View Full Version : Personalized boy sway plan: how to add it on?

July 3rd, 2021, 11:34 PM
Super nervous posting here and sent an email to admin, but since I don’t have more than 6 weeks left, I want to get this out there as soon as possible. I’m trying to get a personal boy sway plan. Not sure why but I was only able to get the $99 ebook and didn’t see the options for a personal plan and coaching. Currently on the dream member plan but wanting a little bit more personalized coaching and want the plan added on. Please advise on how to access a plan and some coaching. Thanks in advance!

atomic sagebrush
July 4th, 2021, 03:29 PM
If you buy from the main page it doesn't offer the personalized plan because most people who visit the main page don't want personal coaching. The personal plan is in the forums instead. But that's ok, just message me with your personal info (by clicking on my user name) regarding your personal needs - health issues, sway tactics you want to include, that sort of thing - and I'll make you a personal plan right away!

July 19th, 2021, 07:50 PM
Hey Atomic! I started CoQ10 like 7 weeks ago and I notice that my cycle has been thrown off. Last month ovulation was a few days late (I used lh strips and OvuSense device to confirm). And this month, ovulation is even later. Could be factors of stress that are effecting it, but do you think I should stop taking them? I use 100mg of pharmnord brand CoQ10 which is supposed to be super bioavailabile. Pretty sure all my supplements don’t do this because the CoQ10 was added later. Started then because at 35+ thought they’d help with egg quality.

atomic sagebrush
July 20th, 2021, 03:37 PM
What other supplements are you on?? Sometimes they take a bit of time to kick in so you start them and don't see a disruption until you've been on them a few months.

But by all means it's fine to wean off the coq10 and see if it normalizes!! I honestly don't think supplements help egg quality much (if at all) and so you're really not going to undo any good for egg quality or for a blue sway by weaning off it.

July 20th, 2021, 10:37 PM
Ok will do. I’m taking pink stork liquid prenatal vitamins and an extra liquid folate. I take a fish oil every other day because of the high dose.

atomic sagebrush
July 22nd, 2021, 01:26 PM
The Pink Stork doesn't have megadoses but it does have some additional herbal components. (green tea extract, for a start - green tea has caused some people's cycles to go wonky) Now, I suspect those are in such small amounts they can't possibly be doing anything but those are the types of things that can cause issues. I would def. try dropping the coq10 first to see if that helps.

July 23rd, 2021, 10:33 AM
Atomic, we have a home gym in the garage. At this time of year it’s pretty hot in there. Hubby works out and goes hard for up to an hour every day. Both weights and cardio always working up a sweat too. He’s also out at least an hour a day in the hot weather tending to the lawn etc. I didn’t think it would be a problem but now I wonder if this could possibly compromise his sperm count but particularly harm y sperm. Let me know what you think. These are his habits at least 5x a week.

atomic sagebrush
July 23rd, 2021, 12:09 PM
Y sperm aren't actually any more susceptible to damage than X, that's been completely debunked. But for reasons we don't know, fewer sperm does seem to sway pink for reasons we don't understand. So what I'd do is be sure he's spending as much time a day cooled off and wearing loose fitting underwear and pants, or even sleeping in the nude, as he can. I have an essay that may be helpful here: https://www.genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/62485-family-jewels-faq-blue-pink.html?highlight=family+jewels