View Full Version : Another chance

August 6th, 2019, 10:11 AM
I got my period a couple days ago and even though I am sad, it gives me another shot to correct some things I did wrong to conceive a boy. This is my plan for the month. How does it look?

Trying to drink 3 packets of Knox gelatin a day...... so gross. Whatever I mix it in still tastes like vomit:/. I would put it all in veggie capsules but that would be like 10 plus capsules per package......

Taking thrive vitamins which has probiotics in them and folic acid

Taking extra vitamin D

Taking fish oil ( waiting for new bottle to arrive as I bought the 1000 mg one and I know that’s too much)

Taking extra folic acid

Taking coq10 200 so I bought a 100mg one since 200 is too much?

Will take Gustafin ( Kirkland brand) week of O

Stopped EPO, green tea capsules, false unicorn, fertile aid

Trying to eat protein at every opportunity and eat more even though it’s hard since I’m a mess and when I am depressed/ anxious it’s hard to get multiple meals in me a day

Starting to make myself eat breakfast

Husband is taking over 50 one a day ( was taking one with a little too much Vitamin C so I am waiting for the one a day to get here)
Husband also taking coq10, and l-arginine
He promised to stop all of the special tobacco

Will be having him release every three to four days and then after the positive OPK we will have sex that night, praying it’s not an early work day the next morning so we can do it again then, and then again the same night, and maybe once more the next day too.

I also am trying to cut back on coffee and drinking, giving myself the weekends to have red wine only.

Does this sound good enough?

August 6th, 2019, 10:13 AM
I also replaced all my milk with whole milk, and threw away husbands almond milk that he sometimes drank. How long does that have to be out of his system?

atomic sagebrush
August 6th, 2019, 01:32 PM
Very few people have done the gelatin. I am not at all sold on it even doing anything if you need to leave it out.

Which formula of the Thrive? I want to check them to be sure they don't have anything pink friendly in them.

U can take the 1000 mg fish oil every other day till the others arrive.

100 or 200 both ok on the coq10. Just be sure you're eating regular meals and snacks.

:agree: No green tea caps, FUR, Fertile Aid, and EPO

Just do your best on protein and eating regularly. Anything more than you were doing is an improvement.

:agree: hubs vitamins and lifestyle changes

While I can never say if something is good enough, you are on the track to a great blue sway! I love the changes you're making!

August 6th, 2019, 02:25 PM
It’s the woman’s daily vitamin from Thrive, from a company called Level. Have you heard of it? It’s a three part thing with skin patches and shakes, but I have stopped the patches and shakes for a couple months now.

It sounds so bad, but after a hard, sad day at work etc a glass of red wine helps to keep me sane if that makes sense. But I will save it only for weekends if you think it will sway girl a bunch. Any other vitamins etc for hubs? And he stopped any almond milk even tho he didn’t have it daily ( only here and there with cereal). How long is that in his system?

August 6th, 2019, 06:31 PM
It’s the woman’s daily vitamin from Thrive, from a company called Level. Have you heard of it? It’s a three part thing with skin patches and shakes, but I have stopped the patches and shakes for a couple months now.

It sounds so bad, but after a hard, sad day at work etc a glass of red wine helps to keep me sane if that makes sense. But I will save it only for weekends if you think it will sway girl a bunch. Any other vitamins etc for hubs? And he stopped any almond milk even tho he didn’t have it daily ( only here and there with cereal). How long is that in his system?

I have tried multiple times and it will not let me upload a picture of ingredients. ��


There is the link to ingredients

atomic sagebrush
August 7th, 2019, 04:18 PM
Ok. It has a lot of extra ingredients that I have no idea how they would sway and if they're safe, so I'd have you wean off them and go onto something like Women's One A Day.

We have seen a lot of girls conceived with daily alcohol but that is WITH an otherwise good pink sway. I doubt a glass of red wine alongside a good HE Diet sways by that much. I would try to keep it to 2-3 days a week if possible.

Would hubby do carnitine too? May help.

I doubt him occasionally having almond milk is any big deal (I think the almond milk is more important for you than him, and light use shoulnd't matter). I can't say how long it takes to leave the system since we honestly don't know how it works.

atomic sagebrush
August 7th, 2019, 04:19 PM
thanks for trying, I was able to look it up and find the ingredients that way!

August 7th, 2019, 06:11 PM
You are so wonderful. Thank you for your time and your detailed responses. I will switch vitamins and have hubs take carnitine as well.

August 8th, 2019, 11:54 AM
If I were to fall pregnant this month, would him starting the vitamins do anything yet? Since it takes sperm 64 days approximately to regenerate, would it not affect his sperm at all yet? Or would it still help a little?

atomic sagebrush
August 8th, 2019, 04:19 PM
It will still help a little! Some of the vitamins are quick acting and help the sperm to be more active.

August 16th, 2019, 07:30 AM
Okay. So here I am Friday morning and I completed my three attempts. I had a positive opk on wed afternoon, so we dtd around five pm. Is that ok that it was not the night? That wasn’t too soon was it? Then we dtd again Thursday morning, and again last night(thurs night). I laid down all three times afterwards for several minutes and last night didn’t get up at all, just went to sleep. Used preseed each time. Hubs usually works out three mornings a week at CrossFit, but he hurt his back on Monday and didn’t go in at all since. Will that negatively affect this? I was just thinking about that. I will try to get one more attempt in tonight but that may be too late? Hubs also has been releasing every three days at least and we have had unprotected sex after af until now, especially over the weekend.

August 17th, 2019, 10:32 AM
Okay. So here I am Friday morning and I completed my three attempts. I had a positive opk on wed afternoon, so we dtd around five pm. Is that ok that it was not the night? That wasn’t too soon was it? Then we dtd again Thursday morning, and again last night(thurs night). I laid down all three times afterwards for several minutes and last night didn’t get up at all, just went to sleep. Used preseed each time. Hubs usually works out three mornings a week at CrossFit, but he hurt his back on Monday and didn’t go in at all since. Will that negatively affect this? I was just thinking about that. I will try to get one more attempt in tonight but that may be too late? Hubs also has been releasing every three days at least and we have had unprotected sex after af until now, especially over the weekend.

To add now sat morning, hubs could not perform last night. At all:/. We tried. Would trying again today be way too late? I think it would. We did the three attempts but it’s sucks that we couldnt get the fourth in.

atomic sagebrush
August 17th, 2019, 11:19 AM
Yes it's fine not to DTD at night! Also fine that hubby skipped his workouts this week (for all we know may even be beneficial!)

I would try to get in another attempt when you can just in case of delayed O but I'd feel very happy with what you've done so far!

There is no "too late". The worst that happens is one attempt doesn't count, but in case you O later than you think it's great to have another attempt if you can. :) Good luck and blue dust!