View Full Version : Question for atomic

February 26th, 2020, 12:01 AM
I finally got a bfp but after nearly 8w started spotting they did a scan and there was no heart beat. We are so upset, I had a d&c a few days ago. I'm 36 and obviously priority is a healthy baby I was swaying pink with diet ( not too strict but no snacking skipping breakfast and cut down on meat) dh taking OLE. I took fibre as i need it anyway. 1 attempt in fertile window. But when I found out I was pregnant I ate loads!! When can we try again? The dr didnt say we had to wait? Should I take vitamin d , and anything to prevent this happening again this is the 2nd time and I'm so heartbroken 💔

atomic sagebrush
February 26th, 2020, 12:24 PM
Oh I'm so sorry to hear this. :heart: Just regroup on diet and try when the doc gives the OK. I generally have people wait a cycle with a D and C to be sure everything is out.

How long were you trying with just one attempt?? At some point we should have added attempts. I don't want anyone trying for ages without starting to do things to boost odds of conception.

Don't worry about having been off diet. Pregnancy and a loss is depleting and we've had good results with trying after a loss.

Taking things like Vit. D do nothing to help prevent losses. Most losses are caused by random chromosomal abnormalities or things like thyroid problems that need medical treatment. People like to believe in taking vitamins to prevent miscarriage because it's easy to do and makes us feel that we are controlling something that is not controllable. If you really feel you must take something you can take folate 2000 mcg starting right away and continuing on till the end of the first trimester of pregnancy and then wean off gradually by spacing doses further and further out till down to one per week, then drop them. And you can add in coq10 (ubiquinol is the best absorbed form, although very expensive) 200 mg daily starting right away and continuing til BFP, then gradually wean off.

How long were you on diet? It doesn't sound like you were being restrictive and so I'd not have you add in anything beyond that.

February 28th, 2020, 02:53 AM
Thank you so much Atomic. We were doing every 3/4 days but that month I think was 1 attempt just the way it worked out. I had ovulation pain when I was 5w pregnant could this be to do with the loss the corpus luteum ruptuting hence not making progesrerone? ( probably been googling too much !) But what would this ovulation pain had been? Thank you again xx

February 28th, 2020, 10:47 AM
im so sorry Nell :heart: just a thought about the pain you had at 5w, ive found the more pregnancies i have the worse the pain is in the early weeks. I have everything crossed for a pink sticky bean for you in the very near future xxx

February 28th, 2020, 12:17 PM
im so sorry Nell :heart: just a thought about the pain you had at 5w, ive found the more pregnancies i have the worse the pain is in the early weeks. I have everything crossed for a pink sticky bean for you in the very near future xxx

Thank you so much for your lovely message and thank you for keeping everything crossed for me I hope so too xxxx

atomic sagebrush
February 28th, 2020, 01:48 PM
That wasn't ovulation pain. It was some other type of cramping. It is very very common to have all sorts of aches and twinges that are pregnancy related and says nothing about a pregnancy ending or not. As one of the other posters mentioned it's very common to have worse and worse cramping with subsequent pregnancies that gets more noticeable the more kids you've had.

The corpus luteum doesn't "collapse" really. I know they use that expression but they're describing a slow process that happens over days. It is not something you feel sharply. A collapsing corpus luteum means that after ovulation the cyst turned into a corpus luteum. While you can have a cyst on your ovary that ruptures during pregnancy and creates pain, this doesn't cause the end to a pregnancy because that cyst is not the one the egg came out of (which has already turned into a corpus luteum). And then later in pregnancy the corpus luteum goes away once the placenta takes over but that wouldn't happen at 5 weeks anyway.

February 28th, 2020, 09:08 PM
That wasn't ovulation pain. It was some other type of cramping. It is very very common to have all sorts of aches and twinges that are pregnancy related and says nothing about a pregnancy ending or not. As one of the other posters mentioned it's very common to have worse and worse cramping with subsequent pregnancies that gets more noticeable the more kids you've had.

The corpus luteum doesn't "collapse" really. I know they use that expression but they're describing a slow process that happens over days. It is not something you feel sharply. A collapsing corpus luteum means that after ovulation the cyst turned into a corpus luteum. While you can have a cyst on your ovary that ruptures during pregnancy and creates pain, this doesn't cause the end to a pregnancy because that cyst is not the one the egg came out of (which has already turned into a corpus luteum). And then later in pregnancy the corpus luteum goes away once the placenta takes over but that wouldn't happen at 5 weeks anyway.

Thanks atomic that's reassuring xx

February 29th, 2020, 03:47 PM
IÂ’m so sorry, Nell. I had a miscarriage between my first and second babies. They are so hard, and they make you feel very isolated and helpless. All that to say, youÂ’re not alone. Saying some prayers for you.

February 29th, 2020, 05:03 PM
IÂ’m so sorry, Nell. I had a miscarriage between my first and second babies. They are so hard, and they make you feel very isolated and helpless. All that to say, youÂ’re not alone. Saying some prayers for you.

Thank you so much so awful isn't it. I hope you're well and enjoying your little blue bundle xox

March 1st, 2020, 03:30 PM
Sorry to read this Nell :(

September 7th, 2020, 12:23 PM
Hi Nell!! How’s it going? I started thinking of you so I hopped on here to see how you’re doing! I hope all is well.