View Full Version : Advice on blue sway please

January 29th, 2021, 03:48 AM

I'm new to this page and also new to this gender swaying, in doing some research in the hope to sway blue I knocked across your page and found a wealth of knowledge. I have so many questions and would so appreciate any advise and guidance you can give me as this will be our last baby 😣

I'm turning 34 in August and my husband will be 35 in May. We have 3 beautiful daughters and sometimes I'm very torn between feeling done and complete with my 3 girls and wanting to give my husband a son. Anyway we decided after weighing everything up were gonna add number 4 to the crew, we both feel deep down were just made of girls 😂 so we would like to put a few changes in place to help team blue.

My girls ages are almost 6, almost 4 and 15 months, we don't intend on trying until May the earliest so our smallest will be 19 months, I should also mention she weaned off the breast last month and my periods have returned normal with 2 months as she was decreasing feeds. Is this age gap enough to help sway blue? I also miscarried between 2 and 3 and was quite convinced it may have been a boy due to complete different pregnancy symptoms from all 3 girls. I don't know if it's a myth but was told by a friend some women can't carry a certain gender and the miscarriage in between has certainly knocked my confidence and is another reason why I was slow to go again incase it happened again. Do you know if there is any truth to this or any tests etc that could be done?

So in preparation my husband has quit smoking with almost 11 months he has also reduced his coffee intake massively and is substituting for tea with milk in it mainly now. He does hope to quit completely soon to give every possible chance. He usually only has 2 cups a day some days only 1 cup. I myself drink 2 cups of coffee a day but have started substituting my lunch cuppa for tea with milk in it. He is on proceive fertility supplements (we both are) I will attach nutritional information if you could please look and see should he be increasing anything in particular like carnitine or co q10? Also should I increase anything like my folic acid? We also take an omega 3 fish oil again will attach picture, my main question with this is it has evening primrose oil in it too? Is this helpful or not in your opinion as my cycle wouldn't be the most predictable. I can range anything from 28 - 35 days making it hard to pin point O.

We both intend on doing weekly acupuncture about 2 months before as we find it a great de-stresser and have also heard wonderful things with fertility.

My biggest query is diet? Would you say the diet plays a massive part in swaying? The reason I ask is myself and my husband are hopeless when it comes to sticking to certain diets we both tend to get sick of foods very fast when over done so if we done a diet could we do it for 6 weeks prior or would that be too short to have benefits?

Thank you in advance and I apologies for all the questions 🙈

https://www.hollandandbarrett.ie/shop/product/proceive-women-men-dual-pack-advanced-fertility-supplement-60-capsules-60017487?&&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo8HbmuDA7gIVSODtCh1OAgDsEAAYASAA EgJomfD_BwE


January 29th, 2021, 10:39 AM
I just read on another post the fish oil with evening primrose in it is no good, shall I just chuck them or would they be okay for my husband to continue using?

atomic sagebrush
January 31st, 2021, 11:25 AM
Yes, you are at a good point to start considering trying.

Your friend is wrong about some women not being able to carry a certain gender. That is untrue. Firstly, I do want to point out that symptoms do not predict gender, and that many of us on here with many children (myself included) have wildly different pregnacies with the same gender, and similar with different genders. My daughter and second son's pregnancies were nearly identical, and my other three were dramatically different from those two and from each other. While it's certainly possible you lost a boy, it's by no means proven by the symptoms.

Now, there are some VERY RARE cases in which a woman has ONE faulty X chromosome and then if she conceives a boy (since hubby provides the Y) he has a 50-50 chance of a genetic disease. But let me stress to you, this is VERY RARE and you would likely have a strong family history on your mother's side of recurrent miscarriages and possibly some baby boys born very sick that did not live very long. This COULD NOT be on your fathers side because he had to have a healthy X chromosome (since he is XY, and has only one).

I have a full explanation here: https://www.genderdreaming.com/forum/swaying-studies-and-scientific-research/824-you-cant-carry-baby-gender.html?824-You-quot-can-t-quot-carry-a-baby-of-that-gender=

and here: https://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/47852-we-only-dont-make-boys.html

There are tests, but they are very expensive and I find it quite unlikely that barring any family history, you have this going on. I get this question a lot and it has never been the case that anyone ever had an X linked disorder (I have into the hundreds of thousands of people on here the last ten years so that shows you how rare this is)

It is GREAT your husband has stopped smoking. I find smoking to be a very strong pink sway and is so overwhelmingly common among my blue swayers it's quite remarkable.

