head: that if you hear girl, I'll hear girl, and vice versa. I know it doesn't work like that, but I guess it's because our due dates are only a day apart!
My bump is high too this time. I wasn't even paying attention to that fact until the co workers at my job kept commenting asking how many weeks I was etc, and they saying with much authority, "your bump is high, it's gonna be a girl." Here is hoping they are right, though it is an OWT.
And I don't know about the dream OWT...and in all my dreams, which have been a ton, (even last night) the baby has been a girl. With my boys I had NO dreams about gender. In my dream last night I had a son a daughter and pregnant with another girl, and I was sad, becaue I wanted a boy? (so weird) and in my dream I said, "Next time I'm going to sway blue!" LOL, who thinks these things? Only me, LOL.
April 2nd, 2012, 12:38 PM
auroara - I just saw your discussion of your bump on the other thread and responded there. I'm really hoping our high bumps mean something! I think it's really cool that our due dates are so close together, and I'm praying hard we both hear girl! I can't believe I'm going to know in 3 days!!! :nails:
April 2nd, 2012, 06:19 PM
Hobber - I REALLY hope your dream was a premonition! :pray:
Me too! You had better write "FEMALE" on the post just for me if you find out it is a girl. :) (What a weird dream, huh? Who would really write that, besides a doctor?)
April 2nd, 2012, 06:29 PM
Yes I've heard of this old wives tale too that if you dream that you had a baby girl and are pregnant, it means you will be blessed with a boy, and if you dream that you had a baby boy then it means you will be blessed with a baby girl.
All my pregnancies I have had dreams of both genders, so this has never been true for me.
April 2nd, 2012, 06:29 PM
Yes I've heard of this old wives tale too that if you dream that you had a baby girl and are pregnant, it means you will be blessed with a boy, and if you dream that you had a baby boy then it means you will be blessed with a baby girl.
All my pregnancies I have had dreams of both genders, so this has never been true for me.
April 2nd, 2012, 09:44 PM
12 week (according to Dr.) bump shot!
April 2nd, 2012, 09:47 PM
Love your bump, laughinglynxie!!
April 2nd, 2012, 11:01 PM
Love your bump, laughinglynxie!!
Yeah, all you skinny ladies make me so jealous!
April 2nd, 2012, 11:43 PM
I think the poor quality of my phone cam makes me look better than I actually am. LOL!
April 2nd, 2012, 11:54 PM
Yeah, all you skinny ladies make me so jealous!
Your bump is beautiful too, Hobber :kiss:
April 3rd, 2012, 12:39 AM
Well I keep dreaming of BLUE baby blankets and bunny rugs/wraps so what does this mean? Does it mean I am having a girl lol?
April 3rd, 2012, 03:04 AM
I walked into a childrens store today and oh my gosh the beautiful girl clothes not to mention the baby girl clothes.... and you know what! I felt totally guttered Like " I just Know" I wont be buying any! I felt so sad! I am only 9 weeks preg I shouldnt be feeling this way yet but I think I just feel I am having a boy and I really do believe that... My MIL even said to me just keep walking dont even look at them! hmmm she must be thinking the same way as me ... I am so sad
April 3rd, 2012, 03:46 AM
Big hugs pinkin xxxxxxx
April 3rd, 2012, 04:01 AM
pinkin was your gut feeling right before?
I've gone from having a strong pink gut feeling back to having no clue at all.... living on hope, for the next 2 days at least. This time the day after tomorrow I'll be on my way to the scan. So Scared!
April 3rd, 2012, 06:55 AM
Yeah I had a gut feeling with my ds and yeah sure enough! You know I havent really had many feelings this time about gender until today, just feels like it will never happen to me.
Thanks TTC5!
April 3rd, 2012, 06:59 AM
Pinkin - I know how you feel :hugs: Every time I let myself glance at girl clothes I go through the same emotions. It doesn't help that most stores have twice as many girl clothes as boys. I have a friend who was pregnant at the same time as me last time and when she had a girl and I had a boy she td me I could have fun buying girl clothes for her daughter to console myself. Um...not the same thing and actually just a way to rub salt in the wounds.
April 3rd, 2012, 09:58 AM
Your bump is beautiful too, Hobber :kiss:
THanks Myloves. :) I just would love to be skinny with a bump--never have been. Oh well! :)
April 3rd, 2012, 10:01 AM
Pinkin, I know how you feel (only opposite). I want a boy so bad but I just "know" I am having a girl! :( It seems so unfair that we can't just get what we want! But we don't really "KNOW" yet, so try to keep up hope (not that I am able to do that, but maybe you can!)
April 3rd, 2012, 10:02 AM
pinkin was your gut feeling right before?
I've gone from having a strong pink gut feeling back to having no clue at all.... living on hope, for the next 2 days at least. This time the day after tomorrow I'll be on my way to the scan. So Scared!
Keep us posted! I hope you have a girl in there!
April 3rd, 2012, 10:05 AM
Hopefully we'll both hear good news in 2 days, rainbow! :HH:
April 3rd, 2012, 10:07 AM
thank you Hobber, and hope so Mocha!
will be travelling to visit family straight after the scan (and staying there for Easter) so not sure when I'll get a chance to be on to update you all
April 3rd, 2012, 10:39 AM
I had my 16 week dr. checkup yesterday. Everything was measuring good, heard hearbeat again, it was in high 150s, so that was good. Then we scheduled my gender scan in 3 weeks when I'll be 19w1d, eek!!!! He knows all about how I desire a girl child, and I don't know why (we usually get along well) he said that it doesn't matter what I want, all that mattered what my husband decided to shoot that day!
