View Full Version : PCOS girl friendly snacks?

November 21st, 2022, 12:28 PM
I’ve got my meals DOWN :superhero: but I always get ravenous at about 3pm and reach for a sweet snack :hair: I’ve been trying to reach for nuts and fruit or cheese but I admit, I like the unhealthy stuff…

So, what are some easy to grab PCOS LE girl diet friendly snacks I could grab instead of a chocolate biscuit? Haha. Suggest anything as I’m pretty good at keeping within my protein and fat limits so I can play about to make things fit limits!

Thank you kindly!

atomic sagebrush
November 22nd, 2022, 07:55 AM
I would probably just add a fourth meal if you really need one - that can help cravings go away. But if you just have to eat something sweet, I would try to find something that is relatively healthy like a Larabar (I am told these are available in the UK now), something peanut butter or nut based (you could make a trail mix with nuts and then a small amount of dried fruit and choc in it), or one of the keto-based snacks that has fat but is sweetened with sugar alcohol and is very low carbs.

November 22nd, 2022, 10:17 AM
Larabar sounds like just the thing I need thank you! I’ve not seen them but we do have something called a Nakd. Bar (https://eatnakd.com/) which are really easy to find and to my eyes look like basically the same thing so
Presumably that could work too?

atomic sagebrush
November 22nd, 2022, 03:08 PM
Yes those are great! Absolutely.