A small amount of coffee (like 1 cup a day) is likely ok but if you guys can switch to tea, even better.

I do not like Proceive. See how it has massive doses of many nutrients and then also has an ingredient called "inositol?" We have found inositol to sway pink and I prefer you guys avoid it, but it's really the most important to avoid those massive doses of things. Overdosing on nutrients is worse than taking nothing at all. These high doses of nutrients can make your cycle get really irregular.

I would find a fish oil that does not have EPO in it, no more than 500 mg a day. Do not give your husband EPO either.

I like you both to take a probiotic, coq10 (100 mg), and for your husband to take l-arginine 500 mg and carnitine 1000 mg.

If you're having a lot of green tea, or doing baking soda drink, Ural, alka seltzer (none of which I recommend) I like you to take up to 2000 mcg folic acid or folate (including the amount in your prenatal.) Take this all thru the entire first trimester and then gradually wean off by spacing doses further and further out till down to the amount in a prenatal.

Yes, diet is very important. The High Everything Diet we recommend is not at all restrictive and you would never get tired of being on it. If you think a swaying diet has to be limited and miserable you haven't seen the HE Diet yet! It's here: https://www.genderdreaming.com/forum/trying-to-conceive-a-boy/16806-high-everything-diet-nutshell-version.html Yes, we see good results with only 6 weeks on diet.

January 31st, 2021, 06:36 PM
Thank you so much for your reply atomic. Firstly all that information makes me feel much more at ease now so thank you for clarifying that, it gives me more confidence. Regards the multivitamins I will not buy that brand again, I have finished my lot hubby has a week in his and we won't take that fish oil either. I see this fish oil what do you think of this one?


I dont drink green tea and won't be doing the baking soda drinks either so will i still increase my folic acid as I was only taking recommended allowance all along?

February 1st, 2021, 04:41 AM
I ordered the coq10, L arginine and L carnitine could only get the L carnitine in 500mg so I assume just doubling up on that should be fine for him? With the coffee ya we can manage that atm I'm only drinking quite a milky coffee first thing in the morning and I'll have tea at lunch. I conceived all my girls on 3 cups of tea a day so wondered would I be best to cut out all tea/coffee perhaps 6 weeks prior? It would be hard i wont lie LOL but I'm willing to try. And is it ok to stay drinking full fat milk? I would have it in my cereals and my 2cups and on an odd occasion I could have a glass of cold milk at dinner time. I am going to look at the HE diet today to get a good understanding. My biggest problem atm is lack of sleep, my littlest is such a poor sleeper I could be up for 4 hrs or more some nights with her and I just feel drained the following day. I feel this could come against me somewhat.

atomic sagebrush
February 1st, 2021, 12:47 PM
Yes that Seven Seas is fine.

I'd have you take 800-1200 mcg of folic acid. I do think a little more than the recommended amount is still beneficial with boys. I had a baby boy with a neural tube defect taking 800 mcg daily plus eating a very healthy diet so I personally don't find the 400 mcg recommendation to be enough. Just take the extra thru the entire first trimester and then wean off to the amount in prenatal.

Yep just have him take 2 of the carnitines, morning and night.

I don't think you need to cut tea out totally and it may end up making you very headachy and cranky (as giving up caffeine does.) I would just stick with tea.

Yes PLEASE keep going with full fat milk. I find it great for boys.

While having disruptions in sleep may be somewhat pink friendly I have had most of my boys when sleep deprived. It was just that when I had my daughter I was TERRIBLY sleep deprived!! So don't overthink that, it is very likely not that big a deal and you're very likely getting plenty of rest for a blue sway.

February 2nd, 2021, 05:24 AM
Thank you, thank you for your help. With the folic acid is there any brand in particular to take better than others or can I just get a pharmacys own brand? I'm trying to locate a good probiotic but at the moment I am drinking kefir smoothies are these beneficial? Also I wondered about boy/girl friendly months is this something you believe to be true that on certain months we favour certain gender?

