View Full Version : Trying for a girl

July 20th, 2020, 04:52 PM
Hi everyone:) my name is Jemma and I'm 24 years old. I have a little boy who is 6 and my partner (30) also has a boy who is 9 years old. We met when my son was 3 months old and have been planning a life together ever since. We have now decided to try and have our own baby. Ive been looking into gender swaying and would like to give it a go. Obviously I'll love whatever the gender of the baby however, ive always wanted a girl so its worth a shot right?

I'm 5ft 6" and weigh 64kg. I'm not very active but have tried to improve this by exercising 3 x a week for approx 30 minutes. My general diet includes meat including lots of chicken, leafy vegetables, fruit, yogurt/cheese and tbf lots of rubbish bits! I consume approx 1500-1700 calories a day.

I've read that much that things have started to get contradictory. For example, I've juet bought some calcium citrate with vitamin D and some cranberry tablets but then I've read this sways a boy? Please advise!

If anyone is able to provide any tips on conceiving a girl that would be greatly appreciated :)

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atomic sagebrush
July 21st, 2020, 01:48 PM
Yes there's a lot of contradictory info out there, but please just ask anything that is confusing, there's always an explanation.

I don't use cranberry because it's not acceptably safe when trying to conceive, plus it doesn't work anyway. DO NOT give your husband cranberry, it may kill him with his medication!

We prefer you guys avoid Vitamin D because it may sway blue. So if there's any way to find a calcium without Vit. D, I'd use that instead.

July 21st, 2020, 01:55 PM
Yes there's a lot of contradictory info out there, but please just ask anything that is confusing, there's always an explanation.

I don't use cranberry because it's not acceptably safe when trying to conceive, plus it doesn't work anyway. DO NOT give your husband cranberry, it may kill him with his medication!

We prefer you guys avoid Vitamin D because it may sway blue. So if there's any way to find a calcium without Vit. D, I'd use that instead.Hi Atomic,

Thanks for answering my posts. I wasn't sure which one to post it on.

Whilst I wait for my plan, we will wean off the pregnacare/wellman multi vitamins and i will increase my folic acid intake to what you recommend in the 21 meal plan (1200-1600mcg).

I'm glad I didn't end up buying cranberry tablets then! What medication are you referring to that he is on? The wellman vitamins? As this is the only medication he is taking.

Many thanks

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July 21st, 2020, 02:01 PM
I think I know what you are referring to now, he doesnt take medication for his raynauds. Sorry if this wasn't clear in my questionnaire. I'm the only person who takes medication, I was taking dianette (cocyprindol) pill but stopped this 3 months ago and then I take pregabalin for pain as needed.

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atomic sagebrush
July 22nd, 2020, 02:19 PM
Oh gosh I'm so sorry I had you confused with someone with a very similar user name!!! I had just read a couple messages and thought you were the same person!!! So so sorry!

(I still don't recommend cranberry anyway!)

July 22nd, 2020, 02:21 PM
No worries haha! Thank you :) I'm just going to stick to folic acid for now till we receive our plan, I cant wait!

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atomic sagebrush
July 22nd, 2020, 02:38 PM
Ok!! Again, so sorry about that - I hardly ever do that but one right after the other threw me!

July 31st, 2020, 05:50 AM
Hi Atomic, sorry to bother you but was just wondering if you have an update on my plan? Thank you x

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atomic sagebrush
July 31st, 2020, 01:32 PM
It's done and has been sent to be reformatted and posted in your custom coaching forum. Do you want me to send you the original?? It's slightly less fancy but has all the same info in it and you'd have it right away. Just message me your email address by clicking my user name (that way it will be private) and I'll send it to you ASAP.

August 2nd, 2020, 06:45 AM
Thanks atomic, I have asked a few questions where my plan was posted by nuthinbutpink. Please let me know if I've posted them in the wrong forum!

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atomic sagebrush
August 2nd, 2020, 01:56 PM
I replied this morning! Thanks for letting me know!