Isn't that rude of a doctor to say? Ever since the visit yesterday I've been in a mood like I will be no way lucky enough to have a daughter, and I may as well just accept the fact that I'll only have boys. (I love my boys, it's not that, you guys know what it is!)
I feel like what if i miss out on a different life experience??? Guess that's what worries me most about having a boy, is that I really want at least a little balance, and I think having a girl would be that balance my family needs.
My gut feeling about this one being a girl is quickly evaporating at the very image of looking up at another ultrasound screen, seeing an obvious penis! I can't stop thinking about the image of seeing the little penis sticking out at me and being a mockery of all my hopes :(
I am looking forward to/but dreading immensely the ultrasound scan.
Good luck rainbow, can't wait to see the nub and try to guess...and Mocha, when exactly is your scan 2 days from now and when you can update us with what you find out? I'm going to be nervous for you on Thursday!
Pinkin, you had a great sway, I hope you really do have your girl in there. And Hobber, I am still flip-flopping on my gut feeling for you, but lately I've been *leaning* blue! I think you MAY be surprised!
April 3rd, 2012, 11:13 AM
Auroara - believe me, I'm having all the same feelings as you about feeling I'm going to miss out on a whole life experience if this baby's a boy. I am soooooo stressed right now. I was up at 4 this morning thinking about it and never fell back to sleep.
The appt is at 1pm EST on Thursday. Since I know you ladies are all over the world, it's just past 11am here right now. I'll update with my iPhone as soon as I can - definitely before 2.
April 3rd, 2012, 11:19 AM
eeeek! excited and nervous for you!! hope your dream comes true xx :LotsofLove:
April 3rd, 2012, 11:58 AM
Aye, I hope all your dreams come true, Mocha!! I will be so excited to read your update! :celebrate:
And yeah, it is a very heavy experience, isn't it? Waiting to find out the future of your children, but also direction of your life....
April 3rd, 2012, 12:02 PM
I think I've mentioned this before, but I can't even make myself imagine what it would be like to hear girl on Thursday. Everytime I try, my mind wanders back to how it will feel to hear 'boy'. I did finally tell my boys about the pregnancy a couple of days ago, but I'm not going to tell them that I'm finding out the gender at this scan - I don't want them to make the link between my crying and my finding out it's a boy. I'm going to wait until the 20 week scan anyway to tell them so I'll be sure of the gender. I also told them we're all going to go together to a 3D scan later in the pregnancy so they can see their little brother or sister, and they're very excited. My two big boys are hoping for a sister, and my little guy wants a brother ;).
April 3rd, 2012, 12:09 PM
Cant wait to hear Mocha, not long now!!!
Well i have been busy with DH digging up the garden, we having all the grass removed and doing decking and patio. Cant wait till it is done and then all we need is some nice BBQ weather :D
Today was my 1st MW appt and she was the most lovely MW i haveever met :) she even got my blood 1st attempt (that is an achievment) We spoke about homebirths also which i have always fancied by DH hasnt but she what she was saying was making me want it more, she said they lend us the birthing pool also which would be my dream birth. So we are now on a mission to talk around DH. I told him over phone as he working today and he did say 'well i would be able to make myself a bacon butty' :rofl: typical bloke!!!
his main worry is if something goes wrong we in the wrong place. I understand his worry but i have always wanted a water homebirth just dont know if i could handle the pain. MW says you birth better at home. Any of you had a homebirth previously or having one this time? Would love to hear about your experiences.
I walked through asda other day and saw the most gorgeous little dress :( i just know i will never buy it :( I also dream last night that i had a baby boy and we called him Nile? Never a name i thought about....ho hum wierd dreams!
Hope all you lovely ladies and bumps are doing well xxx
April 3rd, 2012, 12:15 PM
HappyLea - I've never had a homebirth since it's not allowed with twins here, and because my next birth was a VBAC and they recommend a hospital birth for that, but if my situation were different I'd definitely consider it. The thought of being in my own home is very appealing. Not having to rush to find someone to care for the kids if I go into labour in the middle of the night - that would be the biggest advantage to me. One of my SILs had a homebirth for both of her kids, and I got to be there for one of them. I was 19 at the time (that particular brother is 10 years older than me, so this was a loooong time ago), and it was a really eye-opening experience for me. How many women get to watch a real birth before they have kids themselves?? Anyway, it was so peaceful - she spent much of her labour watching DVDs and listening to her favourite music. Sounds lovely.
April 3rd, 2012, 12:35 PM
does anyone ever feel that nothing ever plans out the way you want it to, I feel like because I've planned it and even have a boy name and day/dreamed about me with a baby boy, it will never happen because I've thought of it and planned it and nothing ever happens according to how you plan it.
April 3rd, 2012, 12:38 PM
Yeah, I feel that way too, Bumblebee. I'm never the lucky one. I never win contests or anything, and good things just don't happen to me very often. I feel like I want this so badly there's no way I'm going to get it.
