View Full Version : 5wk 6d no Fetal Pole or HB any help!

January 25th, 2019, 11:37 AM
I went into ER last night because I was experiencing some cramping and light spotting. ( Never experienced it before so I was a bit worried) Tech did both U/S transV and Abdomen saw the yolk sac but no fetal pole and my HCG was 21,000.( Doc feels like at that HCG Level should see more) Was told that pregnancy may not be viable to come back to ER on Saturday to have a recheck of blood to see if HCG is increasing. Has anyone had this happen at this point and still had a healthy baby? I am trying not to google too much and be encouraged but feeling kind of down because I really want this pregnancy!

January 25th, 2019, 11:50 AM
I think this early there is enough variation that it could be okay. When I was 5w3d in my first pregnancy, there was no fetal pole yet, just a yolk sac, and it was fine. That said with my current ivf pregnancy we were able to see a fetal pole and heartbeat at 5w6d. I have also had ultrasounds in pregnancies at just exactly 5 wks (due to cramping and to make sure it wasn't ectopic), where we saw just an empty gestational sac--that ended up being DS2 (and they weren't concerned because that's generally all you see at 5 wks 0d.) Unless you did IVF or something and know EXACTLY how far you should be, a couple of days makes a huge huge difference this early, it's good to see a yolk sac so you know it's not a blighted ovum. (For it to be a blighted ovum, there would be no yolk sac even.)
Even with opk's you could have possibly ovulated a tiny bit later than you think.
You are better off having an ultrasound again in a few days to a week to reassess viability over bloodwork, once your numbers are that high, while they should still increase, it's not going to be the normal exact doubling times. And just a few days can make a big difference between what you will see on ultrasound.

Also with my second pregnancy, my hcg numbers got really high, really fast, but that doesn't mean I was farther along then I was...(that was an IUI pregnancy so we were fairly certain of my dating although not as exact as IVF), there is just such a huge range of normal, I wouldn't panic over the numbers being high with no fetal pole just yet and I would also caution you to not take whatever your repeat numbers are too seriously either way (unless they are dropping.)

Good luck, fingers crossed for you!

January 25th, 2019, 01:13 PM
Hi Pink- I am pretty sure I ovulated on Jan 1 I use Ovusense along with CBD Sticks to confirm O. They said I was measuring 5w6d and according to LMP i would be 5w5d. I just looked up what that would be and its 5w4d so I guess it is kinda early I am going to wait until Feb 12 for my 1st appt with my NP to have another scan but will be returning the ER on Saturday just to check my HCG levels to see if they are increasing. Fingers Crossed this is a sticky bean!

atomic sagebrush
January 25th, 2019, 02:40 PM
I think this early there is enough variation that it could be okay. When I was 5w3d in my first pregnancy, there was no fetal pole yet, just a yolk sac, and it was fine. That said with my current ivf pregnancy we were able to see a fetal pole and heartbeat at 5w6d. I have also had ultrasounds in pregnancies at just exactly 5 wks (due to cramping and to make sure it wasn't ectopic), where we saw just an empty gestational sac--that ended up being DS2 (and they weren't concerned because that's generally all you see at 5 wks 0d.) Unless you did IVF or something and know EXACTLY how far you should be, a couple of days makes a huge huge difference this early, it's good to see a yolk sac so you know it's not a blighted ovum. (For it to be a blighted ovum, there would be no yolk sac even.)
Even with opk's you could have possibly ovulated a tiny bit later than you think.
You are better off having an ultrasound again in a few days to a week to reassess viability over bloodwork, once your numbers are that high, while they should still increase, it's not going to be the normal exact doubling times. And just a few days can make a big difference between what you will see on ultrasound.

Also with my second pregnancy, my hcg numbers got really high, really fast, but that doesn't mean I was farther along then I was...(that was an IUI pregnancy so we were fairly certain of my dating although not as exact as IVF), there is just such a huge range of normal, I wouldn't panic over the numbers being high with no fetal pole just yet and I would also caution you to not take whatever your repeat numbers are too seriously either way (unless they are dropping.)