Regards my diet I will usually eat oatmeal in the morning with full fat milk, mid morning I'll have my coffee with a snack (this snack is where I have to tweak) some mornings could be a peanut and dark chocolate breakfast bar or a slice of wholemeal toast. Lunch varies between slim wholemeal bagel with turkey rashers avocado and lettuce (which I intend to substitute for spinach) or tuna and wholemeal rice with green beans. Dinners can be chicken fillet green beans broccoli potato and gravy, steak with oven roasted peppers mushrooms and onions, green beans on the side. We eat pastas wholemeal mostly and pizzas sometimes is this ok or should be cut out or how often should they be eaten? Fruit is my downfall all I like is apples oranges and bananas I dont like berries too much as I find them too sweet but can manage a smoothie, if I had a 250ml smoothie would this account for 1 of my 9 intake, I feel I will struggle to get 9 in 🤦*♀️

February 2nd, 2021, 05:33 AM



Just wanted to double check these with you before I buy thank you atomic 🙌

atomic sagebrush
February 2nd, 2021, 11:51 AM
I don't recommend brands as they change too much and there are too many to keep up with.

Kefir smoothies don't work because too much of the probiotic gets killed off. Now, they're great, don't get me wrong, but in terms of behaving like a probiotic they really don't work anywhere near as effectively as the probiotic pills.

It's ok if you can't get in all nine. People eat much bigger servings than they realize and in many cases what people think is one serving is really two or three. Apples, oranges, and bananas are great.

Your diet is looking very good to me!

atomic sagebrush
February 2nd, 2021, 11:52 AM



Just wanted to double check these with you before I buy thank you atomic ��

These are all fine!

February 9th, 2021, 09:10 AM
Thank you so much for your time atomic, I may be back in the lead up with some more questions. For now we are both taken our multivitamins and fish oil, I'm taken 800mcg folic acid and can increase if you think so as I have stocked up on my order that I am awaiting with hubby's further supplements and coq10 etc.

atomic sagebrush
February 9th, 2021, 05:29 PM
I generally like to see everyone on 1200. You don't ahve to if you're eating a well-balanced diet but I got a baby with a neural tube defect on 800 (even though it's supposed to be more than enough) so I tend to err on the side of that higher range thru the first trimester, then weaning back to the amount in a prenatal.

February 22nd, 2021, 07:47 AM
I will certainly increase my folic acid thank you. I'm not sure where I read also but am wondering does red wine sway blue or should alcohol be avoided? I would normally drink 1 maybe 2 small glasses of red on a Saturday night or every second weekend. And I also wondered what are your thoughts on gender friendly months? Again don't know where I read that certain months are blue friendly and certain months pink friendly ??

atomic sagebrush
February 22nd, 2021, 05:28 PM
While red wine has compounds in it that may sway blue, at the same time we have found daily alcohol consumtion may sway somewhat pink. Once a week red wine is perfectly ok and allowed, though.

There seems to be a small bump of male conceptions in the fall months (Sept.-Nov) and small bumps in girl conceptions in spring (Mar-May.) In the Southern Hemisphere these peaks are reversed and there are more boys conceived (we believe, though there isn't the body of science) Mar-May.

But it's not that important - I have a girl conceived in boy months and two boys in girl months!

February 23rd, 2021, 03:24 AM
Ok thank you atomic. Also I ordered more coq10 and realised when they arrived that I ordered 120mg capsules instead of 100mg. Are these ok to take or is that dose too high?

atomic sagebrush
February 23rd, 2021, 08:13 AM
Yes that's fine, not much more than the standard dose at all.

February 23rd, 2021, 09:33 AM
Great 🤗 I only got a months supply of the 120mg for me and hubby so when they're out I'll go back to the 100mg. Also can you look at these probiotic's, what do you think of them please and thank you so so much.


February 24th, 2021, 11:48 AM
Also have been meaning to ask about peppermint tea? Is it okay to have the occasional cup, I find it helps me with digestive discomfort and bloating and only ever have a cup maybe once every 10 days or so or when really needed.

atomic sagebrush
February 24th, 2021, 03:45 PM
Yes, that probiotic is fine!

Peppermint tea in rare use like once every 10 days is fine. I would not use it any more than 1x a week.

March 10th, 2021, 05:56 PM
Thank you!! So for breakfast I will alternate between oats with full fat milk or 2 boiled eggs with wholegrain toast (maybe avocado also sometimes) my question the morning I eat eggs and toast should I avoid bread again for lunch time and maybe go with rice instead of a turkey bagel etc? I usually try only eat bread in one meal but am conscious of needing to increase my carb intake. Also if I'm eating salmon once a week can I eat tuna for lunch twice in the week too, its just normal pots of tuna. And I need help on a bedtime snack if you have any suggestions please. Thank you atomic.

