View Full Version : stoping BCP

October 19th, 2022, 05:08 PM
i stop BCP this week and my period begins two days ago
is it good to ttc in Dec
(my expexcted ovulation day is 23 of Dec)
i start my diet now but i think my body is full of progestrone because of BCP(i am boy swayer)

October 21st, 2022, 11:13 AM
BCP =birth control pills
i forget to mention that i was having these pills for three years

atomic sagebrush
October 21st, 2022, 03:45 PM
Progesterone has never been proven to sway, it cannot POSSIBLY work the way the old school swayers say it does (because progesterone stops ovulation, so women who have girls can't be full of progesterone) and it would be out of your body by then anyway. Once you start ovulating, that is proof there is no extra progesterone that isn't supposed to be there.

December is plenty of time for a blue swayer to be on diet, off birth control, and try on that timeline. Go for it!

October 27th, 2022, 04:33 PM
i am using digital ovulation precdict no ovulation until now .
i am on CD 15
my period usullay comes after 28 days

atomic sagebrush
October 28th, 2022, 07:30 PM
Well, if you just came off BCP your cycle can be a bit different. Did you have a specific question?

October 28th, 2022, 11:02 PM
my question is
Is there some monthes a woman has no ovulation and has regular periods ?

atomic sagebrush
October 29th, 2022, 12:25 PM
my question is
Is there some monthes a woman has no ovulation and has regular periods ?

Not really. If you ovulate, you will get a period about 10-14 days later, and if you haven't ovulated you will not get a true period.

Now, what can happen is that sometimes women can have something called a breakthrough bleed, which happens in a cycle where you don't ovulate, and your estrogen drops so much that the uterine lining comes off even without ovulation happening. This can seem very much like a period, but it isn't one really.

Sometimes, when people are not ovulating at all, they can mistake breakthrough bleeds for a period, and so they may go on a while thinking they are ovulating but they can't get pregnant. Typically, this would not be a regular cycle, and people might have long and short cycles interspersed, the "flow" might not be like a regular period. It is VERY VERY rare, as in I've only ever seen it happen once, that a person would have a 28 day cycle with a breakthrough bleed happening at the exact time as an "average" cycle. To be honest, I actually have my doubts that this EVER happened, as the doctor told her it was "always happening" but had only ever tested her for ovulation in one month. She was probably ovulating and getting her period regularly and just hadn't that month.

That's the background info - as for your OWN personal situation, I think what you are asking me is "if my period comes on CD 28, and I still haven't gotten a positive OPK yet, does that mean that I will have a month where I don't ovulate and have my period". What will happen, if your ovulation is delayed, is that your luteal phase and period will simply get tacked onto that. So if you ovulate CD 21, for example, then you'd get your period CD 35. If you ovulate late, your period will generally move later too.

A few times - rarely, though not as rare as someone always having a breakthrough bleed on CD 28 - we'll see a person who has delayed ovulation AND a short LP that happen at the same time. So they may ovulate CD 21, but then have a 7 day LP, and get their period CD 28. This doesn't happen very much at all! In most cases when people think this happened to them, they simply missed their positive OPK!

Long story short, the odds are very high that you'll ovulate a bit later than your norm, and then have your normal LP tacked onto that, and get your period late.

October 29th, 2022, 05:14 PM
i am now on CD 17 i try my ovulation digital test and it is POSITIVe
as you say
i have lated ovulation
it is the first time it happen to me
usually i ovulated at cd 13/14
is this because i change my diet Litle for a boy diet (i just drop sugar and cut to half my coffee)
sorry for my English

atomic sagebrush
October 29th, 2022, 06:11 PM
It's probably because you just came off the birth control. That's very common.

November 11th, 2022, 02:27 AM
my period usually start after 28 days
now i am CD 30 and does not start yet
Does that mean if ovulation delays period delays also
i do not start TCC yet
and pregnancy test negative

atomic sagebrush
November 11th, 2022, 09:28 AM
Yes, if your ovulation is delayed, your period will come late as well. Your luteal phase, the second part of your cycle after ovulation, is about 12-14 days long in most cases, so if your ovulation has come late, your period will come late as well.

atomic sagebrush
November 11th, 2022, 09:29 AM
There is a more thorough explanation in this post about how your period comes late when ovulation is delayed.

