View Full Version : Calling boy moms!

October 22nd, 2020, 10:56 AM
So I’ve been on the HE diet for about a year now. All is going well.

However, one day last week I got a little busy and dinner was late. I was starving and felt a little weak. Almost like after a small workout. But managed to rustle things up so was only feeling like that for about 1/2 an hour. So not long.
I made philly beef steak and fries with veggies. So had a very hearty filling meal.

My question is does this impact my boy sway? Can I still ttc this cycle?? It happened just once a week or two before ovulation.
My diet has been great and as I said this was a feeling like you would after working out sort of weak and hungry. Only for a short period of time.

Did all you boy mums always eat right on time? Did you ever get super hungry and then just eat a big meal?

atomic sagebrush
October 22nd, 2020, 11:53 AM
That happened to all of us now and then! We all had days where our meals were a little late.
One time of being hungry between meals does not undo the good of the sway.

October 22nd, 2020, 01:33 PM
^^What Atomic said! I have three boys and I have on more than one occasion skipped a meal or eaten later than usual. I think it's the fact that I snacked so much and ate a lot of high protein, high fat foods (with my first two boys anyway). So don't worry! It's your overall eating habits that matter most.

October 22nd, 2020, 05:07 PM
Don't sweat it! When I got my first boy, I wasn't swaying and was just eating whenever life would let me. The second time I got a boy, I was swaying for girl, so I was pretty much starving all the time. :) You'll be okay; this won't be the make or break. Good luck!

October 22nd, 2020, 05:21 PM
Thank you ladies. I feel reassured now! Xx

October 27th, 2020, 05:50 AM
Yes absolutely! I would sometimes get busy and go hours without a meal, then I’d pig out and over eat lol!
Good luck, sending you all my blue dust!