March 15th, 2021, 10:49 AM
Also wondered is this multivitamin juice okay to take in the morning with breakfast, I can't attach a screenshot so I will post a link. Thank you atomic.


atomic sagebrush
March 15th, 2021, 01:19 PM
As long as you have SOME carbs you don't need to increase carbs per se.

You can have bread twice if you like or change it up, totally at your discretion.

Normally I say to hold to 2x a week on fish, but as long as one of them is salmon (tends to be lower in mercury) then I'll let you go up to 3x since you like it so well, but no more than that

March 16th, 2021, 08:44 AM
Okay thank you! Wondered did you see the link I posted regards the multivitamin I drink at breakfast time? I also see on one of your other forums u mention unprotected sex throughout the month or sex with a non spermicide condom, can I ask why non spermicide?

atomic sagebrush
March 16th, 2021, 10:58 AM
Oh sorry duh I can't believe I did not comment on that!

Why not just have regular juice and take a multivitamin? My concern is that when you start drinking heavily fortified things you end up possibly getting too much, and that juice does not have many of the major nutrients in it so you can't use it in lieu of a vitamin. Just have juice and take a vitamin.

Spermicide residue may sway somewhat pink.

March 17th, 2021, 04:24 PM
No worries atomic, I imagine it can't be too easy replying to everything whilst working and raising your own family so this is all very much appreciated. I will just stick with regular orange juice and I checked the condoms don't have spermicide thankfully. I find it hard to pinpoint O so mid cycle prefer to use protection, we have started doing un protected around day 7 on, this month even up to day 10 (do you think this is ok? As we are a few months still off trying.)

atomic sagebrush
March 17th, 2021, 05:02 PM
Yes that's just dandy!!

April 21st, 2021, 04:59 PM
Hi Atomic, so I just wanted to check in with you again as we are hoping to start our first attempts mid June (if my periods keep up this regular). So we are both taken all our supplements religiously but was wondering should we increase vit d as were only on centrum multivitamin. I probably have a good 6-8 weeks before trying so want to make sure I have every box ticked. My husband has completely changed his diet and has lost over a stone in weight atm he is doing cardio to bring it down but will slow that down in the coming weeks he just wants to get to his goal weight first. He has quit coffee and smoking he cut out wheat in his diet as he is somewhat intolerant and he is making a conscious effort to not drink alcohol so much. I have increase my protein in all meals along with hubby and I do feel with the last 2 cycles I am able to pinpoint O better, I also use the clearblue OPKs as they give a high fertility sign and then a peak, so am I right in saying starting bd when I get high fertility smiley face or wait til peak? Is there anything else I should do in the lead up

atomic sagebrush
April 22nd, 2021, 01:48 PM
Are you aiming at doing Shettles timing or not?

April 23rd, 2021, 05:37 PM
No not as such, I feel with my 3 daughters we only had 1 or 2 attempts right when I got my first positive opk which looking back on that now it's very obvious how we got all girls. I feel I don't O for a good 4 days after my first opk and before I only ever used those cheap sticks, this time I'm using the clearblue where I get a flashing smiley face for high fertility and then a solid smiley for peak. I got my peak wednesday this week and had cramps, today (friday) I'm getting a nerve popping sensation in my left side and I got this last month too around ovulation?? So I feel I O more on the 48hr side after my peak. I really dont mind about timing but my biggest thing is being able to keep up with all attempts as I don't get a lot of sleep so I just dont wana fall short. Hubby also has bad back atm he is going to physio but some nights he is just so sore also.

atomic sagebrush
April 25th, 2021, 12:31 PM
If you don't care about timing I'd have attempt starting the day of the second "flashy" smiley. Then have one that day, one the day of first solid, one the day of second solid (this gets you to the three attempts without having to exhaust you or hubby) and if you CAN, one the following day too.