Not really. If you ovulate, you will get a period about 10-14 days later, and if you haven't ovulated you will not get a true period.

Now, what can happen is that sometimes women can have something called a breakthrough bleed, which happens in a cycle where you don't ovulate, and your estrogen drops so much that the uterine lining comes off even without ovulation happening. This can seem very much like a period, but it isn't one really.

Sometimes, when people are not ovulating at all, they can mistake breakthrough bleeds for a period, and so they may go on a while thinking they are ovulating but they can't get pregnant. Typically, this would not be a regular cycle, and people might have long and short cycles interspersed, the "flow" might not be like a regular period. It is VERY VERY rare, as in I've only ever seen it happen once, that a person would have a 28 day cycle with a breakthrough bleed happening at the exact time as an "average" cycle. To be honest, I actually have my doubts that this EVER happened, as the doctor told her it was "always happening" but had only ever tested her for ovulation in one month. She was probably ovulating and getting her period regularly and just hadn't that month.

That's the background info - as for your OWN personal situation, I think what you are asking me is "if my period comes on CD 28, and I still haven't gotten a positive OPK yet, does that mean that I will have a month where I don't ovulate and have my period". What will happen, if your ovulation is delayed, is that your luteal phase and period will simply get tacked onto that. So if you ovulate CD 21, for example, then you'd get your period CD 35. If you ovulate late, your period will generally move later too.

A few times - rarely, though not as rare as someone always having a breakthrough bleed on CD 28 - we'll see a person who has delayed ovulation AND a short LP that happen at the same time. So they may ovulate CD 21, but then have a 7 day LP, and get their period CD 28. This doesn't happen very much at all! In most cases when people think this happened to them, they simply missed their positive OPK!

Long story short, the odds are very high that you'll ovulate a bit later than your norm, and then have your normal LP tacked onto that, and get your period late.

November 12th, 2022, 04:24 AM
does this mean i have changed my diet i just stop sugar and coffee
no suppliment yet

atomic sagebrush
November 12th, 2022, 12:38 PM
Again, since you have within the last month stopped birth control, any strangeness in your cycle is probably down to that.

November 13th, 2022, 07:53 AM
i am on BCP for about three years and
i have read somewhere having BCP produces Progestrone in your body that will affect my blue swaying negatively
howlong i have to wait to let my body be free of these hormones
to increase the success of my blue swaying ?!

i use calender and may be my big ovulation day in 30 DEC

atomic sagebrush
November 13th, 2022, 10:32 AM
Progesterone doesn't sway blue, first of all. It is a natural part of the menstrual cycle. You have low progesterone in the first part of the cycle, and high progesterone in the second part of the cycle. This is 100% normal and natural and you should not do anything other than just regular swaying to

I like to see my blue swayers wait a cycle coming off the BCP but it's not because of progesterone per se but because disrupted cycles from BCP may sway pink.

You CANNOT ovulate if you have high progesterone. If you ovulate, that means your progesterone is low. So that's a sure sign that the progesterone has "left the building".

I don't understand your question about the calendar.

November 13th, 2022, 02:37 PM
Do you think only one cycle is enough to reset my harmonies?

atomic sagebrush
November 13th, 2022, 05:36 PM
Most people have waited 1-3 months after coming off BCP. As a general rule I think it's best to be off them as long as you can beforehand. But I don't want you guys waiting and waiting for no real reason to try. Often this really backfires on people, either they end up having issues from being on diet too long (in the case of blue swayers this would be excess weight gain) or else they get frustrated and give up the sway after a short time (since they already waited a long time) and end up trying in months that are worse than the ones they skipped. https://atomicsagebrush.substack.com/p/help-should-i-wait-a-month/comments