View Full Version : Nightmares / Night waking

February 8th, 2012, 10:22 PM
I have 3.5yo boy twins. They've always shared a room and always been good sleepers. We moved house in October and at Xmas time (after giving them some time to settle into their new room) I moved them from their toddler cot beds to single beds. They love their 'big boys' beds and are happy in their new room. BUT....

The older of the 2 has recently started waking between 2-3am and wanting to get in my bed. I always take him back to his bed and resettle him. But he once he does it once he usually comes back multiple times. Sometimes he says he can see shadows or makes up elaborate stories about spiders and whatnot that makes me think he is having bad dreams. But he doesn't seem distressed when he comes in.

I've tried nightlights and even giving him a torch so its not too dark. But that doesn't seem to be the problem. Occasionally I've taken him into bed with me to give him a cuddle but after 10mins he almost always asks to go back to his own bed.

Any suggestions? Is this just a normal developmental stage that will pass? At this point I'm sorely tempted to give him some anti-histamine to knock him out so I can get some damn sleep....

February 8th, 2012, 11:03 PM
My 3.5yo boy is doing the exact same thing. He doesn't get too upset most times but other times he's sobbing. He comes to our room as well and if he's calm we just tuck him back into his bed. If he's really upset my hubby will go lay with him in his bed(double). My oldest went through this as well and by 5yo it seemed to stop(he's nearly 6 now and he pees/gets water on his own and puts himself back to bed! Yay!!). I think it's just one of those things that you just have to deal with for a short time. "This too shall pass". I feel your pain, Mama. Hugs~

June 18th, 2012, 10:09 AM
my 2 y/o gets like this too i wondr if its bad dreams..