View Full Version : Baking Soda, Reg Cabbage test and thread test

February 9th, 2012, 08:02 AM
Hey ladies, so do you believe in the naking soda , red cabbage and thread test to determine gender??? I have done all 3 and they all result in girl. I know it's no guarentee and jsut for fun. I have posted my US pic from 12 weeks and alot of people are guessing boy. I already have a DS and honestly would not mind another boy at all, but there is something inside me that really would like a DD. Just wondering what your thoughts are and if anyone has done these tests and had an US confirm the gender.
If you have a sec too if you don't ming looking at my US pic and see what you think. Thanks ladies. Can't wait to hear your results!

atomic sagebrush
February 9th, 2012, 08:39 AM
I am hopeless at guessing nubs but I just want you to know that there is nothing reliable to the baking soda/cabbage test. All you are doing is measuring the pH of the last foods you ate - nothing at all to do with baby's gender. Good luck! No matter what you hear, you can't go wrong - 2 boys is great and so is a girl! :)

February 9th, 2012, 11:55 AM
Oh I know there is no guarentee and just for fun but there is some theory behind the whole ph in the urine, and you use your first morning pee, not sure about you but I'm up every 2 hours peeing still! lol Thanks for the advise though! And yes I will be excited for either gender! thanks again! :)

February 9th, 2012, 12:00 PM
they all told me girl too! as you can see WRONG!! the only one that worked for me was the bleach test. you take equal amounts of fmu and bleach and mix them. if it fizzes and looks like sprite or 7-up its a girl if it foams at all (like beer) its a boy. mine foamed so much it overflowed. trust me i tried all the tests, i looked at all the chinese gender charts, i did the ring and the cabbage then i even did the baking soda. i wasted money on inteilligender. all with girl results. i think the only way to tell 100% is a good ultrasound but the test are fun, just take them with a grain of salt.