April 3rd, 2012, 01:47 PM
same here, i want this so so much i know im not lucky enough to get it. I am only thinking of boys names as i know im not going to get my girl. Nothing for me ever goes right!
mocha ~ i would love to be at home, i think it will be a totally different experience and much more relaxing. My DH and mum has been at all of my other births and they have all been normal except DS3 was 5 weeks early. Im close with my auntie and she has said she would like to be there and her daughter my cousin (she is 16) has also asked me if she can watch but i know in hospital i wont be allowed that many people but at home i can have whom ever i want there. Also like you say no stress as to get kids sorted. Would be nice to be in own surroundings. I just hope i can talk DH round :D
April 3rd, 2012, 01:54 PM
And Hobber, I am still flip-flopping on my gut feeling for you, but lately I've been *leaning* blue! I think you MAY be surprised!
I so hope you are right. I just can't imagine it being a boy--just like you and Mocha and HappyLea are saying you can't imagine hearing "it's a girl". It seems too good to be true that I could get what I want, because I so rarely do. I am just assuming it is a girl, and if I get a boy, I will be over the moon.
On another note, I would be so pissed at my doctor if he said something like that about gender and what DH was "shooting" that day! What did you say to him?? DO you believe the OWT about heartbeat? I think it has been disproven, but 150's are girl territory, aren't they? I think both my DDs had HBs in the 150's. DS fluctuated a lot--one time it was in the 160's I remember--but 140's mostly
April 3rd, 2012, 02:00 PM
HappyLea, I have never had a home birth, but I have several friends who have, and they all loved it (one did have a scary thing happen with her baby, but he was fine in the end). Homebirth doesn't really interest me--I don't want that mess in my house, plus I really trust doctors and hospitals (my dad is a doctor and I have spent countless hours in the hospital with him while he worked). I have been very happy with my 3 medicated hospital births. :) I am waaaaaayyyy too much of a weenie to try a natural birth! I need the drugs!!
April 3rd, 2012, 02:21 PM
DO you believe the OWT about heartbeat? I think it has been disproven, but 150's are girl territory, aren't they? I think both my DDs had HBs in the 150's. DS fluctuated a lot--one time it was in the 160's I remember--but 140's mostly
I sure hope there's something to that OWT, since this baby's heartbeat has consistently been between about 159! :bigsmile: I'm pretty sure all my boys were around 140.
April 3rd, 2012, 02:29 PM
Mocha I'm popping in to say good luck ... thinking about you hun. FX you get the magic moment to hear it's a girl :cheer:
April 3rd, 2012, 03:45 PM
Thanks, Begonia :HH:.
April 4th, 2012, 08:23 AM
Today is the day isnt it Mocha?! Hope you hear Girl :fx: good luck xxx
April 4th, 2012, 08:26 AM
Today is the day isnt it Mocha?! Hope you hear Girl :fx: good luck xxx
Nope I wish! It's tomorrow. I was up tossing and turning all night again last night :sigh:
April 4th, 2012, 08:34 AM
Oh gosh, im a day ahead of! Awww, hope you sleep better tonight. I know im awake between 3am - 5am everynight now so i will not sleep one winl when its my Good Luck for tomoz :D
I got my 12 week scan on 30th April which is our anniversary but unfortunately DH cant make it and he cant get out of work, so mum coming with me. Cant wait to see baby and think i will ask if they can get a nub shot. Hope they will at least try, dont know if they will tho.
April 4th, 2012, 10:32 AM
I know im awake between 3am - 5am everynight now so i will not sleep one winl when its my turn... :D
Me too-- It is making me crazy! I am so tired and I just can't get back to sleep. :(
Good luck at your scan Happylea!
April 4th, 2012, 10:33 AM
Mocha--one more day!! We are all stalking you, you know! I think I am almost as excited for you as I would be for my own scan....
April 4th, 2012, 10:54 AM
Mocha--one more day!! We are all stalking you, you know! I think I am almost as excited for you as I would be for my own scan....
I feel the same way!! I am soooo excited for your Mocha, and I still think you'll hear girl!
Last night I had another ultrasound dream and I saw a penis again, i just love that I can't stop dreaming about seeing little baby penises....I need a new hobby, I think!
HappyLea, I think a homebirth would be superb! I've never done it as i need babies have heads that are too BIG for my pelvic canal and it's all my DH's fault...he's a big thick head!
April 4th, 2012, 10:57 AM
Oh and about the heartrate boys had pretty high heartrates to, but about high 140s or low 150s. This baby has been 160s or high 150s whole time...I know, I know I can't really believe in this OWT, but it does give me a little hope that maybe something is different this time.
I am pretty sure it has been disproven though :(
April 4th, 2012, 11:47 AM
Oh yeah, DS2 took 6 steps yesterday towards me!! Yay for Evan!! He's been crusing and taking a step or two for like 3 months! We really thought he'd walk early because of how soon he started up with crusing, but apparently, the cruising and taking a few steps made him really content so he didn't feel a need yet.
Can't wait for him to be walking so him and DS1 can play in the yard this summer. DS1 is warming up to him more now that he's more able to play.