Good luck, fingers crossed for you!

:agree: THIS! Great answer, agree with every word.

Doctors do us no favors with this kind of talk because there are a lot of pregnancies in this situation that work out just fine.

try not to panic till you have reason to. :heart:

January 25th, 2019, 06:03 PM
Hi Pink- I am pretty sure I ovulated on Jan 1 I use Ovusense along with CBD Sticks to confirm O. They said I was measuring 5w6d and according to LMP i would be 5w5d. I just looked up what that would be and its 5w4d so I guess it is kinda early I am going to wait until Feb 12 for my 1st appt with my NP to have another scan but will be returning the ER on Saturday just to check my HCG levels to see if they are increasing. Fingers Crossed this is a sticky bean!

I'm a sonographer. At 5w4d I wouldn't really expect to see a fetal pole. Bonus if it's there, but normal if it's not.

Measuring a gestational sac is not very accurate. (One of the doctors I work with won't consider gestatational sac "dating" at all.) It is seriously teeny tiny, less than a millimeter off can change the "dating" by days or even a week. We only do it for a general idea of how far along the pregnancy should be when there isn't a fetal pole yet to measure, so if we have a gestational sac measuring like 8 or 9 weeks, and no fetal pole, then our doctors would be concerned. For dating purposes, measuring the actual fetal pole/embryo is much more accurate, so it measuring 2 days ahead doesn't mean you were actually 5w6d by any means. A gestational sac with a yolk sac that's 5w4d is exactly where it should be. Good luck, fingers crossed for you!
I'm sorry you have to wait a couple more weeks for another ultrasound, but I do know doctors like to be cautious and schedule them later than sooner so they have a better idea of what to tell you (ie. not seeing a heartbeat at 8 weeks is very concerning unless dating is way off, not seeing a heartbeat at 6 weeks gets iffy...)

January 26th, 2019, 04:26 PM
Very similar happened to me. They weren’t seeing anything and it worried them. When my HCG came back really high (I forget the exact number), they were super concerned it was an ectopic pregnancy. Went back a couple of days later. Turned out my HCG was so high because I was having twins! One ended up not developing much further beyond the sac but the other one was a healthy full term baby. :)

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January 26th, 2019, 10:31 PM
Went back to recheck levels and hcg only rose a little over a 1000 doctor immediately wanted to have me scheduled for D/C. I think I may wait not sure just trying to be strong so hubby doesn’t break too! I’m more than sure I’ll sneak and cry when no ones awake tonight 💔

January 27th, 2019, 12:02 AM
Went back to recheck levels and hcg only rose a little over a 1000 doctor immediately wanted to have me scheduled for D/C. I think I may wait not sure just trying to be strong so hubby doesn’t break too! I’m more than sure I’ll sneak and cry when no ones awake tonight ��

I don't want to give you false hope but I don't trust hcg numbers when the levels get that high. It does balance out at some point and everyone is different. It didn't drop. I personally would definitely make sure to get another ultrasound in about a week prior to doing a d&c, if you chose to go that route. I have seen some pretty crappy ER doctors, honestly I'm not impressed that they were trying to schedule you for a d&c with a rising hcg. (And honestly, they should always give you an option to miscarry naturally. If a pregnancy is truly not viable there still isn't any harm in waiting for a "natural" miscarriage at this point. Obviously it's not okay to wait 10 weeks or something, but there's no reason to schedule a d&c right off the bat, here, even if it is an inevitable miscarriage.)

I am still keeping my fingers crossed for you. Sorry you are going through this. Are you having any more cramping or spotting?

January 27th, 2019, 07:02 AM
Hcg slows right down after it reaches around the 6000 mark so as 2blue1pink says I would definately be asking for another scan in a week or so from the last, possibly longer if you're not bleeding. Good luck and everything crossed all is well [emoji1696]

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January 27th, 2019, 09:12 AM
Thank you I am not having anymore spotting a few cramps here and there but nothing devastating. I am going to see if I can get another U/S on the 1st and then if nothing is seen wait until my appt on the 12th to decide what steps I’ll take.

