View Full Version : Slingers TTC girl attempt

January 14th, 2021, 09:18 AM
Slingers TTC a Girl Sway Attempt

Gender Result: Boy

DW Age: 33

DH Age: 39

Current Children's Gender(s): Boy, Boy (miscarried boy march 2020)

Number of Months TTC: 2

Did you purchase and follow a GD Personalized Plan? Yes


Did you follow a diet plan? Yes. If yes to diet, which one did you most follow? LE (Low Everything)

Comments regarding DW's diet changes- Started with skipping breakfast around December 2019. After our holiday in August I was on the heavy side for my likings and I started with cutting down calories, especially from fat and proteïne and stopped snacking.

If diet was used, length of time before attempt? I was on the diet for 16 weeks.

Did you skip breakfast regularly? Yes, always.

Did DH change his diet with you? He started drinking soy milk 2-3 glasses a day and took calcium magnesium supplements. He went vegetarian with me.

Comments regarding DH's diet- DH loves meat but went vegetarian with me. He prepared all my meals wich was very sweet. He was really in it with me.

Did you consume alcohol? Yes, daily. That was a big change for me. But in the end I really liked it.

Did you try to limit caffeine?
No, I had two black coffee every morning

Any Diet Details?
Drank a lot of diet soda to fill me up. No supplements. Ate two times a day. Big bowls of salade with some cheese, topped it off with rice cakes and (sugarfree) candy. One fullfat cappuccino a day. It was a strange and boring eating pattern.

Any Diet Comments/Additional Info?
Had around 4-5 cheat days were I went way over the limits. I was really fed up with the diet because O went missing. The sugarfree candy helped with te metabolism :).

What did you weigh/BMI do leading up to O?

I weighed about 62 kilo before starting the diet. I dropped about 7 kilo in 16 weeks.

Any Weight/Exercise related additional info/comments?
I exercised every day preferably on a empty stomach for about 60 minutes by walking on the treadmill or outside. Maybe skipped 4 days of those 16 weeks. Excercising was a really hard part of the sway for me. Took a lot of my time.

How many BD attempts did you make for the BFP cycle? 1

BD Dates according to Ovulation: 1 Days Before O

Any additional comments? Had a clear LH surge on CD 18. Had O on cycle day 19-20 I guess.


BD Position Missionary

Did you Jump and Dump? Yes after 7 minutes or so.

Any relevant attempt details? Didn't go with abstain or frequent release but BD E4D. That kept it fun for us.

DW Supplements: Clomid 50mg (not for pcos)

DH Supplements: Calcium and Magnesium

Any additional supplement info? I start with fiber supplements but got constipated using them. Ate lots of veggies instead.

Things that make me feel great about my sway: My cycles really changed on the diet. I had a spot on cycle of 27-28 days. But it changed to 45 days the first two months which I wasn't happy about at the time because I could'nt find O. My AF also changed from heavy to light and short. Is also started in the morning wich I never had. I conceived first time on clomid. Was very relaxed the month we conceived because I decided to quit our attempt after this one. I was on my lowest adult weight. When dieting and weeks went by, I got more and more at peace with accepting a boy. Not that I cheated, but noticed I became at ease with the thought.

Things that make me nervous about my sway: We'll of course the cheats. I sometimes stretched my dinners. Also I wasn't good in the TWW because I decided to quit with diet. But I guess it was already decided by then. Things that I find difficult to believe is that we can make a girl. Especially because my two boys are born in the same month that I am due right now. But I know that's a silly thought.

Things worth mentioning: I was relaxed when we conceived and still am. What we made was made with love.

atomic sagebrush
January 14th, 2021, 11:41 AM
Good luck and pink dust headed your way!

January 15th, 2021, 05:47 PM
Congrats and good luck!

February 14th, 2021, 03:24 AM
Obvious boy nub at 12 weeks. Al the hard work, blood, sweat and tears. It didn't pay off. I am sad but ok. This is definitly our last so were out.

atomic sagebrush
February 15th, 2021, 02:51 PM
Can you post the nub?? I want to see this for myself.

February 15th, 2021, 03:24 PM

February 15th, 2021, 03:42 PM

atomic sagebrush
February 16th, 2021, 01:47 PM
That is too high to be a nub. 50-50 from me.

February 16th, 2021, 01:59 PM
Thank you for looking Atomic. This kind of confuses me cause is the only with line/object sticking out that we can see. We also got on video and it was visible in multiple shots and me and my husband both recognised it as the one thing looking like the nub. I will look up some other pictures, but thank you.

atomic sagebrush
February 16th, 2021, 07:56 PM
It may be a nub. But it looks high to me (like it's coming from the center of the stomach more than the groin area). I get people coming on here every day convinced that they are seeing a penis when they aren't. I say this not to give you false hope (it is fine to assume it's a boy and go from there) but just that I have seen too many things that look like nubs, but aren't quite in the same spot, that turn out to be some other thing entirely.

February 18th, 2021, 04:35 PM

February 18th, 2021, 04:36 PM
Can I have your opinion Atomic (and possible others)? Shadow shows stacking?

February 18th, 2021, 05:27 PM
The straight white line looks to be the nub to me, but the stacking on top appears to be the cord. I wouldn’t want to guess on that image. It’s not very clear.

February 19th, 2021, 03:48 AM
Had the dating scan today. Images were so clear. Definitly a perfect little boy. No doubt about it.

atomic sagebrush
February 19th, 2021, 04:05 PM
I'm sorry it didn't go the way we were hoping, but congrats on your little boy!

February 20th, 2021, 10:09 AM
If we ever would consider having another baby. What would you advice doing different? Is that the pcos diet?

atomic sagebrush
February 20th, 2021, 04:23 PM
Yep if you got a boy on the standard LE, I would do PCOS-type LE Diet instead.

We have lots of people come back from a failed sway to have success that way.

August 18th, 2022, 08:00 AM
Hi everyone,

I felt the need to update here on genderdreaming and share my story with you.

I swayt hard for a girl in 2020/21, but fell pregnant with a lovely little boy. I did my all, and had no trust in me ever having a girl. So the only thing I could do is leave the dream behind and be happy with what we have. But then again we talked about another baby. But with absolutely no swaying.

I fell pregnant twice, but miscarried. No regular miscarriages, the baby's development was behind and then stopped. I also had these weird symtoms at the same time I was pregnant, bad eye side, thirsty, losing weight. And after my last miscarriage I said to myself: please visit the doctor. My glucose was 31. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and had to take insulin straight away. I was really sick.

I went keto/low carb/no sugar to get my glucose stabilized. Fortunatly I got better really quick and altough my cycles went really off and got long we managed to find my egg somehow, did one attempt, and I fell pregnant straight away. I was so scared of another miscarriage and had very little symptoms. The gender whas the least I was thinking about. But you can imagine where this is going to, we found out we are expecting a girl.

After all this news landed. It fell at place for me. Me swaying with LE diet was probably doomed because I was preposiotioned to develop the type 1 diabetes. I also think I remember that my glucose numbers where somewhat off at the time. But didn't pay a lot of attention to it, focused on swaying and getting pregnant.

I feel my experience does endorse the 'science' of genderdreaming/Atomic. So I hope my story is of value to someone.

atomic sagebrush
August 18th, 2022, 12:20 PM
Oh gosh wow so sorry to hear that but thankful that you found out what was going on!!! Thanks so much for updating us and huge congrats on your baby girl!

August 19th, 2022, 09:27 AM
I am so glad you are getting better! A healthy you is so important for you and yoru whole family! congratulations on your little girl! When are you due?