April 4th, 2012, 01:15 PM
Yay for learning to walk! I love that stage - when they're learning so much and changing every day. I have an Evan too, by the way :HH:
Thanks for all your support, ladies and for putting up with all my moaning and complaining about how nervous I am :oops:. I really, REALLY hope I can announce it's a girl tomorrow, but of course I'll let you know right way either way. I can't believe that exactly 24 hours from now I'm going to know! I just pray the baby will cooperate - I can't imagine going through all this only to find out we'll have to wait until another appointment to find out!
April 4th, 2012, 01:25 PM
Oh and about the heartrate boys had pretty high heartrates to, but about high 140s or low 150s. This baby has been 160s or high 150s whole time...I know, I know I can't really believe in this OWT, but it does give me a little hope that maybe something is different this time.
I am pretty sure it has been disproven though :(
Yeah, there was a study that proved the only time it matters at all is during labor. But there are people who swear by it still!
Congrats on walking Evan!
April 4th, 2012, 01:38 PM
Mocha, how cool that you have an Evan as well :)
And just know that this site is full of loving people who really care and whatever you hear tomorrow, we be here for you!!! :heart:
And yes, I def. hope the baby cooperates! That would be worst thing, all the build-up and then still not knowing. I hope that is certainly not the case.
Thanks Hobbers for your words :0 always supportive and what I need to hear!
April 4th, 2012, 01:40 PM
Well, I've been gulping water like nobody's business the last couple of days, because I heard that helps you get a good scan. I'm also planning to bring something sweet like orange juice to drink on the car ride there. Any other tips?
April 4th, 2012, 01:42 PM
Oh, and I just made my appt for my anatomy u/s. It'll be on May 2nd. I'm sooooo glad I have this gender scan booked, because there's no way I could have waited until May 2nd to find out! As it is I'm going to find it hard to wait that long for confirmation. If I do hear girl I have no doubt I won't believe it and will be freaked out that she will grow a penis before my 20 week appointment.
April 4th, 2012, 01:49 PM
Oh, and I just made my appt for my anatomy u/s. It'll be on May 2nd. I'm sooooo glad I have this gender scan booked, because there's no way I could have waited until May 2nd to find out! As it is I'm going to find it hard to wait that long for confirmation. If I do hear girl I have no doubt I won't believe it and will be freaked out that she will grow a penis before my 20 week appointment.How many weeks will you be on May 2nd? They are doing mine on May 7, and I think I will be 18 weeks and change.
April 4th, 2012, 01:51 PM
Hey, I just realized--my m/s is gone!! I hope it stays away!
April 4th, 2012, 02:23 PM
Yay for m/s being gone, Hobber!
I'll be 20 weeks at my appt.
April 4th, 2012, 11:10 PM
Good luck tomorrow mocha!! Can't wait to hear..hope you can sleep tonight. Everything crossed for you :)
April 4th, 2012, 11:49 PM
Thinking of you Mocha! Sending you tons of pink dust and positive thoughts!
April 4th, 2012, 11:51 PM
Just popping in to say good luck to Rainbow and Mocha for your scans tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you.
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April 5th, 2012, 01:54 AM
thank you
3 hours to go! :(
April 5th, 2012, 02:02 AM
GOOD LUCK Rainbow!!!! you will be fine!!
And GOOD LUCK Mocha!!I really think they will tell you your having a baby girl!!
April 5th, 2012, 02:45 AM
Mocha and Rainbow I'm so excited for both of you!
Rainbow, crap only 3 hours?! Omg, post updates as soon as possible. You ladies are making me anxious to hear your results. :bighug: Wishing you both with GoodLuck!
April 5th, 2012, 03:17 AM
Good Luck Rainbow and Mocha!!
I had my 15 week app and the OB had a small machine in his room and did a quick scan. He would not look between legs though but we are sure we can see a girl nub on the little printed photo.... pics added to my latest thread in the gender determination section with "ATTN to FOXY" if you ladies want to look.
April 5th, 2012, 04:57 AM
Just popped on to wish both Rainbow and Mocha good luck today :luck:
Will be back on later to see your updates, so exciting :bighug: ladies xxx
April 5th, 2012, 06:28 AM
Good luck today, Mocha! Crossing everything I can for you!
April 5th, 2012, 06:45 AM
Good luck Rainbow! :)
April 5th, 2012, 07:21 AM
Rainbow - how'd your scan go???
TTC - glad your babe was looking healthy. I didn't see any nub in those pics so I'm sure it's still a little boy ;).
April 5th, 2012, 07:58 AM
Hi girls just want to say good luck too! (
Im still sick and still don't want to be pregnant and don't want another baby ever. Someone tell me something good about this?
Like i will feel different soon or so??
April 5th, 2012, 08:09 AM
I'm so sorry you're feeling that way, Flava :hugs:. How long does your m/s usually last?
April 5th, 2012, 08:10 AM
I just read some back...I had a home birth with DD4 (vbac) and planing this one too. Don't be so scared of it and don't think of the mess they clean up everything! Even did the laundry! She was my biggest baby and for the first time no tear no cut on me ! I was so happy.
5-your baby is super cute! With a boyish head!:wink::luck:
April 5th, 2012, 08:17 AM
I'm so sorry you're feeling that way, Flava :hugs:. How long does your m/s usually last?
Thanks :bighug: I have to say my m/s is not so bad like with the others. BUT it's combined with this stomach pain .It feels like the very top of it (sphincter?) burn all the time and if I throw up it's like acid.
