View Full Version : Hypnobirthing

February 12th, 2012, 07:44 AM
I'm just browsing and researching and came across Hypnobirthing. Has anyone done it? tried it?
Share you experiences.
Also i saw online that you have to attend a class (course) which is quite prices and i'm unaware weather or not they do them in English in this country. So i was wondering could you go at it alone by reading the books, listening to the CD and self educate?

February 12th, 2012, 09:37 AM
Ive done it and am doing it again with this baby Im currently prego with. I found it to be very helpful with my last labor and really like it. I did take a class last pregnancy w my DH but this time around Im just listening to the CDs and re- read parts of the book. I think you will be fine w/out taking the class, you just have to be dedicated. Im
curious to see if anyone else chimes in! Im preparing now and praying this birth goes as quickly as the last one.

February 12th, 2012, 10:57 AM
Hi Thanks for the feedback .. I'm trying to find out about the classes here but googles isn't hitting up anything i think i'll need to talk to my doctor about it.
Dedication is the key i think. A focused mind.
I hope other chim in it would be good to hear from them.

February 12th, 2012, 12:03 PM
I did the CDs and book with DS3 and I went to one session with a hypnotherapist. In all honesty, I found it very relaxing in pregnancy and useful in the early part of labour but it all went out the window when things got going. I think it would be far more beneficial to go to classes with DH and to have him onboard - or maybe a Doula if DH isn't up for it. I will probably do the CDs again and I would love for us to do the classes as a couple but finding a babysitter isn't possible so that will have to do!

April 29th, 2012, 04:15 AM
I wanted to update that I managed to do a hypnosis for childbirth course - and to get DH along for one of the two days (we couldn't get a babysitter for the other!). I'm so impressed and can't tell you how helpful the course has been. Of course I haven't had the baby yet but I'm feeling so positive about it already from the work we did on the course. I think every pregnant woman should be taught hypnosis for childbirth techniques :D For anybody in the UK, the programme I did was Easibirthing and I'd recommend it.

April 30th, 2012, 05:51 PM
I did hypno birthing from a book with cd with ds1 and it was mildly useful but not half as thorough as hypnobabies. That is a far more in-depth preparation and I found it incredibly useful. I felt totally prepared and if I hadn't had a slow-down mid-labour and got sent home, I would have been using only those techniques throughout the birth. As it was I needed the gas&air to get me back to calm after an hour in the cafe panicking that I wasn't going to be able to walk back to the car!

For me, it linked in with yoga techniques I'd used for years. That might be why I didn't feel that I missed the classes which are very expensive and required a time commitment we couldn't make. You can buy the materials direct from America but it is costly.