May 4th, 2021, 06:43 AM
Great atomic thank you for the advice, my periods came a little early this month cd 27 seems I had a short luteal phase is this any concern? I'll be interested to see what my next period is like as we will try after that in june. Also should I be taken extra vid d (think I read it on some thread?) I'm only taken the centrum multivitamin along with the other supplements you suggested.

atomic sagebrush
May 4th, 2021, 10:46 AM
If you ovulated on CD 14 that's not a short LP. Anywhere from a 12-14 day LP is totally normal and even 10-11 days is long enough to conceive with.

The Centrum has enough in it of the Vitamin D, no need for more.

May 16th, 2021, 12:22 PM
Thanks atomic I think my O was cd 16/17, I usually would be a 30 plus cycle very rarely under 30 days. My main question atm is, my daughters birthday is the start of june so possibly a week before we plan to try, we have family staying that weekend with us and would love to have a few drinks throughout the day and night but also I dont wana ruin my chances. Would you suggest avoiding alcohol that weekend when I'm so close?

atomic sagebrush
May 17th, 2021, 06:31 PM
No not at all, drinking in moderation would not matter just one day!

May 28th, 2021, 05:54 AM
Thanks atomic, I feel with the last 2 weeks I have been very lax on exercise and diet, will be having our first attempts in 2weeks I'm nervous I may have affected my sway. Also is it okay to have a low cal protein bar sometimes as a mid morning snack after my fruit? I am aware there is a lot of sugar in those still and wondering am I best to avoid them and stick with my dark chocolate rice cracker and peanut butter? I feel I'm just getting sick of all the foods atm and looking for change I dono is it cause I feel really tired the last 2 weeks maybe.

atomic sagebrush
May 28th, 2021, 11:42 AM
It's ok, most of us have some times where we eat a little less.

What type of protein is in the bar? I would have it INSTEAD of fruit, not along with - you will end up gaining too much weight just adding in more food. You should always feel free to change things up but just be sure you're getting enough of whatever it is.

June 9th, 2021, 02:45 AM
Ok thank you. I just read the back its milk protein and soy protein isolate is what I can see 🤷*♀️ I wouldn't have the bar often just when I feel I need a pick me up. Also Atm I am on cd 11 we have bd cd 6 9 10 is it okay to give it a break for another 2 days before we have our proper attempts and I am also out of pro biotic this week should I buy more or can I stop those?

atomic sagebrush
June 9th, 2021, 12:49 PM
I suggest avoiding soy protein if at all possible. There are many bars on the market that do not have soy in them.

I can't tell you if it's ok to take a break for 2 days because I can't know when you're going to ovulate. If you ovulate CD 12 or 13, you'd be taking off the prime time for your attempts.

I do like you guys to continue probiotic if you can but it's your call to make.

June 9th, 2021, 03:47 PM
I will avoid the bars with soy thanks atomic. The last 2 months I have tracked using opk and I have being getting my peak at cd15, I know that could change of course as I would not be regular down to the day when it comes to O and my periods. I tested yesterday cd 10 and showed I was not fertile, if perhaps I continued to test over the next few days and take a break if I'm not fertile? I'm just conscious of burning out too soon or should we just bd every second night regardless until I get my peak?

atomic sagebrush
June 10th, 2021, 11:47 AM
It's your call, but I would be inclined to continue with the sex at least every 2 days. just because you've gotten peak on CD 15 in the past, this month it could come on CD 12, 13 and this is true even if a test is showing that you're not yet fertile. The tests are really not that reliable, we use them simply because that's what we have, but I don't like to see you guys expect them to be infallible. The fertile window can be opening any time now so I'd not take more than a day or two off.

June 11th, 2021, 03:03 AM
Perfect atomic, so currently I'm on cd13 we have bd cd6 9 10 and 12, on cd11 opk showed low fertility and last night on cd12 I got my flashing smiley so we bd. Would you say to now continue everyday when I got my flashing smiley or every 2 days until I get my peak?

atomic sagebrush
June 11th, 2021, 10:54 AM
If you can go every day, that's great. If not, take the day of second flashy (if you get one) off and then both days of peak, plus one more day after just in case of delayed O.

If you DON'T get that second flashy and instead just go straight to peak, then BD both days of peak and the day after in case of delayed O.