So yeah it makes you feel you had enough and pleas no more.
If I think that I will have this for weeks more I go insane !!!!!!!!!!!!
April 5th, 2012, 08:37 AM
:luck:good luck rainbow and mocha!!:luck:
April 5th, 2012, 08:52 AM
Great I just saw I have some the midwife what to do. But i know there is nothing to do. Good thing DH is home today so i can park my big butt on the sofa. Hopefully it stop. But i lost the last one too...
April 5th, 2012, 09:00 AM
I'm sorry, Flava. Rest up and hopefully everything will be ok :HH:
April 5th, 2012, 09:12 AM
Flava, I'm so sorry....I know you are worried. At least it is a good sign that you have ms because that means your bean is nestled in there. You probably have read this a million times, but TONS of women have random spotting all through pregnancy and all is well. Sometimes it's just a little old blood being knocked off, sometimes other reasons, but many times, it is no big deal at all. Just put your feet up and try to chill out the best you can. Big hugs and happy vibes your way!
And lots of LUCKY vibes to Mocha and Rainbow!!!! I hope your scans today are the wonderful moment you've been dreaming of! But more importantly, I hope they reveal a healthy little baby. xxoo
TTC5, posted on your other thread, but I think the girls are all right. It's a boy!
April 5th, 2012, 09:13 AM
Flava - I'm sorry m/s is so bad. I hope the spotting stops asap. Try and relax as much as possible, hun. xx
April 5th, 2012, 09:46 AM
Flava, hope the spotting stops, and you will feel better soon, I promise....give it a little more time :)
Rainbow, wanting to hear how your 12 week scan went. I think I recall you saying that you prob woudln't update right away because of the holidays...
Mocha, cannot wait until your scan!!! Will be stalking for the update today!
April 5th, 2012, 09:49 AM
Sorry - just wanted to relieve the tension :oops:.
Just over 3 hours to go....
April 5th, 2012, 09:58 AM
Mocha mocha mocha thinking of you!!!!!!!!
April 5th, 2012, 10:04 AM
Thanks, Hope - that means a lot, especially considering the stress you're under today :HH:.
April 5th, 2012, 10:09 AM
Thanks girls .Im now waiting what happens. I know I said i sway again if i loose this one but I will not. If this baby gone Im done I never gonna be pregnant again Im so done.
April 5th, 2012, 10:46 AM
Ah Flava :hugs: we luuuvv you...are you still spotting? u gonna call your DR?
I have my Ultrasound appt. scheduled for late afternoon on Monday the 23rd, thinking I'd just leave work early and go do it, but now that I've had a constant knot in my stomach, I don't know if I would be able to 'handle' going to work for most of the day with that antipacticion going on. Hubby doesn't understand and thinks I should work the day, because I'm trying to 'save' my days off to take longer off with the baby once they arrive. That would be great in theory, but I have so much emotion invested in this, I don't honestly think I would handle it well having to work thru most of the day. Also, my boss much prefers when we let him know in advance when we're taking off than calling out on the same day.
I just don't wanna try to be 'strong' and then end up calling out anyway and pissing him off, you know what I mean? But taking a day off just to find out the gender...isn't that a bit self-indulgant? Suggestions?
April 5th, 2012, 10:52 AM
It's hard to say, auroara. At least work might be a bit of a distraction. Believe me, there's nothing worse than sitting at home with nothing to do but think about your scan - that's what I'm doing right now!!
What I'm worried about more our the plans for AFTER the scan. I might just need a private cry, but I'll have to get back into the car with my 3 kids, put on a brave face, and drive for 2.5 more hours. Then, at my Mom's place, I found out she's holding a Brownie meeting at her house tonight (she's a Brownie leader), which means I'm going to be surrounded by little girls for 2 hours. What have I done to myself??? The thing is, I can't not go through with it now - I think I'll explode if I don't find out the gender today - I've built up too much for this!
April 5th, 2012, 12:13 PM
my scan went well! :D baby is a cutie and was wriggling a lot - such a relief!
with DS I came out of the scan surely knowing that it was a boy.. with this one I'm not actually sure still
dates have moved forwards by 3 days so now due on the 12th Oct not the 15th (although I know when I OVed..)
Mocha - I think you're in your scan about now? hope you come back with happy news for us!
April 5th, 2012, 12:16 PM
Flava, hope the spotting stops! As others have said, m/s is a really good sign. If you feel sick the baby is usually okay!
TTC5, I bet your baby is still a boy! Penises don't usually fall off. :)
Rainbow and Mocha, where are the updates??????
April 5th, 2012, 12:18 PM
Oh Rainbow--we must have posted at the same time. Glad everything went well!! They tried to move my due date too, even though I know when I O'ed as well, but they decided to leave it the same because the difference wasn't much.
April 5th, 2012, 12:21 PM
Rainbow - glad the scan went well.
I'm on my way to the scan now - it's in 40 minutes. I feel sick to my stomach! Why do people on IG need to guess boy TODAY of all days???
April 5th, 2012, 12:22 PM
Auroara, I agree with Mocha--I think working would be a distraction. Otherwise you will just sit home staring at the clock!
April 5th, 2012, 01:06 PM
Rainbow - Glad that the scan went well!