January 27th, 2019, 11:04 AM
everything crossed for you alliwantisblue :heart: the waiting game is the worst but i hope you get good news on the 1st

January 27th, 2019, 12:02 PM
Everything crossed for you Allie

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February 14th, 2019, 12:59 PM
So i thought i was miscarrying I begin to bleed on Feb 6 even thought I passed a small sack and went back to ER because bleeding has stopped after a few hours and was told incomplete miscarriage and would start to bleed again. I pleaded with them to do another Ultrasound and they acted as if they would have had to payout of their own pocket for it. I made an appt with another doctor not affiliated with the 1st and expected to get something to complete the miscarriage when doctor says baby ( I am from New Orleans we call everyone baby here) there is a baby with a heartbeat. I burst into laughter and tears!!!! I am so grateful to have this baby inside of me. What she suspects is that I may have had a multiple pregnancy and lost one. My LO is measuring 8weeks 3days and has fast heartbeat. I was TTC boy and I kind of feel that this has happened because I should appreciate the baby either way. Is it too soon to be obsessed with gender again as I just thought that I was miscarrying? I want to be happy that I am pregnant but I still want my boy!

February 14th, 2019, 03:03 PM
That's fantastic news Alliwant! Congratulations and sending you buckets of blue dust!

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February 14th, 2019, 03:41 PM
yay!! so happy for you :) fingers crossed this little bean is a boy

February 14th, 2019, 03:48 PM
Glad I stumbled across this thread, so thrilled for you Alliwantisblue !!! I think we are almost identical gestation - going for my first prenatal 2/22/19 and will get NIPT results 1-2 weeks later. When do you find out?

February 14th, 2019, 04:01 PM
This is such great news, so happy for you. I had an almost identical thing happen with my second pregnancy and I went only to have a DD2 7 months later. The waiting to find out what was happening with the pregnancy was so hard.

atomic sagebrush
February 15th, 2019, 01:20 PM
It happened because it happened - it's not a punishment I promise.

I too lost a twin and I went on to have a normal pregnancy and delivered an 8 lb baby boy (overdue, even)! I'm so sorry for your loss but I just wanted to reassure you that it is possible to have a loss and then go on to have a healthy baby at the end of it. :heart:

February 22nd, 2019, 03:34 PM
@alliwantisblue checking in on my sway boy buddy... how are you? If you opted for them, when do you get your NIPT results? Literally just got home from my NIPT blood draw apt. Should have results via email within 7-10 business days. The substitute doc doing my ultrasound today said "I think it's another girl b/c you've been so sick with this one and weren't with DD1" so that was depressing but hopefully she is wrong

p.s. I measured exactly 10 weeks today - wbu?

February 22nd, 2019, 04:22 PM
Congratulations alliwant!!

Blue2 why would she say that that's just a guess... if you wernt sick with dd1 then surley she would think boy? My friend was sick with all 4 and has 2 boys 2 girls so that proves that 1 wrong lol x

atomic sagebrush
February 22nd, 2019, 08:16 PM
@alliwantisblue checking in on my sway boy buddy... how are you? If you opted for them, when do you get your NIPT results? Literally just got home from my NIPT blood draw apt. Should have results via email within 7-10 business days. The substitute doc doing my ultrasound today said "I think it's another girl b/c you've been so sick with this one and weren't with DD1" so that was depressing but hopefully she is wrong

p.s. I measured exactly 10 weeks today - wbu?

Doctors have no right to say those type of things. I and several people on here were really sick with all/some of our sons and not at all with our doctors. Illness is meaningless I promise.

February 22nd, 2019, 08:55 PM
@atomic thank you for the reassurance, I am desperate not to believe her. The sub doc said she has 2 girls and "it's great!" so I don't know what in our interaction made her think I wanted to hear "it's another girl" but that's what she decided to go with

The old wives tale "sick with girls, not sick with boys" is, according to this doc, the only tale that holds water. But in all of the experiences I've heard from friends/family, I've seen mixed messages. Have you ever seen not sick with a girl, then sick with a boy?