If you KEEP getting flashy days (more than two) then BD every other day you're getting flashies and then hit it with the peak attempts too. :)

June 15th, 2021, 01:56 PM
Hi Atomic so we bd on cd 6, 9,10,12 (my first flashing smiley) cd 14 (day 3 of flashing smiley) got my solid smiley (peak) on cd15 so bd cd 15, 16 and will bd tonight on cd 17. A little disappointed we didn't get 2 attempts in on cd 16 but hoping we have otherwise done enough. Should we continue with attempts into cd 18 do you think? Or is it safe to say the window is closed at that point

atomic sagebrush
June 16th, 2021, 01:30 PM
It's probably closed but there's never HARM in BD after the egg is gone, and that way you'll be covered in case of delayed O. Your call to make.

June 16th, 2021, 03:37 PM
We won't unfortunately get another bd in tonight due to hubby's work but I'm feeling hopeful with lack of cm my window is closed anyway and feel good about our attempts. Thank you for all your help and advice atomic, now for the 2 week wait, fingers crossed for me. I'll will keep you posted 🤗

atomic sagebrush
June 17th, 2021, 10:08 AM
You had a great attempt! Sending tons of blue dust!

June 26th, 2021, 05:11 PM
So AF showed up today on cd28 �� I felt our attempts were fairly good so putting it down to a bad egg/sperm. We also got an attempt in on cd18 as we thought we may not have been able to, so I'm not thinking it was late O. Got a lot of cramps from 6dpo quite strong to the point I was feeling sickly and my diet went crap as a result. I usually wouldn't cramp that bad or early before my period so was unusual for me. Hubby also ran out of L-Carnitine about 6 days ago I have some more ordered but probably wont be here for another 2days, will this affect our sway for this month do u think atomic? And the fact I have been quite bad on my diet the last week too, breakfast has been my one main meal I haven't binged out on. I am back into diet mode again as of today even though all I am craving atm is chocolate due to time of the month lol but all in all do you think were still good to go again this month or have those 2 hiccups (hubby's tablets and my diet) affected our sway?

atomic sagebrush
June 27th, 2021, 01:52 PM
Aww, I'm sorry, I wish this had been the month! You did have great attempts, so we just need the egg/sperm to cooperate and you'll be in!

No worries about the l-carnitine, just pick it up when it arrives.

There's nothing wrong with a bit of chocolte for blue, I certainly had my fair share with my boys! Just pick it up with diet and move on, I'd def. have you try this upcoming month!

June 30th, 2021, 06:21 AM
Great thanks Atomic. Would you add in an extra bd on my O day or just go with similar pattern to last month where we bd 5 days starting the day before my solid smiley, we were doing every second day leading upto my window. Also I got coconut water, how much and when should I start drinking this? Does hubby take it also? Any other tips very welcomed, I'm not so much anxious to get pregnant straight away (although it would be great) I'm just conscious of the expense of diet and meds the longer on on it.

atomic sagebrush
June 30th, 2021, 03:13 PM
Hey, I am ALWAYS for adding another attempt in the fertile window when possible.

Just one coco water a day in the week leading into O will give you some extra potassium. Hubby can have it too if he's willing.

I think you're doing everything right, it's just a matter of waiting for the right egg and right sperm to find each other.

June 30th, 2021, 06:09 PM
Fingers crossed for a good match this month 😄🤞 I will def try add in an extra bd if possible. With the coconut water when you say one a day, is it a standard 250ml or what amount as I just bought a 1ltr carton to start with so I may order more.

atomic sagebrush
July 1st, 2021, 11:22 AM
Just a serving. Whatever's on the bottle is fine.

July 13th, 2021, 04:33 AM
Hi atomic, so this cycle has been a bit funny, normal daily routine has changed since the kids have been on summer holidays and I see the change in my cycle. I am currently on cd18 and didn't get my peak on opk til cd16 this time. Up until my peak I was getting low fertility and trying to get attempts in this month seemed harder as we are both exhausted. So my pattern so far is bd 8,9,11,13, never managed to get one in on cd14 or 15 which makes me feel like we could have messed up this month, however we managed bd x 2 morning and night on cd 16 (got my peak later that day) bd again cd 17 and plan for one more bd tonight cd18. Fingers crossed for success this month although we may have missed out on our chances. Also I am due my HPV cervical screening and only available appointment will fall on my cd 26, is it okay to go ahead this close to possible AF or should I postpone for mid cycle next month assuming I'm not pregnant?

atomic sagebrush
July 13th, 2021, 03:26 PM
That is GREAT actually!!! I think you're in with a fine attempt.

Unless you are at high risk of HPV I would call and postpone that, or at least ask them if they think it's ok to have the exam.