April 5th, 2012, 01:09 PM
This is for Hobber:
April 5th, 2012, 01:10 PM
Mocha~ we're dying here! We all know you're there laying on the table!!! GL!
April 5th, 2012, 01:11 PM
hey im back to stalk mocha! (
rainbow-what no pic for us??
April 5th, 2012, 01:11 PM
Ahhhhhh! posted too late! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
April 5th, 2012, 01:13 PM
:cheerteam: Congrats Mocha :cheerteam:
April 5th, 2012, 01:13 PM
yeah Mocha what a great news!That was a quick scan. (
April 5th, 2012, 01:13 PM
You better post pics for us!!!! I need to live vicariously through you!
April 5th, 2012, 01:15 PM
congrats :cheerteam: You must be besides yourself. You will have the BEST WEEKEND WITH YOUR FAMILY EVER!!!!!
April 5th, 2012, 01:18 PM
They only gave me a profile pic, but she knew how much I have riding on this so she checked from every angle in both 2d and 3d and said she's 100 percent sure it's a girl. I watched very carefully and there was definitely no penis there - just 3 lines!
April 5th, 2012, 01:21 PM
Yay Mochca!!!!!! I am over the moon with excitment for you!!! COngratulations to you and your family....Enjoy the holiday weekend!!!!
April 5th, 2012, 01:36 PM
I am soooooooooooooooooo happy for you!!! I just knew you had a baby girl in there!!! YAY!! Enjoy your holidays and let yourself enjoy being surrounded by all those cute lil brownies too!!! Let us be your sounding board if you help with names
April 5th, 2012, 01:37 PM
Yay again congratulations on your baby girl Mocha!! such fabulous news!!! so when you start pink shopping???!! its going to be so much fun for you! :bigsmile:
April 5th, 2012, 01:40 PM
Auroara - remember you said that you felt that if I had a girl you will too? You're next! :luck:
Bumblebee - there's a cute Carters 'little sister' onesie I think I want to buy first. It would be a fun way to announce to my family that it's a girl.
April 5th, 2012, 01:42 PM
Mocha - yayyyy!!! :D so happy for you!
April 5th, 2012, 01:42 PM
CONGRATS on your daughter, Mocha!!!! Awesome news!!!!
April 5th, 2012, 01:46 PM
not sure I'm ready for nub guesses yet, but here's a piccy of baby's head (baby does have a body- honest - just was viewed from an angle lol)
April 5th, 2012, 01:51 PM
Mocha, ahhh I love that idea of the onesie..if this one is a lil girl, she is sooo getting a 'little sister' onesie too, evan had a 'little brother' one that was so cute and quinten had a 'big brother' shirt he wore at the hospital. I am soo freaking thrilled for you...and thank you for saying I will be would be so overwhelming and awesome to hear girl in 3 weeks!!!
Rainbow, the baby is very cute, and I have a good feeling about your baby being a girl, so I hope you will consider posting some nub shots and giving us some fun at guessing :) Babe is adorable!
April 5th, 2012, 02:08 PM
Lola - I was in tears when I read the word 'daughter' in your post :HH:
Cute baby, rainbow! Here's mine.
April 5th, 2012, 03:02 PM
This is for Hobber:
YEAH!!!!!! I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DD:
April 5th, 2012, 03:11 PM
Mocha, she is beautiful! :princess:
April 5th, 2012, 03:13 PM
Rainbow, how cute is that pic! :)
April 5th, 2012, 03:13 PM
Rainbow and Mocha, cute baby pictures!!
April 5th, 2012, 03:16 PM
aww such cute baby photos!! :awe:
My Fabulous Children
April 5th, 2012, 04:41 PM
Mocha, Congratulations on your sweet baby girl, I'm so happy for you dear XOXO :HH:
April 5th, 2012, 04:47 PM
Big congrats Mocha!!!!!!! Xxxxx
My Fabulous Children
April 5th, 2012, 04:49 PM
Rainbow, Beautiful baby :awe:xx I hope it's your little GIRL :)
April 5th, 2012, 04:58 PM
Congrats Mocha!!! Gorgeous pic!!!
I am glad your scan went well rainbow!!!... I am so nervous about mine because i havent had any scans yet.. Mine is on the 23rd.
April 5th, 2012, 06:04 PM
So happy you got to see your wriggling cute little baby Rainbow!
Congrats again Mocha. Lovely to see the photos of your precious babies (yours and Rainbows)
Auroara and Pinkin, the 23rd of April is the 1st day I see my OB. Hope it is a good day for all of will be too early for me to do any gender guessing, but I hope to see a happy baby in there still.
April 5th, 2012, 10:55 PM
CONGRATS MOCHA!!!! That is so great! What a relief and a blessing for a relaxing weekend.
I had my 12 week NT scan today and I posted 3 shots on the ultrasound board! I actually feel connected to this little puke-monster now. It's quite a stubborn little thing...I had to cough, lay in a million different positions, and get the heck squished out of my stomach! :) My little Skeletor baby says hi to all my gal pals:
April 5th, 2012, 11:10 PM
I love those head-on shots - they're always so freaky looking but cute at the same time! :HH:
Butterfly Spirit
April 5th, 2012, 11:14 PM
my scan went well! :D baby is a cutie and was wriggling a lot - such a relief!
with DS I came out of the scan surely knowing that it was a boy.. with this one I'm not actually sure still
dates have moved forwards by 3 days so now due on the 12th Oct not the 15th (although I know when I OVed..)