Doctors have no right to say those type of things. I and several people on here were really sick with all/some of our sons and not at all with our doctors. Illness is meaningless I promise.

February 22nd, 2019, 09:24 PM
AllIWant- PLEASE do not go back to that ER again if you can avoid it! I can't even believe they wouldn't do another ultrasound for you. Ugh, ridiculous. (The doctors here it seems like are all about ordering ultrasounds as often and unnecessary as possible!)
I'm glad it has worked out, the twin thing makes sense with your high hcg numbers early. Another reason not to trust them and "doubling times" at nearly 6 weeks.
Fingers crossed for a healthy boy for you!

February 23rd, 2019, 06:09 AM
@atomic thank you for the reassurance, I am desperate not to believe her. The sub doc said she has 2 girls and "it's great!" so I don't know what in our interaction made her think I wanted to hear "it's another girl" but that's what she decided to go with

The old wives tale "sick with girls, not sick with boys" is, according to this doc, the only tale that holds water. But in all of the experiences I've heard from friends/family, I've seen mixed messages. Have you ever seen not sick with a girl, then sick with a boy?

Blue2 that Dr is an idiot :( i had severe 24/7 sickness for 22 weeks with my DS1, ive had 4 more boys since and 3 girls and none of them have even touched on that type of sickness (thank god!!) after DS1 i had my DD1 and i threw up 4 times in the 18 weeks before we lost her so huge difference to DS1 sickness wise!! my least sick pregnancy so far has been my DD3, so for me most sick was a boy and least sick was a girl.
also sickness generally kicks in around week 5/6 when ALL babies are technically "female" the Y chromosome doesnt activate till i think around 8-9 weeks? so sickness kicks in before gender is even playing a part.
everything crossed for this to be your little boy :)

February 23rd, 2019, 11:19 AM
4blue2pink I cannot tell you how much you just turned my day around!!! Incredibly reassuring to hear the old wives tale isn't that believable AND from someone who has experience being pregnant with each gender. Wow TY so so so much!!!!! While obsessing about it last night I forgot that I took a short video of the ultrasound (DH couldn't attend the dr apt w/ me) and I screenshot'd this... possibly the least helpful ultrasound view of all time (baby was centered with back to camera and legs/arms folded in front). It's the only shot where you an 'kind of' see whatever it is that's between his/her legs...

I remember reading an atomic post somewhere about not being able to read a numb but can't recall if that's 10 weeks or earlier? What do you think?


Blue2 that Dr is an idiot :( i had severe 24/7 sickness for 22 weeks with my DS1, ive had 4 more boys since and 3 girls and none of them have even touched on that type of sickness (thank god!!) after DS1 i had my DD1 and i threw up 4 times in the 18 weeks before we lost her so huge difference to DS1 sickness wise!! my least sick pregnancy so far has been my DD3, so for me most sick was a boy and least sick was a girl.
also sickness generally kicks in around week 5/6 when ALL babies are technically "female" the Y chromosome doesnt activate till i think around 8-9 weeks? so sickness kicks in before gender is even playing a part.
everything crossed for this to be your little boy :)

February 23rd, 2019, 11:19 AM
Also, how is Alliwantisblue doing? Anyone heard from her?

atomic sagebrush
February 23rd, 2019, 02:12 PM
@atomic thank you for the reassurance, I am desperate not to believe her. The sub doc said she has 2 girls and "it's great!" so I don't know what in our interaction made her think I wanted to hear "it's another girl" but that's what she decided to go with

The old wives tale "sick with girls, not sick with boys" is, according to this doc, the only tale that holds water. But in all of the experiences I've heard from friends/family, I've seen mixed messages. Have you ever seen not sick with a girl, then sick with a boy?

Yes I have seen every possible combo of sickness over the years. Beyond that, scientists studied morning sickness and gender and found that there was NO correlation. Only in cases of severe hyperemesis was there a slight difference of 3% between boy and girl pregnancies (so really about 50-50, very small variation). It's been totally proven to my satisfaction even aside from my experience where I was sick with 3 boys, and not with 1 boy and 1 girl, that it is not gender based.