August 24th, 2021, 06:11 AM
Hi atomic, back to you again so you'll prob see in a separate thread I asked about the vaccine. Because we are going to go for the vaccine this week and wont get second dose until end of sept, we are gonna put a pause on ttc. Our attempts won't start again til end of Oct as I'd like to give my body a month after vaccine. My main question is it ok to give a total break from swaying, go easy on our diet but maintain certain things in it and stop taken all the supplements? If so I would only do this for the next 4 weeks and resume once vaccine is done so that I would have 6 weeks run up with diet and supplements to first attempts. What are your thoughts? Are we better off to continue the sway? I just feel I need to reset fully.

atomic sagebrush
August 24th, 2021, 11:46 AM
You should continue the fundamental principles of the diet but you can cut back on calories and snacking. If you fall a little short some days, it's ok.

PLEASE PLEASE continue the supplements. There is NO reason whatsoever to go off them. Every one of those supplements for blue is safe indefinitely, good for you, and will help you get past any issues you have from the vaccine (a few people are getting a little mild Covid from the vax.)

You don't need to "reset". Aside from the potential to gain too much weight, the blue sway is all beneficial to overall health. I don't know what you think you need to "reset" here (and please feel free to elaborate on this so I can put your mind at ease), but all you'll do is undo the good that has been done for no reason, and then try to start over again for 6 weeks which is the barest minimum. I don't see any point in doing this at all.

August 30th, 2021, 03:44 PM
Thank you atomic I will take your advice and stay on my supplements, I think I was just finding it all a little much with the whole vaccine throwing us out now and more so then reset I was just wanting to not have to think about ttc for a while but a different mind frame was all I need so thank you for making me focus on the positives ie. Stick with the supplements and diet as it's good for my health atm and that is what I need to be the healthiest me. I have cut back on snacking because I did feel I was putting on some weight so I'm just doing the basics and staying mindful of my protein with every meal etc. Thanks for your time atomic. I will update you on my cycle and vaccine etc. Also do you think its wise to hold of ttc until I know my cycle is right again or just keep going with opks to detect O. Wont be trying til october the earliest.

atomic sagebrush
August 31st, 2021, 02:41 PM
Just reset it in your mind as being for an overall healthy lifestyle (which it is, and we ALL need that right now!) and keep rolling!

If you're finding the whole thing stressful, I would just use protection and stop testing with OPK. Let the TTC stuff fade away, there's no benefit to continuing to track with OPK (unlike the supplements, where there is a definite benefit to continuing them!)

June 28th, 2022, 05:18 PM
Hi atomic so we had a big break from ttc since Aug '21 last, we were unsuccessful at our attempts and life became busy so we put it on pause. So we are considering attempts again in the next 4months, a little update; in the last few messages you will see I ask about the covid vaccine and we both took the vaccine around August/sept '21. About 3/4 weeks later my husband started getting pains in his left testicle (months later we discovered it was varicoceles) he is still experiencing pain with regards this and getting very little answers as to where to go from here with doctors. Regards myself I love alternative therapies and discovered my ovaries need assistance, which didn't come as a big shock because the vaccine messed with my cycle and has only been coming right the last few months. My main question atomic is do you know much about varicocele veins in the testical and how would they affect sperm count and us ttc blue? Thank you in advance for reading this 🙏

atomic sagebrush
June 30th, 2022, 11:42 AM
Yes, we have had a lot of guys with varicocele. The best things you can do are what you'd already be doing for your blue sway anyway - take a men's vitamin, carnitine and arginine, have him do regular release every 2-4 days, and be sure his "jewels" aren't getting overheated. Varicocele can sometimes lower sperm count, but in most cases it is able to be overcome, and we have many men who have fathered lots of boys with varicocele (unlike things like smoking, it is NOT a strong trend towards more girls conceived, we have a even split with varicocele so I don't think it sways very much if at all.)

We have had a lot of trouble with alternative therapies. Can you please give me more details about their claims that you "need assistance with your ovaries" because in many cases they are misinterpreting normal biology as a disorder, and giving people herbal "treatments" that do nothing at best, and at worst can actually cause you to have issues you never had in the first place, delaying or even stopping ovulation, and possibly swaying pink. Please run every supplement by me before you take it as I have information about how these things are affecting our swayers and most of it is not good.