Mocha - I think you're in your scan about now? hope you come back with happy news for us!
Awww Rainbow I THINK IT'S A GIRL!!! :P Can't freakin' wait to find out! Hey I got my + OPK today on CD 15 (Vitex is doing something!)
April 5th, 2012, 11:26 PM
Mocha!!! IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!! You're having a daughter :o :biggirl:, and you're going to love it!
OMG, I knew it!! (I think we all knew it) :awe:. She's a cutie already... I bet you're so in love.
April 5th, 2012, 11:27 PM
Awww Rainbow I THINK IT'S A GIRL!!! :P Can't freakin' wait to find out! Hey I got my + OPK today on CD 15 (Vitex is doing something!)
I think yours is a girl too, Rainbow!
April 6th, 2012, 05:02 AM
Hi girls! I haven't been on here for a long time but thought I'd pop in and see what is happening. Lots of new people and lots may have forgotten me! Wow! Mocha you are having a girl.. congratulations!! So happy for you and jealous at the same time! It is just fabulous news.:giggle:
Well I had to stop coming on here as I felt like it was making me obsess even more about the gender... however it hasn't helped at all. I just watched the DVD of our 12 week scan and paused it at every shot possible to get a good nub shot. It was pretty tricky but I swear it is looking more like a boy. It has kinda made me totally think it is now and getting all depressed about it. :sad: Still have to wait a few weeks for our gender scan and the wait is killing me!!!
I always thought we would go for number 4 if this was a boy but I find pregnancy so hard I really don't think I could go again. So I feel like I have already started grieving that this is a boy and my dream is over. Sorry for being so morbid but this is the only place I can vent about GD. :tissue:
Well looks like I need to do some reading and catch up with what I have missed. Hope everyone is going well and congrats again to Mocha! :fx:the rest of us get our dg!
April 6th, 2012, 07:04 AM
:hugs: sallygal...I know exactly how you feel. DS3 was a failed sway, and we decided to try one more time, but this baby was our last for sure. It's terrifying waiting to find out the gender. I have thought of NOTHING else since my 12 week can really take over your life.
April 6th, 2012, 07:40 AM
Thanks mocha.. Yeah it's crazy how much it consumes our lives waiting. The hardest part is I can't just talk about this. I wish there was a way we could know the gender earlier! So far on my u/s DVD I have managed to find both girl and boy looking nub shots but I think the boy one more obvious. Although could be a leg shadow?! I also watched my ds's u/s and couldn't come up with any nub shots. So who knows!! Wish I didn't know about nubs!! Just hope in a few weeks I can be celebrating like you, although just feel like that's not going to happen for me. I do need to snap out of it though and just get through the next couple of weeks!
April 6th, 2012, 08:03 AM
There's no way you can get an early private scan? I think I would have exploded if I'd had to wait another day. I agree about nub shots driving you crazy. There was many a moment when I wished I'd never heard of a nub.
April 6th, 2012, 11:14 AM
Ahhh, sallygal, there is still a chance it could be your girl, esp. if you could see possibly both kind of nubs in the video. I wouldn't get too sad until you know for sure.
Last night I was at Target trying to find some more maternity work pants and I was trying on this clearance summer dress, came out and asked the clerk at the fitting rooms how it looked. The first thing she said is, "You're having a girl, aren't you?"
I said, "I don't know yet, I find out in 3 weeks" and she said, "You're carrying so high. That was how I was with my daughter. I had two boys before her and I carried the boys low."
So while the lady could totally be wrong, hearing a complete stranger that has NO IDEA about how I dream of a daughter telling me I was carrying so high it looked to be a girl made me feel so awesome. Even if she's wrong, it was just really cool having someone who doesnt know me think that, you know? And the fact that she had two boys and then a girl...I felt like the universe was trying to tell me...yes silly, it really is possible! (My kids were at great grandma's so I was alone in Target.)
On another note, I told my husband last night that I felt this was a girl for sure, and he sighed, and said "you keep changing your mind on waht the baby is!"
I said, "No the whole time I've felt it was a girl, but I kept thinking it couldn't be true because of my desire...."
He just sighed, and said, "well I don't want to talk about it anymore." And I asked him if it wasn't because he didn't believe it'd be a girl, or if he was afraid that it would be a girl, and he mumbled "the second."
So he must have a gut feeling about it being a girl too that he still won't share it with me, lol.
How is everyone else today? Flava? Rainbow? Everyone else? Peony I'm excited you have a scan on April 23rd is always reassuring seeing the babe!
April 6th, 2012, 03:23 PM
Auroara, I hope the Target lady was right for you! I love when that kind of stuff happens. When my sister was pregnant with my nephew, some woman came up to her and said, "You're having a boy." My sister said they hadn't found out gender yet. The lady said, "I'm not asking, I'm TELLING you. You're having a boy." And she was right!
April 6th, 2012, 03:30 PM
auroara - I have a gut feeling yours is a girl for sure! As you know, I'm carrying higher than I ever have too!