February 23rd, 2019, 04:01 PM
4blue2pink I cannot tell you how much you just turned my day around!!! Incredibly reassuring to hear the old wives tale isn't that believable AND from someone who has experience being pregnant with each gender. Wow TY so so so much!!!!! While obsessing about it last night I forgot that I took a short video of the ultrasound (DH couldn't attend the dr apt w/ me) and I screenshot'd this... possibly the least helpful ultrasound view of all time (baby was centered with back to camera and legs/arms folded in front). It's the only shot where you an 'kind of' see whatever it is that's between his/her legs...

I remember reading an atomic post somewhere about not being able to read a numb but can't recall if that's 10 weeks or earlier? What do you think?


your welcome glad it helped :) that Dr should not have said that too you!! nub shots are best in the 13th week and need to be taken side on, the shot you have (super cute baby btw!!) doesnt show gender its too early (and at the wrong angle) boys and girls all look the same "down there" at 10 weeks :) how long till you find out gender? i have everything crossed for you!!

atomic sagebrush
February 25th, 2019, 11:06 AM
Yes sorry that pic is not suitable for nub guessing as it needs to be from the profile and not straight on.

February 25th, 2019, 11:10 AM
Thanks atomic, I figured it was a pretty terrible angle BUT good news... NIPT results should be emailed to me by this Saturday 3/2!!! I am honestly beside myself with anxiety

How are all you other moms doing? Alliwantisblue do you have NIPT results? Thinking of you xxx

Yes sorry that pic is not suitable for nub guessing as it needs to be from the profile and not straight on.

March 19th, 2019, 05:37 PM
Hi All,

We just got blood draw for NIPT on today, should get results withing 7-10 days. Honestly I feel another girl this has been a perfect pregnancy symptom wise no MS no Nausea no pain I don't even feel preggo so different than with DD but I feel like all the scares of possibly having something wrong is trying to make me appreciate having a healthy baby; A girl! My mind is working overtime. Just today we could not get the heartbeat on the doppler and I got so scared then went to the Ultrasound room and everything was fine. I said to DH God is trying to make me appreciate this child by scaring me with the thought of it not happening and that is why its going to be a girl. I know early on it was pretty fast heartbeat was 168 at 8weeks then the next week it was in the 150s so everyone that I said that to is saying oh its a girl making me feel worse about not wanting a girl. I feel like a horrible person that I am so consumed with gender although I want a healthy baby I really want a boy!

atomic sagebrush
March 21st, 2019, 01:55 PM
The heartrate is completely debunked. The ONLY thing that changes the baby's heart rate is the gestation and then how nervous YOU, the mama is! A couple of my boys always had high heartrates and then my girl was the lowest of all five.

Good luck and blue dust headed your way.

March 26th, 2019, 11:34 AM
@ Atomic, Blue2, so many others thank you so much for all your support and words of encouragement although I said I would not be finding out the gender the nosiness in my spirit would not allow it. I peeked and although I don't understand the chromosome results, it definitely said that I am expecting a :xy: I am overjoyed. I cried i screamed and I thanked God but I have to thank so many of you for all your input in this process! I didn't think it was possible that DH and I could have a son and hopefully all goes the way it has been and he is born healthy! Thank you so much

March 26th, 2019, 04:50 PM
Oh wow congratulations on your healthy baby boy!! ❤

atomic sagebrush
March 27th, 2019, 05:44 PM
AAAAAAA hugest congrats!!! I am so happy for you!!!!

March 27th, 2019, 10:45 PM
Huge congratulations!!! [emoji322][emoji322][emoji322]

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March 28th, 2019, 07:17 AM
Massive congrats! I can’t believe the rate of successful blue sways these last months :) so good to see :)

atomic sagebrush
March 28th, 2019, 02:22 PM
Massive congrats! I can’t believe the rate of successful blue sways these last months :) so good to see :)

This is what we were getting the first several years of the site - I truly believe we just had a run of bad luck for a couple years.

March 30th, 2019, 02:35 AM
Hopefully the good results will continue into 2020 when we ttc hehe FX!