April 6th, 2012, 04:52 PM
I think I'm having a girl just can't get over the two distinct lines on recent scan despite the 12 w looking so boy. I knew it was out to trick me :(
April 6th, 2012, 05:50 PM
I think I'm having a girl just can't get over the two distinct lines on recent scan despite the 12 w looking so boy. I knew it was out to trick me :(
Have you looked at the confirmed boy / girl nubs on IG? I bet you couldn't find a confirmed girl with a nub like yours! That might put your mind at ease. :)
April 6th, 2012, 06:03 PM
the 12 week scan I could not find any girls like mine, just this recent scan has me confused and doubtful now. Aghhhhhh what will be will be I guess xx
April 6th, 2012, 06:25 PM
I looked at the thread you started about the new pics, and everyone there said that wasn't a nub, and that your first pics were right. I know it is hard not to worry, but I think you are in the clear! :)
April 6th, 2012, 06:28 PM
What would it be if not the nub then?
April 6th, 2012, 06:30 PM
No idea. I can't even see nubs half the time when people are guessing at them. It could be some other body part, or maybe the cord or something?
April 6th, 2012, 06:31 PM
I really hope so...
April 6th, 2012, 06:44 PM
TTC - I completely understand your stress, but I just know you're having a boy. I don't think I've ever seen so much agreement on a nub shot - and didn't you say that even over at IG everyone guessed boy? Have you decided whether or not you're going to get a gender scan? I know you wanted to be team green, but I think you're going to drive yourself crazy for the rest of the pregnancy if you don't know for sure.
April 6th, 2012, 07:03 PM
Mocha - yep they all said boy!!
I want to know but I am soooo scared of hearing girl and then ruining the rest of my pregnancy..
April 6th, 2012, 08:49 PM
There's no way you can get an early private scan? I think I would have exploded if I'd had to wait another day. I agree about nub shots driving you crazy. There was many a moment when I wished I'd never heard of a nub.
I want to but my husband is totally against it! He thinks it is a waste of money for something we are going to have to do when we have the anatomy scan anyway which is only a few weeks later. Of course he doesn't understand how consuming it is for us girls.... he says 'it is what it is and you can't do anything anyway so just don't think about it'. Easy for him! I have considered going on my own for a private scan but I couldn't go by myself if I found out boy. It is only just over 2 weeks so not long really!
April 6th, 2012, 08:58 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NUBS ARE SO ANNOYING!!!! See they are all making us crazy!!!! I just watched my scan vid AGAIN and paused every second and still couldn't really get a good nub shot. The shot I thought was a boy, now I think it is a leg shadow,plus the baby is laying with it's spine too far forward so I think I am none the wiser again!! Although we only see what we want to see hey!
I have GOOGLED AND GOOGLED this damn nub theory and it is only that one website that claims that theory to be true. So many people have different statistics about how true it is. I read one thread from an experienced sonographer who says there is absolutely no credit behind it and if there was they would all be learning about it through their profession. She believes she has seen so many wrong nub claims and has had to pick up the pieces from devastated parents later on in the pregnancy when the scan reveals the real gender. Anyway I just think so many are incorrect and it is just a 'theory' so we can't pin too many of our hopes on it.
This waiting just gets worse and worse as we all get closer to our gender scans!!!! :pray:for us all for the time to go fast and to get our DG!
Hope you are all feeling well :happy:
April 6th, 2012, 08:59 PM
Mocha - yep they all said boy!!
I want to know but I am soooo scared of hearing girl and then ruining the rest of my pregnancy..
I feel like that too TTC5! I want to know but also don't want to find out another boy and be disappointed. I won't have the strength not to find out though!
April 6th, 2012, 09:09 PM
Mocha - yep they all said boy!!
I want to know but I am soooo scared of hearing girl and then ruining the rest of my pregnancy..
Believe me, I get it. At the same time you have to ask yourself: are you enjoying your pregnancy now? I found I was so preoccupied by my nub shot and so worried it was a boy that I was starting to suffer GD before I even knew the gender! I just figured that for me it was better to know so I could either relax and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy knowing it was a girl or start the healing process if it was a boy. It's a tough decision, I know - and what was right for me may not be right for you :HH:.
April 6th, 2012, 09:11 PM
I want to but my husband is totally against it! He thinks it is a waste of money for something we are going to have to do when we have the anatomy scan anyway which is only a few weeks later. Of course he doesn't understand how consuming it is for us girls.... he says 'it is what it is and you can't do anything anyway so just don't think about it'. Easy for him! I have considered going on my own for a private scan but I couldn't go by myself if I found out boy. It is only just over 2 weeks so not long really!
My husband's the same way, but I decided I was getting a scan with or without him. What I did, to avoid arguments, was send him an email explaining why I wanted a private scan - that I felt I was going crazy waiting, and that if it was a boy I needed to know so I could start accepting it and move on. He didn't give any arguments after that, though I was very careful not to tell him how much it cost ;).
April 6th, 2012, 09:11 PM
The rate I am going I most likely will find out but oh god it is sooo scary!
April 6th, 2012, 09:13 PM
Mocha what did your d/h say when he found out? bet he was over the moon aswell!
April 6th, 2012, 09:15 PM
The rate I am going I most likely will find out but oh god it is sooo scary!
I was literally shaking going into my scan - it is TERRIFYING, I won't lie. But imagine how wonderful and relaxed you'll feel when they say it's a boy!
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